


1 year, 11 months ago





 AFAB Female (she / her) 

 Aromantic, Bisexual 



 28 Moons


Puddlestep is a short-furred cinnamon feline with pale blue eyes and long, oversized ears.

+ curious

 + upbeat 

 + persistent

 = clumsy

 = innovative 

- jealous

 - fickle


As the daughters of the previous clan leader, Puddlestep and her sister grew up hearing many tales about how Redstar led Windclan safely through the Great Journey and encouraged the clan to prosper under her guidance. Unfortunately, Puddlestep never got to know her mother in person because she passed away in battle not long after her kits were born. As a result, by the time Puddlestep earned her warrior name she knew only the idealised version of Redstar in her mind, and an impossible standard to live up to.

Puddle is a clumsy cat and she's pretty hard on herself for not being able to chase prey long distances without tripping over her own paws. To make up for her poor coordination she attempts to implement complicated strategies into her hunting, which usually leads to more time wasted than it does prey caught but she's trying her best. Clanmates don't usually have the heart to be too hard on her, and her saving grace as a warrior is that she's always eager to help out around camp with kits or elders, no job is too small for Puddlestep to stick her nose into.



Twin Sister.

She's everything that Puddlestep wishes she could be. Puddlestep cannot help but compare herself to Sunbright, jealous of her respected status in the clan and how social skills seem to come naturally to the colourpoint molly. 

Thanks to Sunbright's position as deputy keeping her busy and Puddlestep feeling unworthy to be around her, the twins have drifted apart in recent moons.


Queerplatonic Partner.

Looking at Cloudshadow and Puddlestep separately, the mollies are like chalk and cheese. Sunshine and rain. But maybe their differences are why the two get along so well.

When Puddlestep is feeling overwhelmed by life, she tends to hang around in the Healer's den so she can be close to Cloudshadow. The couple balances each other out; if Puddlestep starts getting away from herself with silly ideas Cloudshadow is usually able to bring her back to earth, while Puddlestep is consistently able to lift her partner's gloom.


Family Friend.

Tigerwing was close friends with Redstar in her youth. And when the Windclan leader died before her two kits were old enough to leave the nursery, Tigerwing stepped up to help take care of the orphaned Sunkit and Puddlekit. Giving Snaketail advice and providing a softer shoulder for the twins to cry on.


Paternal Uncle.

Snaketail is a role model for both of his nieces. He helped to raise them after his brother, Buzzardpounce, died. His parenting methods haven't always been the greatest, treating his nieces like adults since the moment they could walk and pushing them to improve with all the sternness of an army general.

Despite his emotional hangups, Snaketail loves his family deeply and has grown softer in recent moons.