
2 years, 2 days ago


Eli is a huge nerd. Like, we’re talking memorized-the-D&D-handbook-cover-to-cover nerdy. One of his favorite pastimes is rambling to his closest friends about his interests, which can go on anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours. He also has a very keen interest in bugs, and can list off facts about beetles, crickets and cockroaches until your ears fall off. In his spare time, he studies insects, plays the piano, reads fantasy and sci-fi novels, and gets WAAAAY too invested in RPGs.

He lives with his best friend Dallon and his unavoidable curse Bash, and works at some lame office job during the day. He’s also cute. Eli kinda hates it, but it’s true. He’s the shortest of the trio, and his height combined with his noodly arms make him less of an imposing force of sheer intellect and more of a “little goober guy,” as Bash so kindly called it.

Despite his hobbies being largely solo, Eli takes a lot of pride in his appearance. He bought a satchel, both for the utility and the asymmetry it brought to his outfit, and carries it with him most days. Sometimes, however, when he’s feeling out there, he’ll dress in overly formal clothes, including suits, ties and the occasional flowing dress here and there.