


2 years, 10 days ago


Gin Kotaku

She’s just a silly little squid, a fun loving little guy!
She treats most scenarios like they’re a game, life threatening or not
And she’s usually chill, like, really chill, she was taught to stay calm and focused, especially when there’s danger

Dazzle is swift and pretty hard to catch, she can practically read anyone’s moves
Her left eye sees extremely clearly, even in the dark, she can even see clearly only with a little bit light
She keeps an eye out for everyone in the map during games and makes sure to keep tabs on each and everyone
Her biggest weakness are blind spots and surprises 

She came from Calamari County originally then moved to Inkopolis
Her jacket is supposed to resemble a kimono, especially with the sleeves
She was taught kung fu and a few other martial arts
She views fighting like it’s dancing that can come in handy during tight situations
overall, she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll spawn camp in your base