
2 years, 4 days ago



Or should I hold onto my past?

designer it me

obtained I made them, I forget when

worth Priceless [log]

trade status NFS

Vault Hunter, Crazy Ass
Demigender (he/she/they)
Artificial Siren
Guesses 27 (current)
Vault Hunter
Outpost 46
Pandora, ??

An idiot with a gun who became a Vault Hunter, more at 11. My borderlands sona, and a very beloved character; I will hear nothing about cringe.

Named after Alto Clef from SCP because he just like me fr.

#my cool fucking backstory
  • Borderlands is my sandbox now. Fuck you, Gearbox.
  • Use her pronouns interchangeably, thank you.
  • She is a character I’m comfortable using for RP.
  • CW for: human experimentation, child abuse, general violence and gore of Borderlands universe, medical trauma, frequent mentions of PTSD
Pandora’s Biggest Fuckup Meathead: Third Year Running.

  • Bold/Fearless (mostly)
  • Loyal, Has Your Back
  • Decisive
  • Iron Willpower
  • Talks A Lot
  • Eats Literally Anything
  • Wants A Pet Raak NOW
  • Social Media Enjoyer

  • Easily Frenzied
  • Suicidally Impulsive
  • Resentful
  • Self-Sabotaging

A chaotic and mentally broken individual, Alto seems to be the mirror image of Pandora itself. He’s reckless, unthinking, and violent-a perfect match for the dumpster planet. Every one of his emotions is channeled into her frenzied, dangerous fighting style: self-loathing, fury, guilt, it’s all funneled into the skulls they bash. Alto is basically just a big ball of overwhelming, dysregulated feelings bursting out in the most unhealthy ways possible. Still haunted by his fucked up past, he’s learned how to utterly loathe himself, and see his existence as both undeserved and an aberration, hence his usage of “the Pseudo Siren”. For a long time, her only true goal was a roaring rampage of revenge against her surviving tormentors; she hunted them down without mercy. She plays a game with her victims using her six-rounds revolver, Dealmaker: he removes three of the bullets, then makes them play Russian Roulette, promising to let them escape should they land on an empty chamber. This promise, of course, is a lie. Before finding a new home with her fellow three Vault Hunters, this was the only joy Alto ever had. They knew a part of it was fucked up, but couldn’t stop.

While still beyond traumatized, befriending the three Vault Hunters he traveled with has done wonders for the psyche of the isolated and guarded Alto. He no longer bears the full burden of his past on his shoulders. His friends have drawn out true happiness and laughter from her, not the manic kind that takes over during an episode or when they’re severely injured in battle. On a more somber note, the reality of her shortened lifespan becomes front and center when thinking of them. He may survive mortal wounds and dying in battle, but his own body failing to cope with his Siren powers and breaking down isn’t something he can return from. It makes her so very depressed. All they want now is a full life with their friends, and it was stolen from them long ago. Still, Alto is trying his best to make the most of it. They may not be in this universe for long, but goddamn it, everyone is gonna damn well remember them when they’re gone.

Chaotic Neutral
Upright Moon
  • Close Quarters Combat
  • Playing Cards
  • Raaks, Skags
  • Explosions
  • Shock Damage/Broken Shields
  • Long-Distance Enemies
  • Spiderants
  • Hospital-like Settings
  • favorite season

    Summer. The labs were always cold.

  • favorite time of day

    Doesn’t care.

  • favorite color

    Pink. She just likes it.

  • favorite scent

    Smoke. Reminds him of a good fight.

  • favorite food

    Spiderant Drumsticks. So much better when they’re dead!

  • favorite drink

    Whatever those bandits have.

  • favorite downtime

    Watching ECHOnet Tik Tok. Their braincells weren’t needed.

  • favorite flower

    Dandelions. How they refuse to be defeated and…oooh, pretty yellow!

Ideology and Goals

Alto is a shining embodiment of Pandora itself; chaotic, meaningless, yet hiding fantastic truths. She has no philosophy other than what feels good in the moment, and going with the flow. It’s hard to think deep thoughts when your lifespan has been sawed in half, and you experienced unimaginable, brutal trauma. Still, one thing breaks free of her self-imposed hedonism: justice. Her torturers and captors must pay, no matter what. Justice is what drives her forward. Perhaps this is also what fuels his desire for fun and chaos; Alto deep down feels that the universe owes him for what it put him through.

Hopes and Dreams

Alto mainly dreams of a good life with their friends. Though theirs will inevitably be cut short, this mental image of being surrounded with loved ones is their true destination regardless. And because it’s Borderlands, and Alto is a particularly wild piece in that universe, they also just want to keep on bashing heads. Their tendencies have been channeled well into the new Underdome. What more could a gal ask for?

Meaningful Possessions

Nothing material of their old life remains. Still, they have a few treasured items she will never part with. A) Her old, raggedy eyepatch, one she’s been wearing for years. It was something she just picked up out of the trash, but Alto has grown attached. B) Dealmaker, her prized Jakobs revolver. Sleek and still firing as smoothly as the day he first laid his hands on it, the gun has seen him through everything, and is the centerpiece of his revenge plan. Finally, C) The photo of her and her fellow Vault Hunters. To Alto, this little group of hers is the entire world. He’s often seen looking at this picture and smiling.

Love Language

Verbal affirmations and words of love will melt Alto’s heart faster than anything. They adore compliments, and are quick to return them. Praise makes them visibly happy to the point they may bounce around on the balls of their feet to get the energy out of their system.

Phobias and Manias

Try to get Alto into anything slightly resembling a hospital or a lab, and she may shoot you on sight. Sterile walls and fluorescent lights trigger a fight or flight response; they will smash lights and put bullets into walls to disrupt the memories of where they were once imprisoned. Being restrained, tied down, etc is a perfect way to set them off into a panicked, enraged state. This goes double for needles or IVs near him. Basically, just avoid anything you would associate with a hospital unless absolutely necessary. Usage of their Siren powers or being badly hurt in a fight is also an easy way to send Alto into a spiraling state of manic energy, as they are both simultaneously triggering yet perfect sources of adrenaline.

Even their look is chaotic.




  • Her eyepatch MUST be included, it’s not optional. The scar over her left eye can either be visible or faded, though.
  • Skin, hair, and eye color must stay the same; hair and eye colors can have different shades, but must remain blonde/pink and purple respectively.
  • Butterfly tattoos on her arms can be changed pattern-wise, as long as the motifs and size remain intact. Siren tattoos are completely optional UNLESS he is being drawn using his powers.
  • Her outfit can be otherwise experimented with.
Doesn’t look strong, but…


Alto’s vibe is cutesy, and on the fem side. Her accessories can be somewhat childlike, but I prefer she not actually be depicted as childish in body or outfit (like, wearing baby clothes or something along those lines), that’d be very weird to me as he is an adult. Lots of bright, peppy colors are their thing, but he also has an eye for tasteful black and white.


Butterflies are a major motif for Alto, visually representing their forced chrysalis from a regular human teenager to the “Pseudo-Siren”, and later their true transformation when growing alongside their friends. His other main motif is playing cards, specifically the Dead Man’s Hand, as luck and vengeance are prominent themes in their story. Their power revolves around first dumb luck, and then as they grow stronger, the manipulation of probability, similar to what happens in card games.


Alto has a preference for clothing that shows skin, as they like getting attention for their sick tattoos and cool socks, but not so much that it reveals scars they prefer to hide. A white tank top, pink shorts, black garter socks, and black knee length boots are their go-to outfit. They’ll wear pretty much anything, no matter how mismatching, though.


They have a TON of accessories, so I’ll just list a few major ones here: 1) Black ribbons tying their twintails, with cat faces in the middle of them, 2) Fake colorful band aids she wears on her face, 3) a black choker with a heart clasp, 4) Black, small ring earrings.


The experimentation inflicted upon him left a multitude of scars; though many have faded over the years, some stubbornly refuse to do so. The most obvious one is the scar running over their left eye, which clearly outsizes their eyepatch. The second most prominent collection are the scars on her arms, though they have long since been overwritten with the ink of his tattoos. They are remnants of his endless cycles of needles, IVs, restraints, and other procedures that helped turn him into a Siren, so Alto wanted these wounds hidden for the rest of his life. The third clearest cluster of scarring is on his back; because these were inflicted as punishment for noncompliance or escape, she refuses to reveal them to anyone. It’s made even worse by the fact the centerpiece of her torture, Dr. Barclay Sinmara, expressed sympathy with her and rage towards the people who harmed her. Because of this mindfuck, Alto is too afraid to let anyone see those particular old wounds.
Well, if you have to ask…

The Beginning

There is no hero in this story.

Born on Outpost 46, an obscure planet that was remarkably Earthlike, there she was: Alto. He had a different name then, but even if he wanted to, he can’t recall it. They lived with their fathers and three siblings in a house near a huge park, with beautiful trees and so many people, and they were happy. Until one day that lovely scenery burned. Alto never truly understood what happened; they overheard something once, their dads talking about a corporation losing control of… what, they had no idea, a monster? Other people? Either way, the park was reduced to ashes, and all the homes anywhere near it went up in flames too. Alto’s family was left with nothing. Sent to a temporary home with the rest of the people who’d lost everything, they expected to be relocated to a new place to live-and technically, this happened. Only not in the way anyone expected it to. What these civilians couldn’t have known was that many of them had been “bought”, paid for by a group hungry for test subjects who wouldn’t be missed; they were perfectly willing to kidnap to get what they wanted. Not everyone was taken, of course. That’d be too obvious. But a family here, or maybe there… legally, Alto, her parents, and her siblings were declared dead from the disaster that had devastated a huge portion of the city they lived in. They’d drawn one of the short straws. This was how they all ended up in the labs that would become their new, permanent home. At first, it wasn’t actually awful, at least not going by living standards. Unfortunately, their captors were clumsy when it came to handling the mental states of their test subjects. The confusion, stress, and wild emotions of being torn from their homes twice caused mass panic in the kidnapped civilians, and only by separating the kids from the adults did the lab staff regain control, using promises of reunification and implied threats to keep the parents in line. They’d been smart about that, at least-ensuring the majority of their captives were families to keep all of the members in line. For a while, the faculty kept things as normal as could be. Answers to questions of how and why never manifested, but the refugees were not further mistreated at that time. They fed, clothed, and housed the families, provided ‘childcare’, entertainment, hobbies, work… some people grew used to the accommodations, seeing it as an improvement over their old lives. Others chafed at the invisible chains, and still demanded to know why they were taken here, or where they were. No matter their viewpoint, every single captive ended up at the same place. They all became a part of the experiments.

if only I could have seen how it ended.

Do we truly believe such an advanced civilization would bestow these powers based on gender, on assumed organs, on genetic code they had no reason to care about? Ridiculous! There is something more to the Siren… something far deeper than a facet of identity…

The Making of the Siren

Six Sirens. All female. But patterns are meant to be broken.

The experiments started simple. While once the refugees had been allowed shows or music, they were now required to listen to one thing: the talks, interviews, anything involving the voice of the proclaimed philosopher-scholar Milak Temperance. Had Alto not been a young teen, nor forced to listen, she probably would’ve loved his words. Being of a variant gender himself, Milak’s analysis of gender in the universe and the effects of a projected binary from Earth onto alien cultures would’ve really spoken to him. As it was, they just hated hearing the same guy day after day. Still. They would’ve gone back to that willingly had they known what was awaiting everyone. At the beginning, certain people began to disappear: known ‘troublemakers’ first, then people with extensive medical conditions, followed by adults with no clear patterns, and finally: the kids. Alto vividly remembers what it was like to be marched down those empty, lifeless, sterile hallways for the first time; there were so many eyes on them, staff members watching greedily, desperately. He was only a teen, and had no idea what these medical procedures were for, or what the faculty hoped to accomplish. But ignorance didn’t stop the pain. Not just the pain of long needles, or being put on IVs while conscious, or of feeling being cut open, or of human hands moving around inside of him, changing and placing things. The worst were the visions: images of strange places carved in mineral Alto had never seen before, angels of purple light and sharp edges welcoming him, alien writing far beyond his understanding stabbing into his brain like millions of knives. She wanted to die every time it happened. Later, the leader of this place said she had to be awake despite how agonizing it was in order to reach “what was needed”. Thinking on what she’d seen, maybe Alto understood, and she hated it. Her body no longer felt like their own. He was drowning in a river of pulsating energy throwing him from universe to universe, fighting pointlessly against the poison circulating his veins in a spiral of purple that made him scream, vomit, or flat out attack the staff in fits of delusional rage. They promised him his family would be okay as long as she cooperated, but how could she, when her mind was being taken over? There were sharp, painful things inside her very bones, unyielding and cold, and from them Alto heard screams. Screams of people she knew, her own screams, and the screams of an entire civilization. Underneath them were whispers he couldn’t understand. They were being called somewhere, but for what? Why? The angels in their waking nightmares gave them no answers. He knew he was going mad, yet the doctors were still thrilled with each new day of “progress”. It came to a head when their tattoos showed up at last: a repeating pattern of diamond shapes, glowing with sickly colors. Siren tattoos.

After enduring months, maybe over a year of torture and worsening madness, the time for the final experiment came. The head of the facility, one Dr. Barclay Sinmara, personally led Alto to the place of the end, talking inanely the entire time about his worthless pursuits and spewing empty platitudes about meaningful sacrifices. She was not a stupid kid. She knew that so many people died because of these experiments, either disappearing or being mentioned by careless staff members. Even kids she’d known were murdered. But his family… he had to believe in their safety. They’d done it after all, right? Become a Siren? It still didn’t feel real. A Siren made in a lab, a non-female one at that, it couldn’t be possible. As far as they knew, Sirens were basically goddesses. Natural born ones. But Alto prayed and prayed to the jagged angels of their nightmares anyway. She’d made it happen. Let their family be okay. And her wish came true-somewhat. Her fathers and siblings were still alive; all of them had been horribly mutated beyond recognition by the experiments, twisted into nonlife by what Alto would later know was slag, the byproduct of the Eridium that created her. Sinmara gave her a task: end her family’s suffering. They hadn’t been strong enough to survive what the experimentation did to them, unlike her; there was no way to return her family to how they’d once been. There remained only one path: use the powers of the Siren for the greater good. Alto’s mind had become a vortex of one, unending sound: screaming. She screamed, and it was the loudest sound he’d ever heard in his life. All of her feelings rushed forth with the force of a tsunami crashing down on the coast that was this entire fucking facility: their rage, shame, agony, grief, everything mixed together until there was nothing but a primal screech left within. And in that moment, Alto felt what it was to be a Siren. Her powers, newly born and uncontrollable, burst forth without limit. Every member of the faculty there died screaming… all except him. Dr. Barclay Sinmara. While his colleagues and underlings perished in unpredictable ways-limbs severing, skin melting, shattering into a million frozen pieces, riddled with phantom bullets-he survived. Not only that, he lived with a smile on his face. Alto realized, years later, that it hadn’t only been joy on his face. It’d been pride, too. No wonder the image burned into their nightmares forever.

why was it me? why did i survive? WHY?

After the Storm

If this was what it meant to be unique, then it really fucking sucked.

Alto didn’t know what age they were when they escaped from Sinmara’s labs. They were alone, and probably 15 or 16, and they were an abomination at that. She’d ended up a walking amalgamation of unethical science and mind breaking magic; how does a kid stay sane after that? They don’t. So basically, that meant he was completely fucked. In the years that followed, Alto tried to lay low and stay hidden, though rumors of a new Siren were inevitable. Most people dismissed it as bullshit, thankfully. It was exceedingly rare for anyone to see, let alone meet a Siren-hell, she hadn’t before actually becoming a manmade one. As far as anyone knew, he was simply an extra-lethal and feral teenager who would do anything to make it to the next day. Alto can admit to doing some messed up things to live. He used his powers to threaten other teens into giving them food or anything else necessary, she stole from those who had to work to the bone to feed themself for just that day, they attacked anyone they saw as a threat with little provocation. In their fractured mind, everyone truly WAS out to torture or kill them. She never stopped seeing her fucked up visions, and to make it worse, Sinmara joined the things that haunted the fuzzy edges of her peripherals. Everything morphed into a trauma reminder. Alto fell face first into violence… first her powers earned her respect, then her knack for vicious close-up fighting, and finally, picking up the skills to wield a pistol with deadly efficiency put the final nail in the coffin. As he grew into an adult, and even before then really, he was not someone to mess with. The broken, aggressive, and hollow shell that was Alto scared the living hell out of people. There was a sick pleasure in that idea, after so long of being afraid. Still, the self-loathing never stopped building. So deeply did Alto hate themself-hate what they’d become-that they began to call themself the False Siren, or sometimes, the Pseudo Siren. A fake, an abomination, an affront to the universe. Most people took it as a sarcastic title, which was just fine with Alto. Let them believe what they wanted to believe.

What drew Alto to becoming a Vault Hunter was its connections to the Eridians, and by extension, the true Sirens. They’d gained knowledge of Pandora’s wild past-the Destroyer, the eridium, the Warrior, everything-and wanted to glimpse it for themself. She wanted to discover more of the things that still haunted her every day. There’s been unbelievable rumors of a Vault on Pandora that needs no key at all, in any shape or form… it’s just waiting there, biding its time for the arrival of Vault Hunters that can endure its trials. Alto is one of four taking on the mission, and he’s dying to find out. Even if it means traveling with strangers he doesn’t like, he’ll take on any challenge to get closer to the tantalizing truth. Maybe, just maybe, Sinmara will try to find it too… and Alto can finally cross the final name off of their list.

i am the pseudo-siren, a creature that should not be alive.

Spoiler alert, they make friends.

I definitely know how game mechanics work!

The (Pseudo) Siren Speedster with Cool Powers

The Pseudo-Siren is a speedy class with a focus on DPS, alongside being up-close-and-personal. He utilizes pistols and shotguns as primary weapons, with his powerful action skill Dead Man’s Hand easily able to turn the tide of battle. The more you level up and invest skill points, the more you turn DMH in your favor and against your enemies, stacking the odds as any good gambler should. They are, however, not a bulky class by default; use hit-and-run strategies for maximum effectiveness. Or, alternatively, go for the Where Do You Work Out? Skill tree to make a beefy Pseudo-Siren of your own!

  • Hit-And-Run

    Use your speed and high damage output to put the hurt on before retreating! It’s not griefing if they’re shooting at you!

  • Battlefield Chaos

    With Dead Man’s Hand, the battle can go whichever way… but the stronger you are, the more it turns for you, not against you.

  • Ally Support

    Use skill allocation to add team buffs to your Action Skill, and soon EVERYONE will be tearing shit up!

  • Cool Factor

    Let’s face it-you’re objectively the sickest motherfucker on the team.

  • High Speed and Damage

    You’ll be a pain in the ass to deal with, that’s for sure.

  • Broken Ass Action Skill

    Get very lucky and/or use the right skill combinations, and DMH’s will devastate entire battlefields.

  • Low Bulk

    Raising your bulk costs precious, precious skill points, and a smart usage at all. Invest them wisely.

  • Randomness of Action Skill

    At lower levels, or if skill points aren’t properly invested, you may end up hurting the team more than helping. Ouch.

Where Do You Work Out? function

For those wishing to have a beefy gym rat Pseudo Siren, look no further than this skill tree. With an emphasis on raising health/shield levels and unlocking abilities to further break-I mean, boost these abilities, Where Do You Work Out? Is perfect for those with less interest in making Dead Man’s Hand OP as all hell.

  • Healing Loops

    Use your skill points right, and watch as enemies weep attempting to outdamage your healing.

  • Beefy Shields

    Ain’t no one breaking these things.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



Their entire family is dead by their hand. The notion of it only causes grief and self-hatred.


They love their friends, but are honestly still relearning what it means to be a person with loved ones.


Encounters with them are likely to trigger her PTSD. She does not trust anyone she’s not already very familiar with.


Bullets. Most of the time.
Barclay Sinmara

Bad. VERY. Bad.

Sinmara is the center of Alto’s nightmares. Their captor, torturer, and object of vengeance, she will stop at nothing until he is dead. Knowing she is his “greatest creation” is extremely triggering for her.



Describe character's relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Describe character's relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.