


2 years, 12 hours ago


Put Your Records On
Corinne Bailey Rae

01 — Profile

Name Sofia "Fia" Blackwell
Nicknames Fifi, The Capricorn
Age 34 Years Old
Gender Female ( she/her )
Height 5'7" / 170cm
Birthdate Apr 8
Race Capricorn
Orientation. Lesbian
Occupation Bartender/Deaconess

Designer Iambda
Worth Priceless
  • Fia wears loccs, and the pattern is not symmetrical

  • Her horns make a crescent moon shape. One horn is shorter than the other.

  • Leaves and vines can grow from horns

  • Nails are green from magic overuse. Her fire magic grows plants.

  • Tie is small and does not go all the way down

  • Eyes are a green to gold gradient!

02 — Personality

A suave but quiet indiviudal, Fia is always smiling as her own version of a poker face. She personally runs a bar she got ownership for through hardwork because her love and for alcohol is pure and genuine. She uses her skills with growing plants and incoporates that into brewing. With her own brand of alcohol Fia then peddles her wares to the upper class for additional funds. She's a bit of a performer, always wanting to make people smile and be showered with praise. Fia uses the best of her ability to help nurture people and allow them to be their best selves, but she can be smothering sometimes. She tries to be supportive of other's growth but she can get a bit too invested, and ends up losing herself.

While Fia is very animated and charismatic, she doesn't actually say much of substance because she doesn't want any commitments that could conflict with her goals. She's not a liar per se but a deflector, using fancy tricks and words to hide her actual thoughts. As she was raised in a monstesary she tries to be reserved but debonair. She wants limited positive attention without the massive amounts of responsibility. As a deconess she's a lot more solemn by force and not by choice. She's not very good at making friends, although she could be a great one. She keeps people as far as she can throw them, and she doesn't have good core strength so that's not very far.

As a capricorn in a society that values sea creatures are higher beings, Fia often holds her tongue. This has been a habit since she was younger, and she still struggles to say her true opinions, no matter how loud she tries to say her halfhearted ones. The only person she can be entirely honest with is Carmen Avellino.

  • Alcohol

  • Carmen

  • Choir Music

  • Herbs & Gardening

  • Church Leadership

  • Carmen...

  • Smoking

  • The Sea

03 — Background


As a mammal in a world dominated by creatures of the sea, Fia did not really fit in well. She could hold her breath...just not as long as the other children. While they had scales with their skin, she had her soft and short goat tail. She wasn't relentlessly teased or anything like that, but she still felt like the other. The consequences of her goat features despite being a capricorn led Fia to always being told that she was destined for greatness. Fia has always had doubts about this because she was told this while she remained unadopted in an orphanage. Well, originally was unadopted. Fia was born on Portland Bay, a land colony and out of the way area for most boattowns. After she reached age 13 Sofia Blackwell was taken into the Driftwood Monastery. As her patron animal was a capricorn, the church realized she had a special lineage and raised her from nun to deaconess. Throughout her training the initial thoughts of her orphanage days started to sink in.

Fia struggled with fitting in, even with the church. She felt like she was towing a line between being seen as inferior and at the same time being seen as an idol. She didn't feel as if she was considered "human". Though she was loved and praised and provided for, it all felt increasingly empty. What made it worse was when Fia noticed that her horns weren't growing in even. To her, it felt even more shameful, but the church came up with their own conclusions about it. Her horns started to make a crescent moon shape, and as the moon has strong ties to the tide, her exalted state was all the more revered. Fia continued her life in a gilded cage hung upon an ivory tower above the relentless, savage waves.

Short King of the Streets (Young Carmen)

By the time Fia is 17 she is sent to be a missionary and to spread the news of the church. Fia is less than thrilled about this idea. It's what she grew up with but she feels that its a fake message if she's the one spreading it. She worries if people will judge her because she's just some goat nun talking about the chosen children of the sea. She's stationed in Anchorsbane, a fairly populated boat town that's currently being renovated. She she gets off the transport bus, she immediately begins to walk to where she'll be staying the night. She begins walking down a brick path with a wall, noticing it's rather new and probably one of the more recent features added to this city. As most boats are comprised of steel, seeing brick on a boatcity was a unique marvel.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I really like your horn!"

Fia heard a voice over the wall and it frankly startled her! She wasn't expecting anyone to compliment her, and for the fact it was her horns...she was a little worried if it was a secret member of the church or something.

"Oh. Thank you," was the response Fia felt she could muster.

With the sound of racing feet, Fia can only assume it's the individual on the other side wanting to put a face to the voice. It is at this moment where Carmen and Fia first meet. Fia takes a few moments to look at the girl in front of her, with horns and a tail at that. She smiles, feeling a bit more comfortable knowing that said short girl was also in a similar boat of not being a fish. From that day forward that Carmen and Fia keep running into each other. It wasn't that Fia *wanted* to keep seeing the rather handsome girl, but if destiny would will it then she would not say no. There was nothing wrong in learning a local face around here, especially someone who is around her age.

Between making trouble on the streets and ensuring her own sense of justice, Carmen's group made a new home out of their old home. During this time Carmen would run into this goat girl on occassion. Carmen found out her name was Fia, and she was in Anchorsbane for an assignment. Fia was apart of the Driftwood Monastery, so she was here on religious business. After two years of Carmen continuing to pop in on the cute goat girl, she was able to get the girl to say more than a few words to her. Carmen would then invite the young lady for walks and casually talk about their days. Carmen finds out the reason for the girls reluctance to talk to her is fear from her superiors. This created Carmen's sense to just take this goat girl away from her responsibilities.

The Burning of Anchorsbane

After two years, Carmen and Fia become decent friends. Fia learns of Carmen's interest in theater and how she enjoys playing arcade and card games. Carmen learned about Fia's interest in alcohol and brewing, and about how Fia has powers to grow herbs to use in her future drinks. Fia takes a secret part time job in a bar and invited Carmen over to see it. While they're enjoying each other's company they move a bit too much into each's other space, and Fia realizes she never knew how handsome Carmen was. "Ah. This might be a problem...Carmen is a woman...".

There was no time to think about this fact more because a scream rang out, and a flaming bottle was chucked through the window. A riot broke out, and all of Anchorsbane was burning. A rioter with malicious intent stares down at Carmen and Fia. Carmen doesn't hesitate for a second, and starts brawling with the rioter, the sudden violence changing the trajectory of Fia's life forever.

Fia in a rush is ushered by Carmen to a barn area for safety. Fia is pretty shellshocked from the whole scenario. If it wasn't for Carmen...what would have happened to her? As she's hidding in this barn area, she peeks through the front door as Carmen runs off. As Carmen's figure disappears into the distance, Fia watches in horror as parts of her church on fire. After an hour or so, Fia hears a knock. Before she can go to open the door, it was pushed open itself. She's corned by The Navis, the law enforcement for all boatcities. The Navis, who are also the naval officiers of all boats worldwide, move into action to curb the violence. Seeing as shes not a sea creature, they pull her into questioning. Fia doesnt know much but she blabbers what she knows. She's released back onto the street after a few hours, and by this time it's dawn. Fia wanders back to her former area of employment, to where she meets a very worried Carmen. Fia tries to laugh it off as she explains she was taken into questioning.

"Dont worry i didnt tell them anything!".

Fia was worried. Fia felt that Carmen is dangerous...if you get on her bad said. But Fia also stressed that she put Carmen and her gang at risk. Fia believed in Carmen, that she wouldn't do such a thing. "But what if Carmen thinks I lied and ratted her out?" They start seeing each other a bit less; due to their fears that pure passion is replaced with apprehension and hesitation.

Conflict with the Black Sun

As time passes, Fia becomes the Deaconess, she has a lot more on her plate. Using her research, she was able to convince the church to put money into her emerging alcohol business. She did it under the guise of saying she can make wine for communion, which which can then be sold to other churches using only "blessed" ingredients. Fia feels relieved because she's finally moving up with her dreams!

A few days after she gets this permission, Carmen approaches Fia with more emotional than she usually does. Carmen says that Fia can finally do her bartending dreams on the boat and sell her alcohol there. At this time shes only an apprentice, had just got official permission from the church, and does not have any stores to her name. Fia, out of her fear of being an inconvenience and for the Navis keeping a close eye on her, rejects Carmen's proposal. Fia feels awful about her decision because deep down, she absolutely wants to take Carmen's offer and run away with her. Run away, make Carmen drinks, hold her hand and- oh. Fia realized, as Carmen walked away dejected, that there's something else there causing her to have even more lingering pain. Carmen doesn't come back for a while, and neither does Fia's smile.

Eventually Fia carves out a small store where she sells herbs, oils and one original style of home brewed alcohol. The church start producing it, and the Holy Province wine was used for service and to sell to other churches. The Navis continuously are keeping an eye out on her because they have suspicions she's a laundering front for local gangs. This periodic interrogation stresses Fia out because she has to be strict with documentation of what money is used for. One mistake and it not just puts her under legal trouble, but it would cause trouble for the church and Carmen as well. Fia stays away more and more, which hurts because she's aware that she feels a little something more for her iguana friend. A final straw that causes Fia and Carmen to see each other less because the Mother of the Church. With her requiring Fia to be more and more present with her duties, it results in Carmen to be being disatisfied.

Fia was just working on organizing the next Weekwater Mass when she's approached by panicking nuns screaming about a gang invasion. Fia feels nervous, and starts heading in the direction she just came from. She knew what Carmen was capable of. Was Carmen going to do something? As Fia approaches the main hall she sees Carmen having a rather heated discussion with the Mother. As Fia approaches, the Mother gazes upon her and asks "Sofia do you know this woman?" Unfortunately, Fia freezes. Of course Fia knows this woman. She loves her. But Fia can't fathom speaking that. Not now, not to the Mother. She isn't ready. In a daze, says she doesn't know Carmen. Carmen has a pained expression and quietly leaves. Fia feels the world fall around her as her heart races and feels the shadows of the Navis suffocating her more. She can't face Carmen ever again. Fia falls amongst the pews, and the two haven't spoken since.

11 Years Apart

Fia starts having a rough time. Her religious duties often have her mediating between sea and land individuals, and she hates having to give answers she doesn't fully believe in.

She was "highly" suggested to be on this missionary ship to strengthen her ties to the sea. Aka they didn't like Fia fraternizing with a female land criminal (dats a triple whammy, baby!) After a few months to a year of dedication, Fia makes the suggestion of using her abilities to make the wine for communion. The church is thrilled with her decision and allows Fia the money to finally open up her distillery. Although she specializing in wines, Fia secretly is experimenting with other kinds of spirits. Fia's new barboat name is Carménère. She states its a french red wine, and that's where the name came from. Fia has not given her boat a title because it doesn't not sail independently.

Only with a passing visit from a mysterious individual does Fia get a partnership with Yggdrasil Logistics to provide alcohol delivery and for other partnered organizations. Fia during this time, although still smiley, is a lot more cold due to having to endure so long without really owning her voice. She's flamboyant but empty, and hasn't gotten anything off her chest in years.

Current Day

When Carmen and Fia meet up, its a mess of sparks. Carmen wants to talk immediately, and Fia wants to hide. While Carmen wants to show off how she's improved for Fia, Fia feels like she's not anywhere near what she should be. Carmen had a growth spurt and was much taller, and more handsome now. Feeling overwhelmed, Fia tells Carmen to leave her alone...a bit too public for both their liking. It wasnt what Fia actually wanted to say, but she was speechless to say anything else after seeing visual emotion on Carmen's face: dejection. Fia and Carmen now just brush against each other in the hallway, barely talking to each other unless they have to. When they DO talk, its like the sparks begin to fly again, and Yggdrasil workers quickly picked up on the vibes those two kept putting down.

Nona, adoptive squirrel daughter of Yggdrasil, is the only one who gathered up the courage to ask "are you two together?" when first meeting the two. Much embarrassment for these two women. Nona basically is a faux junior detective in present day, trying to crack the code of why these two linger at each other's touch and yet aren't touching each other.

04 — Trivia

  • Fia was designed as a serrow (wild goat) but for ease she is often simplified to "goat". With more emphasis on the sea world, Fia became a capricorn.

  • Fia was always designed with crescent moon horns in mind.

  • Fia's green fire was an accident, as Carmen was going to have the sun motif. The green flames stuck due to how fun the capability of having the moon design be flaming and the sun design being water/pressure was fun.

  • Originally Fia was going to be drawn with goat pupils, but was not officially added due to how it might mess with how the slight gradient / ombre of the eyes. However, Fia can definitely still be drawn with goat pupils as an artistic liberty.

05 — Relationships

Carmen Avellino
"It's Complicated" (childhood sweethearts)

Fia has always been taken and swept away in the charm that occurs naturally to Carmen. Strong, nobel, fierce. Fia realized what she's felt, but understands that things are complicated, thanks to her job with the church. Most of all, Fia knows its her cowardice that keeps making things worse. If she would just be brave, she could leap into Carmen's arms and forget any of the things that make it "complicated". This fear creates the strongest walls, and this keeps Fia from approaching Carmen, even though she really wants to.

Well, these walls can't manifest well in reality. The two of them work under the same parent company Yggsdrasil, and as Fia quickly adopted Nona, the orphan squirrel courier, so did Carmen! The two really can't avoid each other for long.

Contractor (Adopted Daughter)

What made Fia pay attention to this little contractor doing deliveries of her wine was the fact that Nona is a nonaquatic mammal, and was previous an orphan as well. Fia likes to be a little nosy because that helps her get an upper hand, but the more she finds out about Nona the more she felt the compulsion to give Nona the things Fia has never experienced. Many people call Fia motherly or dotting, but that's because Fia has a lot of love to give. She knows the things she wants to experience, so whether its home cooking or surprise birthday parties, Fia is willing to do it for the spunky squirrel girl.

Both women are showy and talkative, so they get along well and are pretty similar. Fia hasn't told Nona this outright, but she did get adoption papers ready and filled out. She's just waiting for the moment to tell Nona so that she knows she always has a home with her.