


6 years, 5 months ago



"Am promising, to remember."

Name Eternity
Age unknown, looks roughly 12-13
Height 4’9’’
Birthday July 13th
Build petite, doll-like
Species living doll, formerly will-o-wisp
Gender agender (they/them strictly i swear to god)
Oreint. theyre like 5
Alignment chaotic good
Occupation being a baby
Voiceclaim [x]
Theme sunlight
Creator moonilymoth
Worth n/a
Design Notes

  • two long pieces of hair that fade to white, as well as a white swirl in their hair
  • white freckles on their face, ears, and tail
  • body is like a ball jointed doll and has a permanent blush on all the joint areas as well as their toes, fingers, and face
  • wings are thin and long, and have a slight brown fade on the ends
  • always wearing either their pink bunny or blue moon hairclip

childish ❀ playful ❀ volatile ❀ forgetful



scattered - Eternity is able to cast their small orb-like flames to surround an enemy and slowly burn them. this lasts for about 3 rounds and can significantly weaken small/medium demons. These need to be made directly from their hands now due to their changed state.

flame - they have retained the ability to make short but hot, fiery bursts from their hands. In addition, they are able to spread their fire from their person along surfaces in straight lines that can reach up to 9ft.

temperature - A minor skill that ties in with their fire, they can control the heat of the fire itself of a comfortable warm to burning hot.

resistance - eternity is unaffected by intense heat or fires which allows them to not be damaged by their own magic

soar- eternity’s wings gives them the ability to fly, though moreso to be used for soaring and rarely flapping. at the moment they aren’t very good with their flight due to being new to having wings, but they can at least glide from heights and the wings offer them a bit of balance.

sight- due to their previous ghostly form, they can see other ghosts or spirits that others typically can't sense and sometimes tend to talk to them. also see slight outlines of auras


Eternity was originally born as a child named Ven, into a loving family of 3 within Garnet. Their village was deep within one of Garnet’s forests, and while it was dangerous being around the demons, it was safe for them. The village was mostly comprised of vampire hybrids, in a place where they hoped they would not be found by hunters or the like. Everyone within the community was tight knit. “Ven” remained inside for the most part, having a higher sensitivity to the sunlight than the rest of their family, and in turn grew closer to their mother. Their family was kind and loving, and they could not be happier.

That was, until their mother, Lullaby, became incredibly sickly. The sickness attacked her vampiric traits, making her unable to stomach blood despite still needing it for sustenance, and soon she would cough up her own. Their peaceful life soon melted into worry. “Ven” began to leave the house less and less, insisting to stay with her instead. They all tried their best to keep her sustained, but regular food was not enough. Slowly, over the course of several months, she would succumb to her sickness.

Sadness overcame them from the loss, and slowly “Ven” grew quieter and more reclusive. Their brother began to keep them company due to the absence of their mother. It helped a bit and so they grew closer to him instead, the two sibling’s bond becoming stronger than ever.

Though again, things would not last.

One night, vampire hunters had located the village and raided it, wiping out every vampire they could find. Their brother, Oliver, attempted to escape with them while their father tried to buy them time. At first it seemed the pair would safely escape, but soon hunters followed the pair into the woods. The two ended up caught and separated, and “Ven” was killed.

From this, “Eternity” was born as a will-o-the-wisp, a special type of ghost created from a deceased supernatural child. Due to the nature of their death, they did not remember anything except their last moments. Even speaking had become difficult to them, and so for years they wandered alone in the Garnet forest. Certain circumstances eventually lead them to Enhalo though, and from there they began to build up new relationships and memories. They were happy with their new friends, but remained curious about a past they could not remember. It was then, after a year, Oasis came to enhalo.

Oasis had met and befriended Eternity years ago when she was a child. As they reconnected, she began to help them recover their lost memories, but this caused turmoil in them as they felt things for people they vaguely remembered, and then eventually re-witnessing the collapse of their own family. Their fears of becoming alone once more or forgetting their friends surfaced. From this, Oasis proposed a solution. A body, so they could become alive once more. Eternity agreed, and preparations were set in motion. Oasis got into contact with an old alchemist friend back in Garnet and the two talked back and forth to figure out what exactly to do. Her friend would be making the vessel which she would transfer Eternity into. Unfortunately, there was a bump in the road as they had gone missing, and when returned the ghost was placed under probation. They ended up deciding on a work around, with the transmutation happening at the school instead. With this, Eternity gained a new body and a second chance.


  • bunnies
  • any and all food
  • soft or shiny things
  • being alive again

  • being forgetful
  • abandonment
  • rain
  • being asked about their past

  • they have minor hallucinations, though the more stressed they become the worse they get
  • they have a little enchanted chest. the enchantment makes the chest almost indestructible, other than its previous use, they use it to sometimes keep little things they find
  • they named a stuffed rabbit Cozy, who has been repaired by hunter! still dirty tho they're very resistant to letting it get washed for whatever reason
  • their grammar is fairly poor and they're like- almost borderline illiterate tbh, though it has been improving!
  • they're a bit clumsier now in their new body since they're still having to get use to not floating and not being able to be intangible anymore
  • like huge obsession with bunnies.. they love bunnies So Much

Father figure, best friend?
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Close friend, roommate
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Mother figure, close friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Close friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Close friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Close friend, treat giver
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Big sister figure, close friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.