
6 years, 5 months ago



"There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself."

Name Adonis
Age 23
Height 6'3''
Birthday April 14th
Build lean and fit with muscle definition
Species flower demon
Gender cis male (he/him)
Orient. ;) (pansexual)
Alignment chaotic neutral
Occupation previously criminal, now casino dealer
Voiceclaim [x]
Theme dangerous
Creator moonilymoth
Worth n/a
Design Notes

  • thorned vine tattoo on his neck and one that wraps around all the way down his left arm
  • lots of scars, one of his more prominent ones being on his left shoulder
  • black sclera with rose patterened irises. also heart eyebrows
  • dark dark eyebags. hes got insomnia so those are a Must
  • hair is ombre
  • 2 bridge piercings, 2 hip, 1 tongue, and 1 nape. a large flower+snake tattoo on his back.

crude ❋ confident ❋ sadistic ❋ impulsive ❋ unempathetic



floral biohazard - Adonis is able to grow flowers at will, and affect the properties and chemicals of the flower. The main properties he can inflict or change currently is making his flowers either highly poisonous, or highly addicting. Poisonous flowers typically have strongest effects when ingested, though contact with skin for a few minutes can lead to serious effects as well. This is the same for his more addicting flowers. Potency and effects depend on how much the flower is ingested, with one petal being minimum potency and the whole flower being max.

  • Adonis's flowers can grow outwards from himself, typically doing this a patch around himself. It's useful typically in the sense of battle, trying to manipulate his opponent into the flower patch and force them to expose themselves to the toxins. He is able to create small changes or tweaks to the flowers effects if needed or if he sees fit, though the general effects are usually the same.
  • ❀ Poison - ingested effects/symptoms: headaches, dizziness, choking sensation, intense nausea/sickness, motor impairment, and in whole doses, death. / on skin contact effects; rashing, dizziness, and general motor impairment.
  • ❀ Addiction - ingested effects/symptoms: ecstasy, somewhat 'floating' feeling, gives an almost hazy dream-like state.

nature's defense- The thorn/vine marking on Adonis's left arm is able to be manipulated, where is moves down into his hand and materializing outwards into a whip sword. The handle/hilt of the sword remains wrapped around his wrist though, making it unable to leave his person.

eternal spring - Where ever there is grass/dirt, flowers are left behind where Adonis walks. These flowers don't have any effects or special properties, except the fact the remain even when he is gone. It's not guaranteed these flowers will stay alive though, especially if they bloom in unfavorable areas.

demonic tongue - As a demon, Adonis is able to speak to and communicate with lesser demons. This doesn't persuade or tame them, but it can be useful at times.

immunity - Adonis is mostly immune to toxins/poisons that come from plants and animals. Depending on the severity of it, he will display symptoms at less severity than average and overcome it quicker. Things in small doses and less strong poisons don't tend to effect him. This also makes him able to ingest various plants, and determine whether or not they're actually safe for others.


cw: child abuse, drug mentions

Like most in Satsuma, Adonis was born into a rather rough and poor family. Conceived to a mother that did not want him and refused to love him, and to a father that only loved to hurt him, his childhood was nothing short of a living hell. He had to learn quickly how to be self sufficient - how to feed himself, bathe himself, operate in a way that got him under the radar of his parents wrath. Even though he was functioning just enough, he hated it - hated them. Eventually he took matters into his own hands and fled from home, feeling he shouldn't have to be dealing with such abuse.

His “real” family was found at fifteen. Prior to it, he’d manage himself on the streets, pickpocketing and making with what he had like most did on the island. Sometimes it was a bit tricky, but he managed. There was an occasion of getting caught once in awhile, but he was fast, and wasn’t caught for long. But pickpocketing could be dangerous business, especially when handling the wrong people. Stealing from one wrong person got him into a rather poor situation, and even when he ran, a small group of people followed and managed to corner him. Fight or flight; and there was no way to flee at this point. The group was expecting a simple beat-down, but instead a fight ensued, and Adonis managed to hold his own for a good bit.One of the members of the group stopped the others and spoke out, giving the demon an offer. He could hold his own, and seemed to be a pretty good thief for the most part. So the offer was simple; they were part of a gang and could recruit him, bring him in, or he could walk from that ally bruised and broken. It was an easy choice, wasn’t it? Of course he’d pick the first option, since that was the only option after all.

The gang wasn’t a large one, though it was stable. Adonis started off with smaller, pettier crimes. Same old stealing, pickpocketing, the usual. But slowly the more time he remained, the more exciting jobs he’d get, at least in his terms. During his time there, other members helped him discover a bit more about himself, his abilities. He’d never really gotten a good opportunity too before. The first they found was his sword - “summonable” from the marking on his arm. It took a good bit of work to get it right, and even more training to be able to easily and smoothly cause the transition. It gave him excitement though, if he could do this, what else was there? For awhile, training and fighting with the sword became priority, after all it was a strong asset.

His main skill was soon found after when he mentioned being able to bloom his own flowers, but never thought much of it. It showed it off but the conversation soon dwindled into joking around. It only turned serious when a stray rat ate the discarded flower off the ground, and quickly fell over dead. This sparked an interest, and soon experimentation. What could he make his flowers do, exactly? After a bit of work and self-discovery, they all soon found out the extent to what Adonis could actually do with his flowers.

This turned into new excitement, and also new business. Thieving and fighting soon gave the addition to pedaling off Adonis’s more addictive flowers for cash, moreso sticking to the back streets than the market, but Adonis wanted more. And that’s exactly what he got - except in a more unexpected way. Due to circumstances, the gang was disbanded, everyone separating to fend for themselves. Sure, there were ways to keep in touch, but they were no longer close like those days. It didn’t seem to affect Adonis much though, instead moving onto Satsuma’s market, slowly over the years making a bigger name for himself. A strong fighter, but an even greater dealer, and someone to come to also if you had unfinished business. As long as you paid his price, he did whatever you wanted with a smile on his face. As time went on, he got himself into more and more dangerous scenes and bad habits. Experimenting with numerous drugs and addictions, drinking and some kind of weekly party, sleeping with strangers he barely knew. To him, it was the height of life.

Eventually, he went onto making some new “friends”, people in the same business as him, most also fairly well known criminals like him. The group began making trips outside the island for trade, working together to trade and pedal off their own items and having their own perks with each other. It went well for a good while. That was until one day during a trade in Ruby, they were busted and it was shut down. Most of the others were able to flee, but Adonis was stuck. His best chance to save himself was to put up a fight, maybe find an opening to run. His strong fighting skills caught the attention of one of the people though. They stepped forward, giving him an offer. He seemed quick to attack and a strong fighter, and so he could have two options. Allow them to take him to Enhalo, or he could rot in jail, because surely all this illegal business could get him locked away for a nice, long while. He was rather angry, and reluctant, but agreed. He liked his former life, but well.. Demigod had a nice ring to it.


  • being in charge
  • fighting
  • flowers
  • sex

  • know it alls
  • winter/the cold
  • losing
  • being told what to do

  • the flower on the end of his tail directly reflects his health and the seasons. at maximum health, his flower will be in full color and slightly open. if he becomes sick the flower will slowly become more faded and wilted, injuries result in petals tearing or falling off, and death results in the flower becoming completely wilted. colder seasons cause the flower to be closed, and will be more open in warmer seasons.
  • mainly knows demonic and common, but knows bits and pieces of other languages mainly from palette as well from being on the black market and having to trade.
  • use to pick-pocket to keep himself fed, but now-a-days its more for fun. he makes a game out of it
  • similar to animals, his eyes reflect light and it's most obvious in the dark/at night. his eyes also have a rose pattern in the iris
  • he has severe insomnia as well as npd (narcassistic personality disorder)
  • voice

Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Best Friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Best Friend
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.