


6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Reconnaissance Operation








Human Variant




  • wanders around with his back hunched and his hands in his pockets, has a sort of lazy gait and generally relaxed posture
  • chews bubblegum a lot, fidgets with things like the pocket watch he keeps in his pocket
  • the pocket watch is scratched up because he tends to scratch at it when he's anxious/nervous
  • somewhat obsessed with the time, hates wasting time and is always trying to find a way to make things exciting
  • pyrokinetic-- can spawn fire, though he sometimes gets out of hand considering his emotions carry him away
  • is known for his rebellious and hard-headed nature-- often hard to persuade or convince due to his stubbornness
  • a leader of the underdogs and a hater of authority figures-- he's a bit of a problematic guy in this regard, but the people on his team usually love him for his bold and outgoing nature and his incredible loyalty
  • does not like other people endangering or causing harm to his teammates
  • hates being told what to do and often does the complete opposite if he is given instructions
  • incredibly athletic and spends a lot of time working out or playing sports with his teammates
  • possesses absolutely no shame and is completely honest 99% of the time
  • goes out drinking and flirting-- is not ashamed to sleep with prostitutes and hookers, he's just someone who wants to be loved and doesn't know how to go about it
  • doesn't have time for sitting down and looking at the flowers
  • doesn't remember a whole lot about his past before the Outbreak incident, but he's fine with this-- what he does remember is more or less what he's glanced from dreams, so he isn't sure if it's true or not, but he wonders about it sometimes
  • probably a bit too trusting once you get to know him
  • kind of dumb at times and rushes in without considering risks most of the time-- he means well but his execution is a bit lackluster
  • many rules have been made in order to try and restrict this man and his general zany personality
  • has a tattoo on his back that resembles a clock at 12-- he has no real idea where it came from
  • also has a barcode tattoo on the back of his neck due to his status as a government employee