


1 year, 11 months ago



Actual Name Niharika Agrawal

Height 5'5"/ 165.1 cm
Age 24
Gender Female
Race Human
Body Type Average
Weapon Group Mics
Genre Jazz

Known to be the affable pet groomer in the neighborhood, Riri is burdened with the fact that her boyfriend has disappeared for weeks without a trace. Holding the fort back home and letting detectives do the work has lead nowhere.

As the state of the world worsens and she hears that others are going off in their own search party, Riri decides that continuing to stand by and twiddle her thumbs is no longer going to cut it.


  • Animals
  • Bookstore Cafés
  • One-on-one activities
  • Art Deco


  • Socializing, Loud people
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Anthropomorphic vehicles
  • Sweatpants


Contrary to her easy, outgoing, and friendly exterior, Riri is an extreme introvert who prefers the company of animals over people. She finds no need to stir up problems by being cold to others, but this always works against her own comfort, often biting her tongue to go along with things until the interaction is over. Her social circle is tiny and as of late, she has been especially clinging onto her dog as her main source of social interaction.
She is notably the most responsible and level headed person, especially compared to [the] [boys] but that isn't to say that she does not enjoy the more wild aspects in life. Riri isn't shy but just chooses to keep things to herself and a very select few.

Though she is a high performer and the epitome of "the girl next door", Riri is highly prone to being a pressure cooker of emotions. Weighed down by the expectations of the world, to always be nurturing, perfect, and sweet - Riri hides a growing bitterness inside her. She dare not speak her feelings on things but it's only a matter of time before the truth is out.


  • Very knowledgable on animals. She can easily understand her dog and also read the local fauna for cues, especially if something is amiss. 
  • Even without Aether, she is deceptively strong - able to knock out a grown man that towers over her, with nothing more than a broomstick. Her smaller frame doesn't allow her to be a tank, but she can hit fast in succession.
  • Her ability, On Air, can trap people in an invisible force field with her. Generally used by monsters, instead of other human casters, those not expecting it panic from their inability to flee.

Design Notes

  • Her "eye shadow" are actually dark circles, it is naturally occurring. She wears eyeliner on her bottom lids only.
  • No panty shots. There are tight shorts under her dress.
  • Riri's hair is dark brown but seems to reflect reddish - violet hues in strong light.
  • Her weapon radiates a vibrant aura that makes it specter-like, which can be shown through colored line art or other rendering of choice.
    • The blade of the scythe acts as the foot of the stand mic. She can bear her weight and rock on it with no risk of injury.

Misc. Facts

Orientation Heterosexual
Zodiac Sign ♈︎ Aries (April 16th)
ethnicity Indian
Pronouns She / Her
Tarot Death
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Favorite Food Mango sheera
Hated Food Shredded coconut

  • Riri is a third generation immigrant, coming from a British Indian family. She's pretty self conscious about divulging background, since she grew up heavily westernized with no ties to her motherland or language. She is generally unable to relate to the experiences of second gen peers. 
    • She hated being the one teachers and classmates struggle with during roll call and always wanted an easier English name. The feelings aren't as intense now, but this is mostly prominent in the name she gave her dog: Lauren.
  • Has an older sister she does not speak of, her whereabouts are unknown.
    • She does harbor a bit of jealousy when she sees Trip's sibling relationship.
  • Heavily inspired by the Roaring 20's, namely flapper girls & the Jack Rose cocktail.
  • Wants to kill Thomas the Tank Engine with fire.
  • Despite being introverted, Riri loves doing cute couple things and having gestures of affection in public.
    • While she does travel with Ceej at times during tour, she personally does not involve herself in his limelight; whether that is making his dating life known or inserting herself into his work. She hates the idea of drawing attention to herself from that scene.

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