
2 years, 8 days ago


Name Solas

Called Sol/Master

Age Stuck at 27

D.o.B. June 2nd

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Height 6'0"

Build Slightly muscular/Toned

Species Angel

Role Mentor

Demeanor Mature & Thoughtful

Aesthetic Light Academia

Flower Primroses

Sexuality Gay


HTML Pinky

Worrier • Passionate • Yearning • Intelligent

An angel that's looked down upon by his fellows, especially the higher ups in Heaven. Sol feels as those he is walking in thin ice constantly because he was nearly sentenced to Fall after nearly succumbing to his sinful nature... or what his god believes is sinful. He was given an opportunity to make up for his crimes against god, but only if he accepted the role of being a mentor to a younger angel.

Sol, naturally, accepted this second chance, and he was assigned to be the mentor for an angel named Micah. To his horror, he has found himself attracted to Micah in a romantic sense, however, it is considered for the angels to be intimate with each other as they should be solely devoted to their god. No matter what he tries, he can't get rid of his human nature, but he will resist tempation and guide Micah no matter what.








Angels like Sol are the ones that fall within Heaven. Unlike the more eldritch, supreme angels, these angels are the ones reborn from humans after they die on Earth. Therefore, all these angels have their human nature still intact, and are prone to fall into their emotions. To minimize the amount of angels Falling, god will wipe the memories these angels have of their human lives, which leaves only a servant that should devote themselves entirely to their lord. God is practically surpressing the humanity of his servants, but without doing so, then Heaven will fall into chaos surely. These angels will never be free from the Original Sin, however.

Succumbing to Sin

Sol knows one thing about his human life: he died at a young age in the 1980s. He was told so before passing through the golden gates in heaven, and that fact has piqued his curosity ever since. To have a young man like him perish so early on in life, it made him wonder what kind of life he lived to warrant that. As he looked upon the humans he tries to guide onto the path of righteousness, he couldn't help but yearn for the happiness they got on Earth. Questions began to fester in his mind soon after...

Did he leave behind a family? Did people miss him still? What ended up killing him in the end? And most importantly of all, was he happy as a human?

There are rumours of angels remembering their past lives, though it's considered a great sin to have such selfish desires sure as that. Sol simply couldn't resist the idea. However, word had gone out that he was in search for a demon that could resurface his locked away memories, and he was captured before he could remember anything. A blessing and a curse. Because he didn't unlock his human memories, he hadn't sinned enough to be sentenced to Fall. His punishment was to have his halo's spirit burned into his neck; a permanent reminder to follow his lord's orders like he should have originally. Then, he was tasked to look after an apprentice in the hopes that they would not fall into the path he did.

Shaken by being so close to Falling, Sol is now paranoid. He wants to follow his god's orders perfectly, and he resists any temptation that always comes back to him. Secretly he still wants to learn about his humanity, but he is far too scared now.

The Second Chance

The second Sol met his apprentice, Micah, he was completely enamoured by his soft beauty. Then, he felt a wave of fear wash over him as he had those thoughts. He couldn't fall in love with Micah; not only would he get in trouble, but Micah could be blamed for tempting him, even though this is all his fault. So, he attempts to pray away these feelings whenever they get too strong, because he wants to continue to teach Micah properly.

There is something about Micah that fills Sol with a sense of security, as if he had met him before. Sol can't explain this feeling, but in reality, he and Micah knew of each other in their human lives. Two souls that are destined to be together, but neither can let such feelings come to the surface. And with Sol determined to not know of his human life, he will never know about these memories. A ticking time bomb.

One day these words will be remembered, and it will be his downfall. "I love you, mon veilleuse."

  • Can summon a sword that emites fire alongside the blade
  • A scar is seared on his neck after god's warning
  • Envy is his greatest sin
  • He has become paranoid and afraid of pure light surrounding him
  • Often will frantically pray if he feels temptation creeping on him

Micah is the young angel Sol looks after and guides, but he is also someone Sol has greatly fallen in love with. The pair are practically glued at the hip, and Micah greatly admires his teacher. Sol tries to only show Micah his strong side, lest his true feelings come out.


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