


1 year, 10 months ago


Tribe: Roughly 30% SkyWing and 70% SeaWing, with just a touch of SandWing

Abilities: SkyWing Fire (a bit weaker than average), fantastic swimmer, ability to breath underwater.  (Faster in the water than in the sky).

Colors: Her base color is (mostly) a purpley-maroon with fades of lighter, more pinkish maroon, and a tan underbelly.  Her wing membranes (and SeaWing frills) are a deep, dark (almost blue) purple, and her gills are an electric blue.

Patterns: She has fairly complex patterning, mostly tan, water-like markings over her neck, arms, and wings (some of which are shaped like tiny hearts).  She has small patches of purple and maroon scattered over her body, mainly on her feet and tail, and she has pale tan dots every once in a while.

Scars: A large rip in each of her wings caused by a shark when she was a dragonet.

Eye Color: Blue (her family compliments her a lot for them because they think it’s pretty, which Daybreak is secretly quite happy about)

Body Type: Athletic, average height.

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 10 (in dragon years, so roughly 18 in human years)

Physical Disabilities: She has pretty big tears in both of her wings, which makes flight a bit tougher for her.  She can still fly, but it just takes more effort; having to flap her wings more than average to stay aloft.  This also takes up a lot of energy, and so she doesn’t really enjoy flying as a result.  It makes her nervous.

Pronouns: She/her (though she doesn’t mind they/them and he/him pronouns either.  She’s kind of indifferent about her gender and just sticks with whatever anyone calls her, but would probably identify as bigender or NB if she cared about it enough to want a label.)

Orientation: Bisexual & biromantic (tends to be attracted to cute, quiet types)

Mental Disorders: ADHD (around the middle of the spectrum in terms of severity)

Fears: Sharks, being alone, loosing her friends, heights (especially when flying too high), and being a disappointment.

General Personality: Daybreak is bossy and tough, in part due to the fact that her parents are both guards for their small island tribe, and even her younger sister pursuing the position.  Being her parent’s first dragonet, she had a lot of expectations thrusted upon her, and she was always expected to grow up quickly and take on a mountain of responsibility.  It was a tough childhood, but it made her strong, and she has a fairly positive relationship with her parents regardless (they definitely never mistreated her, but maybe overworked her a bit).  However, despite her outwardly tough personality, she still secretly hangs onto some of her more “feminine” interests (reading sappy romance novels, painting her talons, making flower crowns with her friends, etc.), and would absolutely die if her family found out.  She’s a bit ashamed of these traits, although it was never something she was taught, but at this point, she’s too embarrassed to tell anyone she knows about it outside of her close friends.

Likes: Swimming, hanging out with friends, being trusted with things (especially when said thing requires strength and/or a high-degree of responsibility), crabs, napping on the beach, salty foods, and sappy romance novels.

Dislikes: Being left out, flying, dressing up, and long school days.

Occupation: Pearl Diver (which is a job that she is very satisfied with, but sometimes wishes it allowed her a bit more free time.)

Accessories/Clothing: A golden brace on each horn, gold polish on her talons, two golden earrings that connect to each other via a thin golden wire (both ears), and occasionally, she’ll wear a golden bull nose ring.  She’ll also usually end up wearing a flower crown when around Dahlia, and sometimes she’ll wear a shal that covers the rips in her wings for formal events with her parents.

Father: Stingray

Relationship with them: As a guard, he is a bit strict with his daughter, as well as having some pretty high expectations for her.  They do have a positive relationship though, and he gives her plenty of praise (especially involving her choice of friends, and profitable career path).

Mother: Daylily

Relationship with them: She is also a guard, but she and Daybreak’s relationship is a bit looser than it is with her father.  Daylily aspires to be the “cool mom”, no matter how much it embarrasses her daughter.  She really does love her though.

Siblings: CrownFlash

Relationship with them: CrownFlash is her little sister, and she also just so happens to be absolutely perfect in every way.  Daybreak is jealous of her sister to the point of being borderline resentful.  At the end of the day though, CrownFlash is a really sweet dragonet, and Daybreak could never openly tell her that she’s jealous out of fear of hurting her feelings.

Friends: Fennec, Dahlia, Forest, and Lily

Relationship with them: She’s extremely close to all her friends, especially Dahlia, who she’s known since they were dragonets.  Sometimes she feels like her friends are the only dragons who take her seriously.

Best Friend: Dahlia

Relationship with them: Since their parents were friends, she and Dahlia have been together since the moment they were born.  Daybreak feels closer with her than she does her own family, and would die for her.

Pet: Crabster

Relationship with them: He is the cutest, most loyal little crab boy in the ocean, and she loves him.

Acquaintances: River

Relationship with them: River is Forest’s older brother, who is pretty much the exact opposite in terms of personality from his friendlier, more excitable sibling.  He and Daybreak haven’t ever formally met, so she’s fairly indifferent about him, but she gets the sense that he’s a bit of a stick-in-the-mud.

Crushes: Dahlia

Relationship with them: Its nothing serious, but she’s had a small crush on Dahlia since they were little, and it just never faded.  They’re more friends than anything though, so Daybreak doesn’t plan to do anything about it unless Dahlia herself begins to show interest.

Enemies: Sun

Relationship with them: Sun is Fennec’s dad, as well as the leader of their tribe.  Daybreak has heard about all the bad things Fennec has to say about his father, and she doesn’t really like Sun as a result (even though they haven’t had many interactions personally).  

Intelligence: 8/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed: 3/10

Physical: 6/10

Mental: 5/10

Vitality: 4/10

Strategy: 8/10

Quick Thinking: 5/10

Charisma: 8/10

Deception: 7/10

Backstory: [ WIP ]

Daybreak was born into a small island tribe made up entirely of hybrids.  Segregated from the mainland, she didn’t really have a large pool of dragons to choose from for friends and acquaintances, and due to an overpopulation issue, the tribe was stressed out a lot.  Luckily for her, she had her one true escape: the sea.