


1 year, 11 months ago





 AFAB Female (she / her) 






 28 Moons

 Blueflame [former], Grousepaw

Sunbright is a fluffy red-furred colourpoint cat with deep blue eyes and a curly tail-tip.

+ intelligent

 + resolute

 + amicable

 = commanding

 = modest

- stubborn

 - guarded


Long before Sunbright's time, Windclan had a reputation for being one of the weakest of the clans; steadily losing territory when their fear of conflict allowed rival clans to continually push their borders inward. But that all changed when Redstar ascended to clan leader and brought Windclan into an age of prosperity, guiding the clan safely through the Great Journey and establishing the moorland by the lake as a safe home for her clanmates.

Sunbright has heard all about her mother's achievements, but only in stories recounted by clanmates that knew her. Unfortunately, she never got to know Redstar herself as she passed away in battle not long after her kits were born. But despite having never met the leader, Sunbright holds her mother in the highest regard and is determined not to let her legacy fall apart. As a gifted and hardworking cat Sunbright was able to earn her warrior name sooner than most, taking on additional responsibilities in the camp and eventually working her way up to the deputy position.

Her efforts to keep Windclan strong have become harder in recent seasons due to a spell of bad luck, but Sunbright has a resolve that isn't easily shaken. Some might even call it stubbornness that keeps her going, in particular; her exasperated girlfriend Marshskip, who wishes Sunbright would take more breaks to spend time with herself and her kits.



Twin Sister.

Sunbright finds her sister to be a confusing cat. She misses the closeness she once had with Puddlestep, but, with their schedules rarely matching up it's hard for Sunbright to know where to begin.



Though Sunbright really tries to maintain a professional relationship between herself and her apprentice, the fact that she recently started dating Grousepaw's mom is making things awkward.



Sunbright has had a crush on Marshskip ever since she laid eyes on the vibrant tortoiseshell molly. She only recently realised she had a chance with her dream girl after Marshskip broke it off with the Thunderclan tom she had been seeing.

Sunbright has been around to help with raising Grousepaw and Robinpaw, getting to know the genuine Marshskip and eventually asking her out. The realities of dating aren't all what Sunbright was expecting (especially with kids involved!) but she wants nothing more than to see Marshskip happy again.


Paternal Uncle.

Snaketail is a role model for both of his nieces. He helped to raise them after his brother, Buzzardpounce, died. His parenting methods haven't always been the greatest, treating his nieces like adults since the moment they could walk and pushing them to improve with all the sternness of an army general.

Despite his emotional hangups, Snaketail loves his family deeply and has grown softer in recent moons.