Simon Limousine



2 years, 13 days ago



Simon Limousine is an important band member of "Crime&Death Punishment", playing the bass and violin. Simon was childhood friends with Tutti, going to the same school with him, so when Tutti asked Simon to join the band he's in, Simon agreed rather quickly. Simon likes old music, mostly glamrock and new wave/new romantic, and likes to bring something from it to the table.

Simon is a cis gay man, he's considered the most "boring" and "normal" looking in their band, not wanting to wear any excessive accessories. Before joining the band dyed his hair white, now he's too tired to do that (he says it's because he's 28 and not 25 anymore, like 3 years make a huge difference).

Simon comes from a very religious and abusive christian family, he had big problems with identity and life as a whole because of that. He's very paranoid and cowardish, very appeasable too. He tries his best to be more outgoing, and he is! especially near his boyfriend, but it still gets him. He's that one guy who asks for m&ms without one color and freaks out when it's not picked out. His friends support him, though, even if they tease him after some time passes. Simon likes to ride on bikes and doing handmade things out of wood. He also likes coffee a lot, even though it makes him anxious.