


6 years, 5 months ago


         April 19, 1943, The HMS Trepassy emerges victorious after a skirmish against a German cargo ship whose contents were unknown at the time, this victory however would seem to be a disaster with no end in sight for many of 

the world's nations. Germany had been on the losing end of the war and was constantly on the lookout for a solution that could quickly turn the tides i their favor. German scientists already had vast knowledge on genetics at the 

time and had attempted to" play God on numerous occasions, which usually meant hybridizing their lab animals or even developing "catalysts" to enhance Wehrmacht forces. As the Allies continued to push the Germans back to 

their home country, many of these labs had to be abandoned or burned to keep their secrets buried. On some occasions these labs were captured by allied troops and the projects kept their were usually brought back to the US and 

Britain for use in their own military projects. And on rare occasions some of these labs were never found and left to rot, with some of their projects still left inside to this day. Failing to find the last of these facilities would lead to an 

outbreak of an infection that seemed to have no cure and would continue to kill rapidly unless eradicated. This infection would be identified as a bioweapon created by the Germans to quickly dispatch of land invasion forces and 

would continue to grow in size with each deployment. The Soviets would first see the weapon's power as their large numbers could be seen as a downfall. The first soldiers to witness the weapon's effect had given it the name 

"Likhoradka", named for the Slavic spirit that possessed and caused illness. By the time the Likhoradka was nearing completion the war was declared over and whatever was left of the project had ceased development. The general 

population wouldn't know of its existence until nearly a century after the war's end. 

         Patient zero was diagnosed in 2024 in a hospital in Tampa, Florida and was quickly rushed into quarantine with the fear of the newly found illness spreading. Patient zero was quickly removed from the hospital by US military and

has since been missing. The world wouldn't fully see the outbreak until 2067 when the outbreak had been declared an epidemic within the first few hours of the outbreak in Tampa. While humans were the Likhoradka's main target, 

some of those that were evacuated during the quarantine noted that there were some infected animals among the horde of infected people running through the streets. Tampa has been in a constant state of quarantine since the 

epidemic. Signs of infection were also being discovered among ocean life in addition to the outbreak on land. Fishermen would sometimes reel in strange looking fish with mandibles, organic armor plating, and what looked to be 

glowing blue orbs over where their faces used to be. Experiments conducted with the Likhoradka showed the ability to "reconstruct" a corpse using the parasite, i.e. someone who had previously lost a limb would have an infected 

appendage in its place. Those that remain in the quarantine zone have not been allowed to leave have been forced to survive within the city ruins, some even banded together to form "townships" within the city ruins.