Lune Flosshilde



1 year, 11 months ago



"After all, you cannot run from your own shadow forever." 
  •  Name  Lune Flosshilde. Although, the records in Mondstadt read "Lune Alberich" 
  •  Age  22 
  •  Birthday  February 17th 
  •  Nationality  Khaenri'ahn. His vision is from Mondstadt. 
  •  Vision  Cryo 
  •  Weapon  Claymore 
  •  Height and weight  1.98 cm (6'6") and 82 kg (181 lbs) 
  •  Constellation  Luna Dividua 
  •  Occupation  He takes general commissions. Also sells jam in the city once every month. 
  •  Pronouns  He/him 
  •  Sexuality  Homosexual 
  •  Miscellaneous information 
    He spent the first years of his life in Khaenri’ah, deep into the woods, living in a wooden cabin along with his mother and his little sister, Stella. His memories are mostly peaceful, and he recalls when he used to play with his sister at the riverside. He used to help with domestic tasks, and he also learnt to fend for himself since he was little. 
  • He also has memories that are more on the side of what could be considered sinister. For some reason, every time he went to chop wood in the forest, he got lost, even though he knew the place like the back of his hand; He’s seen the sky turn starry and dark in the middle of the afternoon, and he watched his path disappear behind him under thick fog with every step he took. What he’s seen there has stuck with him; There were crooked shadows wanting to grab him by the ankles and drag him into the darkness, a choir of millions of voices singing an indecipherable song, and a periwinkle colored seelie guiding him through the penumbra, leading him back home every time that happened. It was a very bizarre set of experiences that left him disturbed, and because of this, he hasn’t learned to sleep with the lights off yet. 
  • Kaeya sometimes laughs at this, but he has no ill intent when he does so. He finds it kind of cute, and he’d be lying if he said he doesn’t like it when Lune hugs him like a stuffed animal while he’s falling asleep. 
  • Back to the topic, his life used to be pretty calm and happy, those occasions being the only exception. When he asked his mom why Stella and him didn’t have a dad, being that she already taught them how reproduction works, she only smiled and told him that they were a special case, because the stork rewarded her by bringing in two beautiful children to her life. He honestly believed that for a good amount of time, and now... He’ll never know where his dad was truly at. 
  • It’s very clear that he used to live in blissful ignorance about a good number of things. That was until, one night, he heard a strange noise in his mom and sister’s shared room that sounded pretty close to the grunting of an animal. Believing it was a bear that had snuck into their house again, he grabbed some food from the kitchen and headed to the room, hoping to distract it and lead it outside once more. 
  • What he found when he opened the door was different from what he thought. Way too different, actually. 
  • For starters, Stella wasn’t even in her bed. In her place, there was a big puddle of blood, staining her white sheets red completely. And his mother... There was a large creature covered in thick, white fur that dripped and stuck to itself with blood. It had big horns, claws and sharp, prominent fangs, a disfigured, corrupted face that tried and failed to resemble that of a fox’s, and... it was draped in a terribly torn nightgown. A nightgown that looked like the one his mom was wearing that night. The texture and color of its fur looked uncannily similar to his mom’s hair, which his sister and him inherited from her. And... He could hear a voice coming from it, a distorted, ragged cry that almost resembled an apology. 
  • He knows well what went down after he saw that scene. He lost control of his own body, but he could feel it... Shift, and change, and grow, in a very painful way. Like his bones were breaking and rearranging themselves, his muscles tearing and growing, and all of his limbs and features were getting warped. He couldn’t do anything but sit there, feeling the horror in his own flesh and hearing his own screams of fear changing into growls and roars. But what was the worst was that he could see firsthand how he put an end to that monster with his own mouth, full of fangs, and with his now paws of sharp claws... 
  • Fortunately, he turned back to normal after doing so. But he felt empty. 
  • His mother turned into that. She had killed his sister. And he had transformed into something, and killed her, without knowing what was that took over him. He just lost everything and found something horrifying in its place, and he didn’t even know just what was going on. He didn’t know what to do. 
  • So, he fled that same night, just like that. He packed up his things and took the food from the kitchen with the best effort he could muster, considering his hands were trembling uncontrollably and his body had just been brutalized by the sudden metamorphosis. After he got everything, he decided to part. 
  • He didn’t know where to go, he just knew that he didn’t want to be there anymore. 
  • Keep in mind, all of this happened when he was 11. 
  • And his journey lasted for 5 years, traveling from his home across the 7 nations. In no place could he find a new home, being rejected by the common folk, as he didn’t know how to speak the common tongue. Although, he learned a couple of new things along the road, like how his condition was a spell put in his mother’s bloodline that was casted by a wizard, which amplified the curse of everything born in Khaenri’ah. He learned that his corruption was a lot more intense than average, and that its effects are the strongest when he starts feeling a certain emotion that he can’t quite describe. 
  • As a fun fact, elements of his current appearance are there because of his first transformation, which had the most impact in his life as a whole. His pointy ears, prominent, sharp canine teeth, and the charcoal black corruption on his leg are all products of this. Technically, his growth process and puberty were affected, too: it wasn’t in his genes to be tall or to have a deep voice like his. He already looked like a teenager when he was prepubescent, and for a while, he was self conscious about this. 
  • Thanks to the nomad life he was forced into, he’s also learned a lot more about the world than he did before, considering he practically grew up on the road. Apart from the life lessons he had to learn by force, he became a very open minded person, that otherwise wouldn’t exist if he had stayed in his bubble. There’s a lot more to the world than those woods, he thinks, and he came to love the world as a whole, even if the happiness he so desired to feel once again wasn’t destined to be in this place, and even if he was cast aside and shunned as a foreigner. That altruistic spirit still remains inside him to this very day. He also learned a whole arsenal of skills, but that’s not important. 
  • He’s had traveling companions before, and, of course, they couldn’t understand him when he talked, since the abyss language is practically dead. So, instead of using his voice, he learned sign language through a book he scavenged in Snezhnaya. He’s managed to make a lot of friends this way, actually. 
  • His last stop was the nation of wind, Mondstadt. At first, when he arrived at the door with his foreigner getup that didn’t look like he came from any country in Teyvat while he spoke a weird language, the knights that were guarding the gate didn’t let him in. Actually, they even were about to arrest him. It was something that he was used to, the nations of the gods are not kind to strangers, after all. 
  • In fact, he thinks that he’d be in jail right now if it wasn’t for the boy that saved him. 
  • The boy with the eyepatch immediately recognized where he came from, and he knew what he was saying. He could’ve looked the other way and kept walking, but after some deliberation, he made what looked like a witty excuse in his eyes, and after the exchange, he was grabbed by the wrist and taken to an interrogation chamber. Then, the boy proceeded to ask him his name and why he came from so far away, which he explained, leaving out the more obscure details, of course. After Lune asked the boy’s name back, he was met with a small smile and a full name that, unfortunately, was buried underground some years ago. Kaeya Ragnvindr. 
  • What happened next was that, well, he was snuck into Dawn Winery and brought downstairs into the basement, that was mainly full of wine barrels and wine making paraphernalia, and then into an unused room that, to anyone’s surprise, was actually clean, had a bed, a desk and a chair, and some piled up books in the corner. He never asked Kaeya how he arranged that, why he knew that place existed in his family’s house, or if he used it in the first place. In any case, the boy dedicated himself to teaching Lune how to speak common tongue and to help him fit in Mondstadt, so he could live a normal life and settle down. 
  • The reason why he did this? You see, he knew he wasn’t a bad person. He saw something in his eyes, something... Warm, and strangely familiar, like something he’d seen somewhere else before, maybe inside a dream, or perhaps it was in one of the dark corners of the universe, deep inside the abyss, where stars and the void glow and twirl, along with that boy’s pale, soft braid. That connection kinda scared him, actually, since he tried to get away from his origins as much as he could at that time. But he couldn’t ignore that stranger no matter how hard he tried, and he knew what it felt to be an outcast. It was pretty hard to not act, and he doesn’t regret doing so. 
  • So, they saw each other everyday for 1 or 2 hours, 3 at the best for Lune’s lessons. The eyepatch boy was lucky that Lune is fast at picking up things, because he honestly wasn’t the best teacher, but ironically, he taught him about Mondstadt and its customs better than the language of the continent. They also chatted about Kaeya’s day and what he did while he teached him, and soon enough, they became good friends. These conversations are how Lune found out that Kaeya was actually a knight and how he came to recognize who Diluc, Jean and Crepus, him and Diluc’s father, were. Kaeya also showed him pictures of them once, like how he brought “class materials'', like thick books that Lune had to read, or Mondstadt trademarks, like dandelions, windwheel asters or cecilias. 
  • About these last points, Lune used the books he had to read, analyze and use as exam study material as a way to press the flowers that Kaeya gave him, and he still keeps them to this very day, much to Kaeya’s delight and amusement. 
  • He also regrets not getting to know Crepus in person. 
  • In what comes to his progress, he learned pretty fast; Lune had mastered speaking common tongue, albeit with a mild accent, as well as knowing Mondstadt textbook wise, in less than 2 years. It also helped him a bit that Lune had picked up on some words on his journey through Teyvat, and sincerely, it impressed Kaeya. He decided that it was only right to let Lune go on his 18th birthday as a coming of age gift. 
  • This gift came with buying him tailored clothes, since what he had been wearing up until this point was some clothes that Kaeya lended him, and he had to do very big mental gymnastics so he could take Lune’s measures without him finding out what the gift was about, but he did it. He also gave him a decent amount of mora so he’d have a place to start from, and, finally, he gave him a map of the country so he wouldn’t get lost and a reference for apartments up for rent in Mondstadt. He expected that Lune would be thrilled to finally get to be out after 2 years of spending his time inside a small room with no one to talk to but him, but.
  •  The first thing that Lune did after he was led outside of Dawn Winery that afternoon, and he was told that he was welcomed in Mondstadt, city of freedom, was to pout and then say “Can’t I stay with you anymore?” 
  • It took him by surprise. He doesn’t consider it to be a bad kind of surprise, it… Made him feel something to know that the white haired boy enjoyed his company that much. But he had to explain that, sadly, Diluc wouldn’t stop asking him questions if he ever saw him around, and that it was almost a miracle that the maids hadn’t found him yet all this time. 
  • He kind of wished Lune could’ve stayed with him. Still, it wasn’t like they were going to stop talking, and they could actually see each other while Kaeya was on patrol around the city, so it was a good thing. Lune registered himself as a citizen of Mondstadt shortly after his birthday, and as a bit of a joke, he used the last name that Kaeya told him was his real one. It was self indulgent of him to do so too, but he doesn’t talk about that. 
  • Well, it’s not really a surprise that he fell in love with Kaeya in those 2 years. Not a lot of people have shown him kindness like that, and from the conversations they had, he found himself falling faster than he thought. He couldn’t do much for Kaeya when he was locked inside that room, though. So when he was let out, he started doing gestures for him; cooking him things like desserts and different meals, running errands for him, giving him handmade and bought gifts. These and more, Kaeya thought, were his way of expressing gratitude. He was partially right, but he also did it because Kaeya is… The biggest crush he’s ever had. Who would’ve thought. Only when months passed did the other realize that it wasn’t just a way to repay a favor. 
  • Unfortunately, things didn’t go as well for the both of them for the most part of that particular year. As many people in Mondstadt know, Crepus Ragnvindr met his demise on his son’s birthday, a tragedy that painted the skies grey and covered the land in rain. What most people don’t know is what came after; Kaeya and Diluc’s fight, in which their relationship fell out, and a void gap was created between them. After the conflict ended and Diluc told Kaeya to leave, deep into the dark night and a downpour that didn’t seem to get any lighter any time soon, he wandered into Lune’s apartment and knocked weakly on the door. From Lune’s end, he can easily say that the way Kaeya looked that night is easily the worst he’s ever seen him; his hair and clothes were absolutely soaked by rain water, which dripped down from him onto the floor, and he was shivering from the cold. The look on his face was ghastly, and on one of his hands, he gripped a light blue vision. 
  • He was very surprised at first, but he could recognize what was in his eyes, even without a single word. There was none of the playful gleam in his irises, instead a dull color that seemed to assimilate the grim clouds, and a gloss over them that made it very clear that he just lost something he loved dearly. He knew how it felt way better than he should. In silence, he grasped Kaeya’s wrist, pulling him inside the house and into a hug, not minding getting his clothes wet, because he knew the other man needed warmth. They stayed like that for a good while, and when Kaeya returned the hug, he could hear the thud of the vision hitting the floor, he could feel the constricting embrace that may or may not have been asphyxiating on purpose, and the thing that broke his heart the most, he could hear drowned sobs near his ear, under the crook of his neck. 
  • Once Kaeya calmed down, he lessened the tightness of his embrace, and eventually, he ended up sitting on the mattress laid on the floor that Lune called a bed. Then, Lune lended him a cloth so he could dry himself and one of his shirts so he could change. And after that, Kaeya told him what happened in a very vague way, since he didn’t want to talk about it. Lune could understand, after all, it was very difficult to give the details of something so sensitive, even more so when the wound is very fresh. He only limited himself to listening and giving him comfort, it was the best he could do, after all. 
  • After a few hours, he convinced Kaeya to stay with him, but the thing is. There was only one bed, and the other refused to make him sleep on the floor, so they had to sleep on the same bed very close to each other that night. To put it plainly, Lune couldn’t sleep at all. And on Kaeya’s side, he actually fell asleep quite easily; Lune was pleasantly warm and his hair felt like a soft pillow, he was very tired from the intense fight, as well as the heavy weight of grief and guilt, and he was terribly cold thanks to the new acquisition of his cryo vision combined with the bone chilling rain. 
  • Although, he can say for himself that that time of the year was bad, not only to Kaeya but him as well. It was only expected, he was very new in the city and not many people knew him just yet. But it still hurt when, pretty much after Kaeya left the next morning and he went out, everybody in town was staring daggers into him, and even though he hadn’t gotten berated verbally, he could feel the familiar weight of rejection descending upon his back. He knew this very well, and it hurt just as much as it did the first time. He also saw where they were coming from, after all, Crepus Ragnvindr was beloved in Mondstadt, and a newcomer that had only ever appeared until recently looked very suspicious after the incident. Nonetheless, he couldn’t help but spiral for the next few days, his mind filled with memories of the past cities he’d been in, memories of being turned away and judged, the times when he thought he didn’t belong anywhere anymore, condemned to live as an outcast. Those thoughts came with even more self loathing than he already exercised upon himself. And, after 2 weeks of not stepping outside of his apartment out of fear, and after a few chats with Kaeya when he visited him to check on him, he decided that this town wasn’t for him. 
  • Of course, he wasn’t moving countries again, for he has had enough traveling for a lifetime. It just meant that he was gonna live outside the city. He tried going to Springvale, but the stares he got felt the same as the ones inside the walls. He also discovered that there were no houses out in the wild either; So, he decided to take the matter into his own hands. This led to him finding a spot near Starsnatch Cliff and then deciding to build his own house from scratch. To say he put effort into making it is an understatement, since his more perfectionist side came to life, and he tried really hard to make it comfortable and cozy. In total, it took him 6 months of nonstop work to build his cabin. 6 months in which he worked from morning to night, only sleeping a few hours on Kaeya’s couch after talking to him for the rest of his free time.
  •  From Kaeya’s perspective, he now noticed Lune’s… Eccentricity, per se? He knew that the both of them had a really rough time after what happened, and that Lune started feeling alienated in Mondstadt. After all, he’d been listening to him talk when his shifts allowed him to go to his house, and he had been comforting him and assuring him that he’d help him find a house away from people, because his comfort was first and he appreciated his company. 
  • He didn’t expect him to build a god forsaken house though. 
  • He swears that the whole thing felt like a fever dream. Lune had gotten up one day after he left his apartment and moved in with him (he didn’t mind much, since Lune actually took up little space for a dude his size), and then didn’t come back for the rest of the day, even when Kaeya had a night shift that time. He actually got worried, what if Lune had run into a monster and it overpowered him and he was in trouble? What if he was assaulted by treasure hoarders on his way back from wherever he was? These and many more questions raced through his mind as he unconsciously started pacing around his living room, looking at the empty spot on the sofa. Until, he heard the door click open, and in came a very… Sweaty and worn out Lune. The latter had to sit through an entire interrogation about why he came home at goddamned 2 am, and then he was pseudo lectured by an exasperated Kaeya Alberich after he told him he was literally building a house. 
  • After that whole fiasco happened, at least he knew at what hour to expect Lune to come home, and instead of being worried sick, he was actually intrigued by what he was doing. The white haired man refused to show him his progress, just telling him that it was a surprise. He did contemplate snooping around on his own in one of his fits of curiosity, but he considered that he really didn’t want to upset Lune just because of something he’ll see sooner or later. There weren’t many things that could stop him from uncovering a secret, especially if they were in his hands. Maybe, just maybe, this was an early sign for his feelings. 
  • He also admired the dedication that he seemed to put into his task, being that he only saw him very early in the morning and very late into the night, and he took the time to cook breakfast and dinner for the both of them before heading out and after arriving. He also didn’t see him pack lunch, perhaps he figured something out in the wild. He even caught up with him over the meals they shared and some time after eating, and, honestly, there were two questions that came across his mind while watching the other undo his braid slowly; number one, how does he even have enough energy to do all this? and number two, he doesn’t do much other than talk to him lately, is he really that important to Lune? 
  • Eventually, these thoughts also came to him even when he wasn’t looking at Lune, finding himself unfocused at work from time to time, too busy pondering over trying to find an answer to these doubts. Then, the image of Lune also came to his mind, looking at his memories of him for any signs of… Something else, something else other than friendship. Then, he remembered that rainy night, where he could remember vividly the smell of him, how warm he felt, that voice that tried to soothe him, and the feeling of his hair. And as a chain reaction, he then proceeded to think about the other moments he had with him, how he’d smile knowingly and kindly, how he’d laugh heartily at some joke he’d told, and even small things like the way his eyes would smile, or how his hands fidgeted subtly behind his back. Soon, he found himself thinking of Lune all the time, and even if his main focus wasn’t the man, he always had him at the back of his head, and he noticed that much.
  • Then, it finally hit him one night. It wasn’t even anything out of the ordinary that triggered it; Lune came home late, like almost every night those last months, he cooked a warm meal for the both of them, they ate and chatted over dinner together. And, once he lifted his gaze from the food in front of him, he saw something… that he’d never realized was there before. It was Lune’s usual gesture after he’d finished eating and talked to Kaeya, waiting for the other to finish his supper; Cheek resting on his palm, elbow propped on the table, a smile on his face, soft eyes looking at him from under his light eyelashes, cheeks blushed a red shade. It all clicked inside his mind, finally. It had always been before his very eyes. That smile, tired but beaming, forming two dimples on his face. The glimmer that danced around the mirrored star shaped pupils, surely it couldn’t have been only from the candlelight that lit up the room, it shined way too brightly and felt way warmer than the candles. It felt, ironically, like looking at the moonlight gleam through the cathedral’s stained glass, projecting rare, quiet pictures that weren’t the same during the day. The color felt… intimate. And how could he have mistaken the scarlet shade that stained the man’s pale skin, he had seen it before in maidens and bachelors alike, the blood rose to their cheeks on cue when the subject of their desire walked by. What that painting had tried to tell him was painfully obvious, and yet, a mental fog had stopped him from noticing it. But he had finally caught it, and the seconds of that visage were enough to make his mouth agape. Lune was in love with him. That was the answer he was asking for all along.
  •  Still, that’s not all he came to discover that night. Once Lune asked him what was wrong, and he gave out one of his quick, witty lies to excuse his expression, Lune only sighed in resignation, then put away the plates and washed them, and proceeded to come back and then sit on the couch with him once again. And, unconsciously, he detonated something inside of Kaeya’s brain, those thoughts which had been festering inside his mind for quite a while now. How did he do it? It was, essentially, another gesture that the single eyed man got to watch him do everyday; undoing his braid with the utmost care, threading his fingers through his hair slowly, doing so in an absent minded manner, more interested in his conversation with Kaeya than in what has become a mundane activity to him. But Kaeya couldn’t help but focus into his fingers, calloused and marked with scars, yet still bony and soft. And then, he couldn’t help but focus even more on the motion of them, rippling into the thick strands of hair as if touching a waterfall, only to move onto the next task at hand, all in a slow rhythm, hands moving swiftly just like clockwork. And the final blow was none other than those long, pure white locks being freed from the tight grip of the hairstyle, which left them in a wavy shape. The hair slowly regained its fluffy consistency, and there was that curious line of lilac that was the only difference in the ever so pale snow of Lune’s mane, almost resembling the perpetual cold of Dragonspine and its intrepid, colorful adventurers. That scenery and every single memory of Lune he’d had before, it all came back to him and exploded in his face. His heart throbbed heavily in his chest at it, and oh, he’d be mortified if he knew the kind of face he made. After all, it’s not every day you see a visibly nervous and surprised Kaeya, one which had a very noticeable blush on his face that extended to his ears. 
  • The final conclusion he reached that night was one that he wholeheartedly didn’t expect, and it was that, he too, loved Lune. He knew what love was and how it felt, of course. What he didn’t know was that he’d be able to feel this strongly so suddenly. It resembled being punched in the stomach, and, of course, he worried Lune with his reaction. That conversation concluded with him excusing himself to his chambers to “sleep it off”, as if sleep was the cure to those feelings. In reality, he watched the sun rise after spending hours trying to decide what to do. He couldn’t look his close friend in the eye that morning, and Jean reprimanded him for slacking off out of sheer sleep deprivation. Ah, how he wished he could just melt into the floor. 
  • And so, his routine for the next two months followed something along those lines, as he began to act strange around Lune, which frankly misdirected what the other thought a great deal. Perhaps he’d done something wrong? Did he ever say anything that made Kaeya uncomfortable, so much as to make him unable to hold eye contact and to make him more distant than ever? Did he betray Kaeya’s trust, the one that took him so long to earn completely? “Oh god, don’t tell me he’ll leave me too” was the core thought that crossed his mind as he came home, only to sit in an awkward silence with him, one which he had never experienced, at least not with Kaeya. And the former didn’t know it, but Lune cried a couple of times on his own during these times, as he overthought the other’s behaviour over and over again to the point of exhaustion. A case of miscommunication, it’s no one’s fault. And fun fact, he might’ve just found out Kaeya’s deal if his intuition hadn’t been tainted by abandonment issues, of course. 
  • On Kaeya’s side of things, it was a whole new experience, too. See, he’s usually pretty good at controlling what he feels and thinks, he’s known for keeping a cool head under pressure and usually, the only way to make him break is to get him past a certain point of alcohol intoxication. But if he didn’t know a single thing about concealing emotions, he would’ve trembled like a god forsaken chihuahua the whole time after he realized his feelings. And even then, it was very noticeable that he had a crush on somebody, and what went on on his mind was pretty much out of his control, almost all of it being about Lune and trying to get around how he could… tell him about what he felt. And even then, it was difficult to have coherent thoughts. He had never quite felt like a mess this way, and frankly, it did feel like he’d start melting from the heat at any moment. And, in a funny enough way, his brain just stopped working when he looked at Lune in the face, and it was borderline painful to be by his side. In order to keep being functional, he had to distance himself. That’s the explanation for his behavior, and the one that he gave Lune when he finally asked about it. Needless to say, when he heard about this, Lune laughed at him but gave him one of those smiles that he knew were heartfelt. “You’re such a mess, Kaeya. I love it”, he said in between wheezes. It’s true. 
  • In between his jumble of gay thoughts, Kaeya finally managed to figure something out, an outline of a plan to confess his feelings and more or less the time he’d do it. He just needed to wait until the final month of the year to act on it, he had to organize his ideas better (if he was able to, that is). But it turns out, Lune has a surprisingly good sense of timing, and before Kaeya even decided the date, he was invited by Lune for a walk. He found it… kinda out of place, considering how they’d been interacting all of these months. Still, he agreed to come with him, and he honestly tried to be able to speak. Soon, all of his effort was thrown away, because what he had been led to was… Essentially, what he had been working on all this time, now finished. It was only right that Kaeya was wordless. 
  • Kaeya was actually very impressed. It’s not like he had low expectations, not at all. It’s just that… It looked very pleasant. It wasn’t anything flashy or fancy by any means, as expected of the person who built it; But the cottage in question still had its own charm to it, and it also had a curiously high ceiling, yet again, reflecting the taste of the builder. The more he looked at it, the cozier it seemed, and it gave him a very familiar sensation. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but if he had to describe it, it felt just like the glimmer in Lune’s eyes. It was warm like the heat of a sunny spring day, and it also felt like a chilly autumn night, where the moon shined brightly in the sky, and it had the sensation of the perfect season to be in someone’s embrace. And all of that had a very prominent flavor to it; it all felt like home. Just like Lune. It only made his heart race even faster, and he knew he had to seal the deal soon. Somebody might just take his spot at this rate. 
  • And so, he had to put his plan in motion sooner than he’d thought. Funny enough, it wasn’t one of Kaeya’s usual plans, it wasn’t an elaborate hoax or a wittily planned scheme, in which everything eventually fell in its place. It was nothing like that because he knew that Lune could see through lies like a hot knife cuts through butter, and he honestly might just confuse him if he made something like the latter plan. So, he’d just do this clean and simple. 
  • Essentially, it seemed like something he’d do on a normal winter day, so it didn’t raise any suspicion in Lune when he invited him to lounge next to the fireplace in his house after he settled down in his newly made cottage. After all, it wasn’t a secret that the white haired man hated the cold of winter, and he remembered a conversation where he told him that he used to enjoy sitting with his sister and his mom by the fire, just relishing in each other’s company. And as far as he was concerned, he also knew that he hadn’t experienced anything similar in years. So, he just threw some logs, some oil and a match inside his fireplace, placed a comfortable, fuzzy rug in front of it, and, since he wanted to be sober, he made some hot chocolate to the best of his ability. While he waited for that knock on the door, he even almost spilled scorching liquid on himself, his stupid hands being shaky and clumsy thanks to that typical, adrenaline inducing feeling of his chest and the throbbing of his head. A part of him had a good feeling about this, but then again, he couldn’t help but be anxious. A million thoughts raced through his brain, and once again, he wished he could turn it off for a while. Just until he heard that knock on the door. 
  • Another remark of his clumsiness to be made, when he did hear Lune outside, he skidded on the wooden floor so fast he almost fell over in the process. When the door opened before him and revealed an agitated Kaeya, Lune asked what was wrong, and he could only say that it was nothing. Then, he focused on what Lune was wearing for a bit, and found something that caught his attention; he was almost dressed as always, only that now he was wearing a royal blue vest, white gloves, higher boots, and… a cloak he’d seen before, years ago. It had the same colors as the vest he was wearing, embroidered cream colored flowers, and those stars that he so recognized. He remembers seeing Lune walk into the city for the first time dressed in that same cloak. It made him feel a sudden surge of nostalgia, remembering the moment they met. He had to shake it off, though. He had to focus on what he was supposed to do. 
  • To no one’s surprise, his confession almost ended in disaster. At first it was all going according to plan, he invited Lune in and he took his cloak and his gloves to hang them at the entrance, they sat on the couch after Kaeya brought the mugs with hot chocolate in them, and they watched the fireplace for a while, listening to the fire crackling. It was going well, until Kaeya opened his mouth to explain why he’d invited him. He supposedly had a script memorized, supposedly. But just being by Lune’s side made him forget everything he was going to say. So everything that came out of that whole conversation was cavalry captain Kaeya Alberich babbling and stuttering and losing the thread of what he was saying. Eventually, after a neverending stream of failed attempts at trying to say what he wanted to say, he finally got it. He finally said he loved him, and asked him if it was ok for them to be together (but like, messy). 
  • On Lune’s side, he was extremely confused. At first, he couldn’t make out a single thing of what Kaeya was trying to tell him, understandably so. But when he finally caught it… He was in shock. He was frozen in place with a big blush on his cheeks. He couldn’t believe it, he thought Kaeya was starting to hate him. Not that he… felt the same. He almost couldn’t hear him over the pounding of his own heart. 
  • Coming back to whatever Kaeya was doing… he really thought he had failed when Lune said nothing and stayed still. He was about to get up from the couch and resign to having an unrequited love. But when he had already stood up and had his back to Lune, he suddenly heard steps hurrying towards him, and before he could turn, he felt a familiar weight on his back and those strong arms wrapped around his chest, as well as a face against his hair. And along with all of this, there was a small and soft plead of “Please, never leave me. I love you”. He was so happy that he couldn’t help the way his body turned and returned the hug. And like that, their relationship was sealed. 
  • They've been together for almost 3 years now. 
  • In the present, Lune feels pretty satisfied with his life. He finally found a place to stay, a very pleasant and warm place to call home, with friends and a significant other who he loves with all of his heart. What he feels being here is a happiness he hasn’t felt in a long, long time, and he wishes that it could be like this forever. But he always has a bubbling anxiety deep inside, mainly a product of his trauma, that makes him feel like something will go horribly wrong at any moment. 
  • But then again, he has Kaeya to tell him that he won’t go. That everything’s okay, that he deserves to be happy and loved. That the both of them deserve to be happy, no matter where they came from, and especially after everything they’ve been through. This way he sleeps in Kaeya’s embrace, keeping every moment in his memory, a memory of that life that seemed like nothing but an illusion at some point. 
  • Lune has a pet, a talking cat named Orion. He rescued them on one of his commissions and nursed them back to health. The cat ended up staying in his house because they liked the food he cooks. They’re a very good companion, plus, they help him to hunt down some birds for fowl. 
  • Aside from his main job, he makes a batch of jam every month and he goes to the city to sell it and gain some more money on the side. He always ends up selling everything, and it makes him pretty happy. 
  • Kaeya, of course, has free jam privileges. Lucky. 
  • He likes walking in the ocean with Kaeya, him using his cryo powers, of course. It reminds him of when he was a child and his mother took his sister and him for a walk along the river with her. Initially, Kaeya didn’t know what made this so special to Lune, but he loved seeing the smile that he brought to his face. Now that he knows, he will even leave his job unattended if he wants to have a walk. 
  • He likes gardening a lot, and he grows different types of plants in his garden, such as sunsettia trees and berry bushes. 
  • As a final fact, he has a lot of experience braiding hair, since he used to braid his little sister’s hair. It soothes him to braid Kaeya’s hair.
  •  Appearance 

    He’s a very tall person, to the point where he surpasses Kaeya by a good couple of inches. His complexion could be described as sturdy, mostly built on muscle. His eyes are periwinkle colored, and he has star shaped pupils. His hair’s thick and has a wavy texture, and it's mostly white. He also has a periwinkle strand of hair that runs from the back of his head all the way to the tips. His hairstyle consists of bangs parted to the side and a long braid that reaches his lower back. He has some scars on his face, although the more prominent one’s the one that’s under his left eye. He almost always has some kind of gauze or band aid on his face, and his arms and hands are usually covered in bandages, like his legs. His vision looks like a charm he put on a black satin choker he usually wears, and his usual attire consists of a white poet shirt with small lace ends on the sleeves and the tips of his collar. The area of the buttons on his shirt is decorated by small frills, like the end of his sleeves. The buttons on his shirt are encrusted with blue gems, and they have golden rims. His pants reach his waist, and he has his shirt tucked inside his pants. His pants are black, they have six small golden buttons on the front (three on each side), and he is sometimes seen wearing black suspenders with them. His pants are cuffed, showing his dark brown boots and part of his leg bandages, one of which he wears to conceal the unnatural color of his corruption.
  •  Likes  list of likes 
  •  Dislikes  list of dislikes 
  • Kaeya Alberich Partner 
  • His relationship with Kaeya is something he had never felt before, if he had to describe it in some shape or form. He’s had partners before, but nobody has ever made him feel like how he feels with Kaeya. Just... He makes him feel such peace, that everything is fine in the world for a while, and it’s the type of sensation that he almost forgot existed until he met him. He loves him quite a lot, and would do anything for him. Like this, the both of them feel a certain connection with each other, being that they come from the same place and share the same secret. They know they can count on each other, and this gets reflected in all that Lune knows about the cavalry captain, things that other people couldn’t even imagine. He considers Kaeya’s trust in him like something absolutely precious, and he feels really guilty about not being capable of telling him the full story of his past. One of his greatest fears is losing him, and his curse has done nothing but make him lose his loved ones. He doesn’t want to risk it again, not with Kaeya, not if he can prevent it by hiding it.
  • On a more cheerful note, Lune loves pulling pranks on Kaeya, and one of his favorites is putting small bits of anemo slime in his drink, since he’s discovered consuming anemo slimes makes people’s voice higher in a silly way, and he loves laughing at Kaeya. Lune’s become more of a prankster in the past years, and he especially loves picking on Kaeya. Why? Simply because he’s too pretty to leave him be.
  • And, as a fun fact, Lune’s experience on the road makes him able to distinguish what’s a lie from what’s true, so Kaeya can never fool him no matter how hard he tries.
  • Katze Family 
  • Even before he knew that they had a blood connection, he felt a strong desire to help Katze out and take care of him as much as he could. It began as him wanting to aid one of Kaeya's friends who just so happened to be constantly on the road by providing them food and other resources and offering them a place to stay for a while. But when he saw that scene in his garden, of him curled up in a ball under the full moon, trying his best to hide his monstrous form... He saw himself. He was back in that landscape filled with nothing but thick white snow and grim black trees, enduring another extremely painful transformation, growling and panting and drowning in his own tears. He did not want to hurt anyone else, so he ran away from the place he was staying at and decided to endure his suffering alone. He could hear the sobs from where he was standing, and after he came back to reality, his heart ached tremendously. And he did not hesitate to step outside and towards the trembling figure in the middle of his garden. He got on his knees and hugged them without thinking it for a second, and poured out his thoughts in a reassuring, nurturing voice. It'll be alright, I am here, you won't hurt me. I will stay here for as long as it takes. I care for you, I love you. I won't leave you. And muttering all of those words, the sun rose. And even when he went back to normal and fell asleep, he still couldn't let go.
  • That's how he decided to take care of them as if they were family, and so he did.

  • Klee Little friend 
  • She's practically his little sister. No, really. He loves the kid like she's from his own family, he loves playing with her and he'll protect her at all costs. This has its reasons to be, like how he's naturally good with kids and he loves being around them, and that the little girl dressed in red reminds him a lot of Stella. He always feels some nostalgia when he comes across her and/or he assumes the duty of taking care of her when Albedo's too busy doing alchemy, but he doesn't let the memories take over him and he instead turns his focus to spending time with the child.
  • On Klee's side of the story, she likes the sweets and cookies that Lune makes, she finds his cat cute and he lets her play all day with her treasure, so Klee likes Mr. Tree a lot.
  • Albedo Friend 
  • Albedo doesn’t dislike the company of the other man at all. When he found out about him through Klee, he didn’t give him much importance, really. It was only when he saw Lune for himself that he started paying attention to him, because he sensed something strange about him, and he found that particular feeling worthy of further investigation, even if it was just a little bit. Thus, one day, Kaeya informed him that Albedo invited him to come to his campsite in Dragonspine to run some tests on him. He found it a little weird, and he was nervous about the alchemist finding out about his secret. Naturally, since it’s Albedo, he discovered it, but he agreed to not tell Kaeya anything as a more or less equivalent exchange, since Lune’s particular type of corruption took one of his investigations one step further. Since then, Albedo has let the boy get closer to him, and eventually, they became friends. He appreciates that Lune comes to his campsite once in a while with a hot drink and some baked goods, plus, he’s the type of person that likes just sitting with another person in the same room, no talking required. Besides, Lune’s a good listener, so Albedo doesn’t feel alienated when he starts talking about alchemy with him. Oh, and he also gains him some time when he fills in on taking care of Klee for him. He likes him, yes.