Enki Sumer



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




16 1/2yo/April 1st




Yoki, Aria


Father-Lance Mother- Fleur Sister-Zikia (older)


camping, swimming, outdoors, forests, nice people, food, running around & playing, recycling


staying indoors, being sick, stupid people, smokers, litter

Fav Colors

green, brown, earthy colours


leg shaking


Mate/Partner/Date-soon Yoki

Appearance-Skateboarder cut brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, usually wears no shirt but will wear the occasional tank top with athletic shorts or cargo shorts (unless winter then he wears jeans or cargo pants with a long sleeve shirt) and almost never wears shoes. If he does they will be flip flops or boots in the winter.

Dress up- Long sleeve dress shirt and slacks with boots.

PJ’s- boxers, nothing else

Jewelry- his lanyard from school that has his ID and about a dozen different keys of different colors and sizes. He also wears a gold ring around his middle finger on his right hand from Yoki on his 15th birthday.

Personality-easy going, laid back, fun, kind and caring, bit of a prankste


Parents’ marriage like- easy going, argues a bit though

Worst thing siblings did to you/you did to them- Zikia made him pee his pants by locking him in his room with a scary movie on the TV. but 3 years later he got her back by telling her friends (and boyfriend) bad things about her.

Fondest memory- Being carried on his father’s shoulders when he was young.

Worst Memory- Watching a scary zombie movie while locked in a dark room. He peed his pants in the process and cried himself to sleep until morning. In the morning him mom let him out and he clung to her for the whole week.

View on authority- pretty good people who just try to do their job

Favorite band- Green Day

Fav vocal artist- Miley Cyrus

Fav song- Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day

Fav Place- walking around in the forest or in a pet store

Fav animal- turtles and dogs

Fav Movie- Marley and Me

Fav Book- prefers outdoors-not books

Fav Toy- frisbees and hoola-hoops

Fav Game- tag

First Kiss- none-will be Yoki

Future Career (hopefully)- has no idea

Family strictness (1-10)- 2

Temper (1-10)- 5

He takes you out for lunch. Where do you meet him? What is ordered? What do you talk about?

He takes me out for a picnic on the beach. We have turkey wraps with lots of cheese and veggies. And fresh, ice cold lemonade is there to drink in water bottles. We talk about all kind of things: the weather, fun things to do, what’s new, etc etc.

Sunday afternoon- he has finished his responsibilities. What is he doing to relax? (hobbies/past time activities)

Go outside and run around with friends or pets. Go swimming

He invites you to his place for dinner. What sort of home does he have? How is it furnished? Any pets? What is served?

The house is carved into a mountain. No wood anywhere. They used curtains for doors (except for the front door which is metal.) Chairs and tables are metal (the chairs have cushions on them). His room has posters made of recycled paper on his wall of hot girls or his favorite bands/movies.  He has a pet cat that he cuddles with at night called Spook. They serve spaghetti and pork chops.

He/she decides to make a personal website, how do they go about doing it? Do they have the skills to do it, or do they need help? What would they want on it?

He wouldn’t make one for he has no need nor interest in computers. He would need a lot of help to make it though, having rarely ever used the computer except at school.