


2 years, 8 days ago


Name Micah

Called Dear

Age Stuck at 24

D.o.B. December 21st

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Height 5'4"

Build Petite/Lithe

Species Angel

Role Apprentice

Demeanor Curious & Sweethearted

Aesthetic Light Academia

Flower Gladiolus

Sexuality Gay


HTML Pinky

Selfless • Gentle • Alluring • Innocent

An angel often regarded as a tempter from others behind his back. Of course, Micah doesn't mean to have this affect on people, but his soft beauty and good hearted nature can allure those that love to bask in his kindness. He wishes to cleanse those of their sins, and he's training his magic to do so with the help of his mentor.

Truly, Micah wishes to be accepted during his new life as an angel. He's unaware that he's being used as a test for Sol because he greatly wishes to prove himself to others. Unfortunately, he is also unaware of the affect he has on Sol, and that his mentor yearns for him on a deep, romantic level. Perhaps he reciprocates those feelings deep down as well.








Rarely is Micah seen as his own person in Heaven. In the grand scheme of things, he is nothing more than a pawn that is there to prove to god that Solas cannot be saved. Unaware to both him and Solas, god is fully aware of the temptation that is affecting Solas, and Micah will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. To be used as nothing more than a cog in the machine. Still, Micah wishes to become wise and powerful despite his odd place within the story of life, and he wants Sol to be with him always throughout that.

The Glorified Doll

When a human is reborn as an angel, many things change about them. They grow beautiful wings, given a shining halo, and magic that will serve god well. However, that's not the only thing that can change about them. For Micah, his human appearance was slightly altered in order to make his natural beauty more radiant; his hair is long and healthy, his eyes remind people of the moon, and runes decorate his skin like elegant tattoos. A deliberate change made by god in order to tempt his own angels. Those that cannot resist will be damned to Fall without mercy, for they truly do not hold god in their hearts.

Given that Micah has no clue about this underlying plan, he wanders around unaware of his affect on people. There are a few angels that are designed like this, and no matter what personal desires they hold, they will always be temptresses and tempters in god's eyes. For Micah, he only desires to help others around him. What irony that he's unkowingly used to bring others down, especially if they get too close to him. His strongest "victim" happens to be his own mentor, Solas; someone that fell for his beauty and personality alike. Out of everyone, Micah always wants to be in Sol's presence. He doesn't know what he'll do if Sol was taken away... a shame that is their eventual fate.

Beautiful Nightlight

Micah and Solas are undeniably attracted to each other. Even if Micah wasn't altered to be a tempter, they would still find each other irresistible in the end. That is because their human lives are intertwined by fate. Star struck lovers that wanted to spend the rest of their mortal lives together. It's only a shame that both these lives were cut short.

Even with their memories of each other gone, their souls still desire to be with each other. To say that they're soulmates would be an understatement. It's a confusing, powerful sense of yearning that will plague the two for eternity. That's not exactly keeping god at the forefront of their hearts...

  • There are markings engraved onto him that allow him to tap into his cleansing magic
  • One day he wishes to cleanse a demon and turn them into an angel
  • Lust is his greatest sin (in the sense that he is becoming obsessed by other peoples' approvals)
  • He becomes anxious if he is left alone for too long, but doesn't admit it
  • He often visits humans at random when he's allowed to; his presence gives people motivation

Solas is the kind hearted angel that took Micah under his wing. Micah finds him to be very wise, and he isn't stuck up like some of the others can be. To say that Micah's attached would be an understatement. He's always trying to be a beacon of light for Solas. In a way, he wants Solas to admire him just as much as he admires Solas.


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