Yoki Okami



9 years, 13 days ago

Basic Info




16/December 24




Aria, Enki


Father- Harou, Brother- Arashi (older) Mother- Izumi (dead) Sister- Amaya (younger)


Enki, sea horses, dogs, swimming, playing on the laptop and watching youtube, hanging with friends, drawing (able to draw almost anything), meat, sleeping, marine life, video games, youtube- markiplier


fire and everything to do w/ Adan, idiots, mean people, smokers, wannabes, being frustrated or angrily confused.

Fav Colours

orange, shades of dark/medium blue


Appearance- Long dark blue hair always in a ponytail but secretly half shaved on the right, dark blue eyes, usually in jean shorts and a one piece bathing suit with no shoes. Yellow gem tattoo on her both sides of her thighs like a cutie mark.

Dress up- Black slacks with a blue blouse w/ lacey sleeves, blue flats

Jewelry-rare bracelet and necklace

PJs- colored tank and matching panties

Personality- pretty anti-social, fun once you know her, pretty happy when around Aria and Enki, pretty smart but can be an idiot, easily angered, pretty violent and protective, loyal

Motto- Touch me, you’re dead!


Parents’ marriage like- there really isn’t much to tell. Her mum is dead so her dad takes care of them all.

Worst thing siblings did to you/you did to them- Amaya pulled her hair hard and Arashi had buzzed her hair when she was little and sleeping. She got him back by stealing Izumi’s make up and putting it on Arashi while he’s sleeping.

Fondest memory- when she was 5 Arashi put her on his shoulders and they went and played in the park together.

Worst Memory-watching her mother get shot right in front of her eyes when she was 8

View on authority-usually pretty good but can be total asses

Fav band- the Inkspots

Fav vocal artist- dean martin

Fav song- into each life some rain must fall by the inkspots

Fav Place-the beach or sea world

Fav person/people-Enki, aria, markiplier

Fav Animal- monkfish/grand marlin

Fav Movie- American Mary/yobi

Fav Book-Stg. Frog manga/my father's dragon

Fav Toy-My Little Pony animals

Fav Game- Fable 3, or halo 2

First Kiss- soon enki

Most Prized possession(s)- swim suit: she loves to be in the water and spends most of her time there. aria because she can't think of a world without her, her bed

Future Career (hopefully)-Olympic gold medalist then queen of Water Colony on Hydra

Family strictness (1-10)-2

Temper (1-10)-8

One word to describe you- Hothead

Other Important comments-can breath under water, control weather(kinda)/her element

She takes you out for lunch. Where do you meet them? What is ordered? What do you talk about?

We meet at Arby’s. She orders a hamburger, mocha shake, fries, and cheese sauce. We talk about video games, the weather, couple guys, and what’s going on later in life.

Sunday afternoon- she has finished her responsibilities. What is she doing to relax? (hobbies/past time activities)

She’d draw, swim, or go on her laptop.

She invites you to her place for dinner. What sort of home does she have? How is it furnished? Any pets? What is served?

She lives in a beach house. It has one floor, a basement, and an attic. It is furnished simply. Lots of blue, green, purple, and orange all over. There is also cherry wood chairs, stools, frames (for the beds),and even doors and frames. Yoki’s room is usually pretty clean but she throws a lot of stuff in her walk-in closet. It overlooks the ocean behind the house. It’s painted with cats and sea animals. They have a boy black Husky named Blue (after his bright blue eyes) and a girl German Shepard named Mika. They serve goulash with elk meat and tomato sauce and plenty of veggies.

She decides to make a personal website, how does she go about doing it? Does she have the skills to do it, or does she need help? What would she want on it?

She could do it herself but she would probably have Aria do it. Yoki would think that since she’s less anti-social, Arai would know better what to put on it.

She finds a wallet with $500 dollars in it along with a couple of baby pictures. How would she handle this? (Moral beliefs, rich/poor, baddie/goodie)

She would take the money and then turn the wallet and baby pictures into the police.  She would give the money to the Ocean Clean Up Society so they can clean up the beaches a bit better.