Asher Lipten



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Asher Lipten

Age: 16

Nationality: Jewish

Species: human

Gender: Male

Personality: Asher is incredible cocky with the feeling that he rules the world. He doesn't really think things through, but is very athletic and a ladies man. He is incredibly loyal once he respects someone. He may be a bit of a show off, but he knows when to stop. He's talkative and funny and loves joking around

Likes: claiming to be a captain, girls, his hair, sports

Dislikes: tall people, the color orange

Occupation: Pirate/ High school student

Hobbies: football and basketball

Fears: losing people he cares about

Strengths: acts quickly, good at speaking to people

Weaknesses: throws himself in without thinking

Talents: athletic

Height: 5' 2"

Weight: 128

Eye Color: brown

Hair Description:

- Color: dark brown

- Length: past his shoulders

- Style: typically in a ponytail sometimes a braid


- Scars: one stretching from just just beside his left eye to the corner of his mouth

- Scent: ocean

Father: Captain Lipten

Siblings: Tig, Ivan

Relatives: Brenton James (Third Cousin twice removed thrice disowned)

Family Line of Work: Pirating

Family Background: family fleet of pirate ships

Friends: Alecia

Love Interest: none

Enemies: his family

Residence: Greenville

Loyalty: Alexandra (sorta)