Mugushi MYOs: OPEN (OTA)



1 year, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
$5 - $20


Welcomne to the Toyhouse Mugushi MYO shop!
The payment are accepted here are; Cash, Art*, Character trade*, and MYO slot trade*!
Check each slot for their respective price!

* I'm happy to accept art, trades, and other MYO slot in return for Mugushi MYO slots!
If you have something I really like I'd be more than happy to give you rarer and higher
quantity of slots! Just know I'm picky when it comes to character trades and MYO
slot trades!
You can see what I'm interested in here!: Character/Trade Preferences
I'm less picky with art, and I'm honestly very lax with negotiations when it comes to art!

How to place an order:
Simply leave a comment of what type of MYO slot(s) you want and how many + how you're going to pay for them!
If you're offering Art/character trade/or MYO slot trade make sure to provide art exmaples or a link to what
character(s) or MYO slot(s) you're offering!

Mugushi Toyhouse World & Species Info & Mugushi Masterlist

Mugushis are a semi-open species with a yearly free MYO event, adoptables, art events, and a growing community!
You can make as many Common Mugushis you want as long as you follow the rules and have your designs
approved by the owner or a moderator!! To make a Mugushi of a higher rarity you need a MYO slot,
or use a Trait Item!

For MYO approval and to purchase Trait Items make sure to join our Discord server (you can leave after
registering your Mugushi if you wish to)! Discord server link: (if the link stops
working please contact StarryTiger)!