
6 years, 5 months ago



"Always try! The only way, to live is to swim forward..!"

Name Ita
Age 22
Height 5’11’’
Birthday March (exact date unknown)
Build lean with slight muscle, swimmers body
Species beta/angler fish mermaid
Gender boy? (intersex, he/him)
Orient. 🐟 (pansexual)
Alignment chaotic good
Occupation n/a
Theme falling
Creator moonilymoth
Worth n/a
Design Notes

  • glowy angler bulb on head
  • large slightly glowy blue spots on cheeks, neck, arms, and back
  • fingers fade from dark blue to blue to skin
  • dull skin and blue blood, so should be shaded with blue
  • black eyes with white lashes and red around eyes underneath hair
  • 3 large scars on back/side as well as 3 missing spots
  • sharp teeth and bright blue tongue

playful 🌊 casual 🌊 curious 🌊 observant 🌊 stubborn

Ita is a fun and playful person, always ready for adventure! His demeanor is one full of optimism, rarely pulled down by lifes negativities. Most would likely describe him as care-free and happy, which is not far from the truth. Like anyone, he has his own worries but prefers to focus on moving forward. His energetic and sunny personality tends to attract even more reserved people, and he has an innate ability to get people to open up. His attitude and general outlook are relaxed and fun, simply wanting to enjoy life and not worry too much about anything. Despite the times he's been wronged, he never holds past pains in his heart, and remains open and friendly. At times, he struggles to communicate his feelings properly due to his slip-ups with language, and so prefers to carry out feelings in actions rather than words.

Due to his previous life in the ocean, Ita is curious about all things in life. He's a quick learner with a thirst for knowledge! His intelligence is usually measured moreso by his ability to pick up on things quickly, rather than information he already knows. At times his curiosity can lead to him asking rather blunt questions or prying a little too deep into things, no way out of ill intent rather than his own inability to know he's even doing something wrong. His curiosity works hand in hand with his observant nature, something most don't expect from him due to his usual personality. He is not just observant and a quick learner in academics, but with people and life as well. His ability to pick up on patterns and notice when something is amiss is helpful in both combat and with his day-to-day friendships. He uses this part of him to simply be a better friend, trying to pick up on mood changes or interests.

Despite all his kind and excitedable traits though, at his core Ita is a stubborn person. If he firmly believes in something, he keeps steadfast to it and is not quick to change his mind. This makes him a loyal friend, but also causes some poor decisions. It is something few people know, but many of his drives are fueled by his stubbornness and spite. Due to his upbringings, he detests being underestimated, and so much of his hardwork is driven by the need to prove others wrong. When his views or person is challenged, he tends to immediately push back and prove it wrong. This sometimes leads to reckless and bad decisions, a side of himself that he can't hold back. In the end, his biggest goal is to prove he is capable - that he is enough.


fluid manipulation - when using his mana, Ita can cup his hands to his mouth and blow something similar to a bubble with his spit. for larger objects, fluid from the spots on his throat and face will drain and fade, but these will replenish over time. the bubbles usually form "cute" or harmless animals, typically fish as a ploy. once near, the fluid will morph into a weapon of choice and harden, usually throwing knives, and attack. another variation is the bubble fish becoming offensive and hardening their "teeth" and "fins" for sharp attacks.

apothecary - ita is skilled in potion making, though his range of known recipes isn't wide. through experimentation he's learned certain fluids from his own body give added effects his potions, the known ones being tears (boost), spit (offensive), and blood (healing). the potions he most commonly makes is healing, mana regen, and hallucingins.

shift able to sharpen and elongate his own teeth to that of an anglers set, though not used as much anymore due to it's main use being to feed while he lived in the ocean.


Ita was born in the colder, darker waters of Voxis, where sunlight was scarce. Many years went were he clung to his parents sides and few words were spoken – communication in the form of hums and clicks. Though as the mermaid aged relations with his birth parents became more and more distant. He was to mature and venture, hunt on his own. He knew it was not abandonment though, knew his family still loved his as dearly as he held them in his heart.

Soon he began to venture on his own, swim higher than he was used to. He began to swim closer and closer to the surface, let his skin and scales feel warmth for one of the first times and take in the strange sensation of sunlight. Despite it being dangerous, he grew to love the feeling and ached to be in the light. Though he loved the feeling of “home” the deeper waters gave him this new sensation was better than anything.

Ita swam closer to land than he had ever tried and began meeting a variety of people. Many were wary at first for his unsettling appearance which he learned to hide. He quickly picked up on the Common Language and happily conversed, learning spectacular things that were once a mystery to him. He was curious and naïve, and many of the people he met were glad to tell him tales and wonderful things. The ocean could only hold so much. One day he reached the region he had come to known as “Garnet”. He began to remain closer to the region, happily chatting with people out at sea and helping the more unlucky fishermen. Though after an accident, the mermaid grew nervous and untrusting towards the region in fear of pain.

The trust only was slowly restored when Ita met a friendly and warm lady who introduced herself as Jamie. It took a while, but after daily visits and chats he grew close to the young woman. One day though she suggested something that caught him off guard. “Come live with me,” Jamie saw the potential in Ita, the curiosity on his face when she spoke. The offer took only a moment of consideration before he agreed. It proved to be difficult at first, since the mermaid couldn’t shift legs. With some help he was simply carried to Jamie’s home where he resided before she bought him a wheelchair. At first he stayed only with her, learning the art of potions making and trying to work with his mana on his own before he was enrolled in school. That too, was a challenge. His peers were wary of his odd appearance and disability. He grew to love proving them wrong when they challenged him, insisted he couldn’t do what they did, reach the same intellect and potential.

His teachers saw his ambition, though it might have been fueled out of spite, and recommended Enhalo to him. Originally he only considered to join the Demigod program, but his peers told him he wouldn’t make the program anyways. Of course this turned him to mark himself down for Demigod instead and was brought to testing, before being enrolled in Enhalo. He wasn't accepted into the program, but he's still willing to work towards it.


  • the ocean
  • long, warm baths
  • sweaters
  • proving others wrong
  • knitting

  • being underestimated
  • dry/cold weather
  • his eyes
  • fear
  • bitter foods

  • his spit, tears, and blood glow like his bobble.
  • while he uses male pronouns, he actually accepts any. he doesnt really care much about gender or how people perceive him, and only ID's as male because thats how most other people interpret him
  • he took up knitting from Jamie as a hobbie and to knit things to keep him warm due to cold-blood.
  • he isn't a very good cook and tends to eat his foods raw and sometimes even alive, usually being fish
  • sometimes has trouble with Common Language and can have problems wording things correctly or expressing himself.
  • thanks to his datemate Ask, he now has a special pendant to help him shift his legs

Significant other
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Best friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Close friend, roommate
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Caretaker, like basically his mom
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.