Basic Info




Re, Recon




DFAB Agender




Reconnaissance is a strange, strange plumerian. They're a DFAB agender individual. Seen as an outcast by most other of their species as well as others as a whole, Recon is a quirky plume. They generally walk hunched over with their hands in their pockets, taking a more submissive and harmless posture as if to emphasize their lack of meaning harm. They're obsessed with the time and carry a silver pocketwatch on them at all times, typically fidgeting with it when they're anxious or nervous. They tend to be more of an observer and lurk over actually engaging. They have a reserved and 'professional' way of talking-- an almost dated and very wordy way of speaking. Despite seeming to be quite straight-faced at a glance, Recon is actually quite excitable. They're always looking for new risks to take and things to explore, they're pretty conscious of not wasting oppourtunities and they believe a chance missed is almost as great a sin as wasting time. They live in a busy city, bustling with life, and they enjoy watching pigeons in the city square. They're generally more quiet until someone talks to them, in which case they may be prone to rambling. Recon seems to be going through life trying to find something-- though what it is, they don't know.