--'s Comments

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hi! sorry they're pending for someone else rn but if it falls through i can let you know!

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Didn't see anyone I'd use more, but thank you for the offer!

can offer multiple charas from here!

I love river of dreams and i did like some other charas, but aaaa im not sure if i can trade

Hmmmm i'll see what other offers i'll get first! :3

ahh okay, please lmk, i love this chara a lot ; v ;7 fwiw i would be good to trade river of dreams!

Aaaa did a lil thinkin n i accept ur offer! :3

I'll transfer the bab over!

ah yaayy!! i sent over river as well!! thank you!

tyy!! btw if u ever put her ufo, is it aight if i could get first dibs? :3

1 Replies

2k pts

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Sorry but i didnt see anyone i could trade for her!

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Isnxiabd TYY<33

Would you consider anyone not in my forever homed folder you can choose multiple and I'll add as much art as you see fit I can also just do customs

sorry but i don't see anyone i could use! also not acceptin customs sorry!

I understand

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but i cant accept real moneys since i am under aged for credit card/bank account stuff, i can only accept diviantart pts as currency

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Someone offered 2k pts above!(just to let yah know :3)

Oh my gosh ahhh i love her!! 3 fulls and 3 headshots along with anyone from my Th! :3 (mains are off limits)

if you find nobody in my Th I will definitely higher the art :]✨💙

ah wait never mind im so sorry I just realized you are looking for points! How many are you maybe looking for?

aaaaa tenkyuu<33

i dont see anyone i could trade for her, sorry

and is ok! lowest pts i shall accept is 1k and highest/the ab is 10k pts :3

I could offer a character trade! the only folders I have that are off-limits are sonas, ocs, main, secondary and tertiary, so feel free to take a look at anyone outside of those folders and see what you think <3

sorry no one caught my interest! but ty for offering tho<3