px-3's Comments


<p>beep boop thank you :)</p>

I literally gasped upong seeing this mascot XD Very clever. I love the color palette.

<p>hello thank you, you are very kind</p>

i've been using this editor for a while now and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS MASCOT THEYRE SO CUUUUUUTEEEE

Aw I'm so glad you do 🥺❤

💖 🥺

I WAS SO SPOOKED TO SEE A CHARACTER ON THE EDITOR ALL OF A SUDDEN... they're such a baby i love them.... <3

Ahahaa I didn't consider if the new mascot might be a surprise to users - I'm so glad you like it though!

❤️hell yeah dude!!! its super cool

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Aw, thank you for your compliments! I had this idea ages ago and I'm glad I finally designed them, ahaha.