Nelson "dead" Church



1 year, 10 months ago


Nelson Church

--> Profile

Having just escaped from an asylum in Boston, Nelson headed to Green Bay by train. There he took a boat with Tomasz and Reginald to an island where they found that the lighthouse keepers had been turned to Aspects Of The Demiurge (strange bat creatures). Investigating the lightouse proved the light had been malfunctioning and the radio had been intentionally disassembled.

As they looked around, Nelson heard the approach of one of these creatures and combat began. Nelson was clawed while climbing up to the roof to aid Reginald, and later thrown to the ground. When combat ended, Tomasz and Reginald descended to the ground by his side. Reginald tried to save him but it was too late, and with his own last rites on his lips, Nelson died.


--> Biography

An Irish American from Boston. Nelson's father was a devout catholic minister and Nelson followed in his steps out of a sense of obligation. His early life was lonely and mundane, as he never felt at home or welcome in his local parish and had few connections outside of it. His family had been too poor to afford him good schooling, and so being a lonely and ostracized young man with few outlets, Nelson turned to boxing as a pastime.

Nelson tended to assume the social ostracization was because there was something inherently wrong with him. What exactly that was, he couldn't place. His disinterest in the church's many events and hours long services seemed rather suited for his age, and his lack of interest in women showed only a pious restraint, he believed. Perhaps being the minister's son set higher standards for him, he'd often speculate as he stared with interest at the skilled hands of the man who played the organ each Sunday.

Once he completed high school, Nelson attended seminary, wherein he continued to stand out as odd and out of place. Being far less invested in behaving as an upright catholic minister and far more interested in brawling with other men, his peers tended to avoid him. Social isolation, however, a failing student does not make, and Nelson graduated in a timely manner and was soon given a place in a parish not far from where he grew up.

Being a member of the clergy gave Nelson a harrowing insight into what went on behind the scenes in a catholic church, and he grew bitter towards it quickly. Despite this, fear of loosing what little community he had and the now growing respect of his congregation kept Nelson from leaving the church altogether. In some small attempt to bring himself solace and to leach away some sustenance from an organization which had caused himself and so many other to suffer, Nelson began stealing church funds and giving them back to the community.

When he was in his early 30s, he met a man from Britain at a funeral and, seeing that he seemed out of place in a small American departure, went to speak to him. In this conversation he learned the man was a funeral home director, recently moved to America, and this was one of the first funerals he was directing in his new home. From the day on they saw each other much more frequently as people dropped like flies to the Spanish flu. Nelson found that although the man seemed awkward and unused to conversation, he was pleasant company nonetheless, and kept Nelson looking forward to something despite all the tragedy and loss they were both surrounded by.

Towards the beginning of the second spike of the flu, Nelson lost his father. It was this event that brought him and Deadman to become more than colleagues in the funeral industry, as Deadman seemed surprisingly understanding despite his usual distance and discomfort toward the mourning. Nelson spent many days and weeks after the loss with Deadman, just talking with him, rarely about his father. Eventually they fell into a steady habit of tea together every Tuesday, and then that habit evolved into tea on Tuesdays and spending weekends at each other's residences.



Comfortable afternoons at home.
Organ music
Train rides


Large animals


--> Other Notes of Interest

Habits: He fidgets with his coat buttons when nervous. He tries to wake up every morning with a spare hour to study the Bible and write notes for his next sermon. He always carries a Latin Bible and an English Bible, in case someone needs to borrow one.

Frequents: An unnamed speakeasy that holds weekly boxing matches is one of the few places Nelson visits, aside from the funeral parlor. Before it burnt down, his church had been his favorite place to spend time. Now he usually can be found nervously pacing the commons of the asylum he is staying at.

Vices: Nelson often smuggled bottles of communion wine to the funeral parlor before his church burnt down. He tends, also, to spend a bit above what he can afford on nice food.



Nelson Church








160 lb







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