クモ / Kumo



Personal Butler of Geno Sugimoto.

He was originally a Prince, but from a life he did not enjoy. He had lived in an abusive environment, his parents the King and Queen not so very nice people. He had enough of watching them disrespect the staff in the palace over simple mistakes and taking their anger out whenever they pleased. 

Kumo was a kind-hearted boy and always did his best to make sure peace was set around the house. He had an older sibling who always picked on him and two younger siblings whom he loved dearly. He made sure they were protected and safe. He did his best to make his family live normally, or at least decently. He did his best to make the staff feel appreciated and welcomed. 

After a turn of events and his situation seeming to have brightened up, a war struck, taking away all that he once had. His family, his status, his home, he was left vulnerable and alone.

That was until, Mr. Toshido, had found him. A guy who he looks up to and even recognizes as a father. 

He worked under him by choice. He wanted to help around whenever he could, although Mr. Toshido insisted he didn't have to do anything. Kumo's status was gone, but he surprisingly enjoyed doing everything a butler did. He owed his life to Mr. Toshido and was forever grateful for his actions of giving him a new home, a new start, and a new family. He swore to himself he would repay back that kindness in whatever ways he could. So with that, he decided to become a butler around the grand mansion.

Years later, Mr. Toshido had taken in his nephew, Geno Sugimoto in his home after some unfateful events.

Kumo didn't seem to enjoy his presence at first, he was perhaps jealous of him being around and having more attention, but he didn't do or say anything reckless. He continued on to serve and follow Mr. Toshido around, but his main tasks were to mainly stay put with Geno and made sure he was okay, and to help him around with anything if he needed it. This annoyed him, as he only promised to help Mr. Toshido, but this was his nephew, so he did his best to follow on.

Over time, Kumo learned to open up more toward G and grew fond of him. His kind action and words had a big impact on Kumo and made him realize a lot of things. And in a way, Geno also reminded him of Mr. Toshido, his siblings, and himself..? 

2 years later




After Mr. Toshido's sacrifice and his death, after they both, had lost everything they ever loved again, they now only had each other. Kumo had made a promise to Mr. Toshido a few years back.

"Kumo." Mr. Toshido called. "Mm?" He hummed in response. Toshido motioned his hand towards him, alerting him to come. Kumo did as told. "I have a favor to ask," he started. ''Geno has been through... His own share of troubles. As of this moment, we're the only ones he has left. I'm sure you must understand how he feels..." He quietly sighed, folding his hands together. "You both have a long life ahead of you. But I... won't be here with you guys forever. Eventually, I'll grow old and die. When that time comes... Please look after each other for me. I know how you feel with Geno around, but I love you both as my own sons. I want you both to see each other the same, as brothers. Everyone in this household is family. Please look after one another. Take care of him for me. And yourself." 

From there on forth, after diving back into those memories, Kumo now completely swore to serve and stay by Geno's side for as long as he lived now. To protect him and to make sure he -  that they both never lost anything they held dear again. And for "himself," Kumo didn't want to lose Geno, the one family he now had left. The reason for his existence and his will to live. His brother. He would make sure to keep his promise.

Fun Facts:

Before this, Kumo was once a human until the time he was taken captive and given an injection which made him turn.