Myra Vale



1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info


23-40 (across main storyline)


5’ (152 cm)




Cisgender female


Lesbian, demisexual


Myra is a feisty mandalorian who operates mostly between the Clone Wars and the beginning of the original Star Wars trilogy. She runs with a pirate crew of five other mandalorians and a former clone trooper, including her twin brother Orias. She is in her late 20s and stands at 5’ even. She is the group’s heavy weapons expert and is an engineering prodigy. Her penchant for making things explode combined with her dizzying intellect means that if you lock her in a closet wearing a straight jacket with nothing but a bowl of jell-o, she’d still find a way to make an atomic bomb. She’s also got big gen z energy as in she’s probably the smartest person in the whole colony she grew up in and yet would totally stay up for three days straight surviving off nothing but coffee and eat a pool noodle with ramen seasoning just to see if it tasted like actual noodles. Girl is absolutely chaos incarnate, she is full of wild ideas and pranks and a bundle of energy, her workspace is also always a cluttered mess (though she always knows exactly where everything is so there's no need to fix it, much to Vals's dismay). Myra also tends to live mostly in the vents and is kind of the ship's cryptid, you won't see her for three days except seeing her skitter down the hallway at 4 am because you got up to go to the bathroom. She lost much of her right arm in a speeder accident as a young teenager and now has a large number of interchangeable prosthetics, many with tools on them that she needs to do her work or integrated with large weapons. Most of her arms also have integrated stim toys. Myra is autistic, and tends to fidget and stim a lot, and has technology integrated into her helmet like light dimming lenses and sound deafening in order to help calm her in instances of imminent sensory overload.