Danny Bright



2 years, 3 months ago


my sweet boy. baby,,,

Danny! He/They!

Danny is an extremely powerful wielder of magic... so powerful, his abilities hurt his mind and body when used, and aren't always able to be controlled. They're also emotion-based, and can fluctuate in power depending on Danny's mental state; for example, if he is feeling confident, he grows even stronger, but if he is depressed or humiliated, his abilities weaken significantly. Either way is dangerous for him-too powerful, he damages himself; too weak, he cannot find the will to even move at all. Danny has to find a balance to be safe and healthy, but it is an extremely delicate process. As a result, he is rather fragile.

Danny is outwardly very cheerful and enthusiastic, with positive energy that seems almost contagious. He's fun, encouraging, and outgoing, basically your typical social butterfly. While this isn't entirely false, quite a bit of his upbeat nature is a façade, little more than a mask used to hide pessimism and depression. Danny hates to make people worry over him, so he tries as hard as he can to give the impression that he is okay. It isn't true, and he needs help, but he struggles to ever ask for it.