Ragnarok Draconis



6 years, 4 months ago



Destructive Combustive Mad

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."
-Edgar Allen Poe

  • Name || Ragnarok 
  • Title || Draconis
  • Gender || Male
  • Ears || Cropped Torn (Uncommon)
  • Coat Type || Imperial: Dragon (Very Rare)
  • Tail Type || Demon Tail (Very Rare)
  • Eyes || Bright Green Glow (Very Rare)
  • Imperial Blood || Deep Gold (Very Rare)
  • Grown on || August 24, 2018

Music Accompaniment: 


Morgan D'Ambrosio was an unusual man that lived in a large manor, on the edge of a small village near the mountains. He lost his wife long ago to mysterious circumstances. The residents did not at first suspect the man, for he had loved his wife very much, and they found him too valuable to look into it too deeply. He was an Eldemorian Alchemist, gifted in the arts to help those that came to him. He was brilliant in the art, and many even traveled from afar to gain his cures for ailments or to ask him for specific help. Eventually, however, his drive for knowledge began to lead him toward the brink of insanity. He would mindlessly follow a certain task that led no where, destroying half his lab and taking no requests during this time, demanding instead much from the villagers. They would in turn refuse him or start to suspect him again. He would have to find outside sources, something new. This was how Ragnarok came to become one of his treasured possessions... The Jader's first memories are lost, replaced by a steel cage, chemicals, and pain. D'Ambrosio found him while hiking in the mountains, searching for new ingredients. What he found instead was an usual family of Imperial Jaders living feral.

Morgan studied them for a few days, noticing a white runt that was still ungrown unlike his siblings or perhaps simply deformed. When he made the decision to take one as a new specimen for his lab, he devised a plan to separate a pup from his mother. The plan worked flawlessly, but it was the runt that unfortunately was unable to escape. Not that Morgan cared, having received a viable specimen he could work with. Ragnarok grew surrounded by steel bars instead of the wilds, growing as mad as the man that abducted him. Experim6059458_mwBcVm1hduBhLlX.pngents were his life and pain his companion, growing larger than his siblings would ever be, stronger, and with traits gained by the insane Alchemist. He would never know just how changed he was from his family. Deep in the broken mind of Ragnarok, his family memories may yet remain, but it would take a long time and a lot of healing before they would return. 


Music Accompaniment:


Like calls to like. Where pain and chaos reign, the Ancient of War was usually not far. Styrlakr came upon the home of the mad Alchemist because of the scent of blood in the air. The large house was destroyed, burned out by the nearby villagers. They had finally turned on the man and his erratic behavior-- he was no longer needed, and they no longer agreed to turn a blind eye to him. Perhaps it was stirrings that the Ancient of War himself set into motion. There were villager casualties trying to break into the house, traps set by the man. It was inevitable that they burned the abominable place down, instead of sacrificing more lives trying to get into its secrets. No one knows if Morgan D'Ambrosio was even there, but hoping he had burned with it. Still, when Styrlakr walked the abandoned debris, he did not expect to find anything alive. 

7671900_jteleWXTqCL6a4r.pngMiraculously, Ragnarok survived the inferno even trapped as he was. He could thank D'Ambrosio for that survival skill. The Jader would have killed any human-- even a non-human-- the moment he was released. Fortunately, it was an Ancient that found him, and Styrlakr did enjoy a challenge. He took the creature into his care, aggressive as he was. He was patient with the beast, showed him that there was a world outside of cages. They traveled together, Ragnarok at first keeping his distance... but he saw in Styrlakr a source of food and survival. They stayed away from public, more for the fact that Ragnarok destroyed almost everything new he came across. First was the remains of the place he called home. He tired himself out turning anything still standing to ash (again a thanks to D'Ambrosio for not only flame resistance but what the Jader found out was flame /producing/). Then it was the village-- many later blamed it on retribution for what they did to the Alchemist. Styrlakr made sure to put a stop to that quickly, at least. 

Styrlakr allowed him to exhaust himself for the most part, so long as it was a controlled environment. He showed Ragnarok patience and kindness. Ragnarok was true to his name... prophecy of the destruction of the world. Who better to take care of this Jader than the Ancient of War? Styrlakr never quite tamed him... more like taken the Jader under his wing as part of his task upon Eldemore. Ragnarok essentially learned to control his madness to destroy; while he wants to do so the majority of the time, he doesn't because of the affection that has grown for Styrlakr. A bond was formed in their travels, many times having had his own life saved (most times placed in danger because of his own singleminded desire to destroy). It took a long time, but once Styrlakr felt the creature was settled enough in the routine... he took Ragnarok to meet his summoner.

Music Accompaniment:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4 (tentative song)


The Ancient is fond of stirring up chaos – to keep a balance in the world, the destruction is usually brought onto the power hungry and corrupt. He allowed Ragnarok to roam free within his sight during their travels, reigning control when necessary. Still there were times when he needed to move on his own. He had to leave Ragnarok with someone that he trusted. Which was where the unfortunate Evelyn Cairon came in. The summoner and Ancient relationship was a complicated one, a cursed pact made in a time of need and bound together in immortality. Still, there were times she did not see him for years. Evelyn definitely was not thrilled to open her door only to be face to face with the dragon-Jader, by then finally cured enough of his madness to be around the summoner. Evelyn had a strong dislike towards Jaders in general. There had been a domestic Jader in her family home that she ran away from that she severly disliked... suddenly it seemed that past had come back to haunt her tenfold.

When Styrlakr goes without Ragnarok, the world hovers on the edge of a pin needle. For the most part the Jader seems sedated, missing the action and the world with Styrlakr that he had grown to love. These are his lucky mellow days, but neither are they good. Evelyn worries he would fade away to nothing when she cannot get him to even eat, going to that dark place in his mind when he recalls the solitude confinement of the D'Ambrosio manor. ... And then sometimes the Jader prowls the cabin he lives in with Evelyn, where she tries to stay out of his way as much as possible. During these moods, he would take trips further away from the house-- seeking Styrlakr? Who really knows. Evelyn was under no order to keep him under house arrest, and out of sight became out of mind. Thankfully she knew he would not get into too much trouble; they made sure to live miles from civilization. When Ragnarok returns in a reasonable amount of time from these trips sated and bloodied, Evelyn doesn't question why... no one had yet to hunt her down so that was a good sign. There was a love and hate relationship with the dragon-Jader. Evelyn put up with him when it came to hunting, both going out and actually working mutually. He was useful in survival. However, when she left him alone for her trips to the city was a different thing. She would leave him during one of his immobile depressive states, returning home to find a beloved quilt vaporized by the Jader. That nagging neurosis is a lit fuse and no one knows when it will hit the powder. Depressed then... BAM, a sudden infatuation to attack that blanket that just HAD IT COMING until it was nothing more than shredded threads and ash. 

It is a good thing that Evelyn shares in the Ancient's magic, or nothing would have survived the Jader. Styrlakr made sure to equip her properly before he left, having the ability to tranquilize the beast should he ever get out of hand. Nothing, however, would ever work quite as effectively as the new addition to the family-- Thyra. Savior in Jader form. How she joined the family is a story for another time. 


Music Accompaniment:


Retribution was coming. It came in the form of a dark Jader with red highlights and a blood hawk that followed with her closely. The important one to Ragnarok was the Jader. She was armored, as Styr sometimes roamed, and that metal hurts upon impact when it comes barrelling at full force. The day they met, something snapped in Ragnarok and he was absolutely tearing up the cabin-- would have likely hurt Evelyn if she had been around when the manic session started. Evelyn was returning from time away, bringing with her someone new.

That someone was a charging dark blue streak that tackled Ragnarok with her shoulder pauldron first, knocking the larger Jader senseless and to the ground. One moment he was tearing into the Summoner's clothes and burning a large hold into the ground, the next he was on his back, belly up, and staring into teal glowing eyes with his side aching from the blow. Normally he would have reacted instinctively by violence, but those eyes held onto him steadily. Angrily. She did not like this Jader, having a protective streak over Evelyn. To Ragnarok... It was sudden puppy love. It was true love. It was definitely love at first fight. She immediately clicked his off switch and he just melted into a puddle of goo. Ragnarok was besotted with the Jader when she joined, his normal short fuse dampened. Thyra and Ragnarok's romance was the very definition of 'hard to get'. The Blood Rose Knight Jader had no interest in the crazy Jader besides putting him in his place. She was the alpha as soon as she arrived to the cabin. 

Ragnarok had no problem with this-- however, this being a sudden fix to his neurosis is an understatement. He still went into those dark places, still had to go with Styrlakr when he finally retured to relieve that tension, but things were less gloomy in the cabin when he returned. He was more pup-like, a childhood that he lost in the bottom of the manor was returned to him. He spent less time moping and more time following around Thyra, hoping to impress her in some way. Strutting was common, bringing her gifts from the woods as well. She spent the majority of her time pretending that he did not exist unless she needed to throw him down. 

Eventually he will wear her down, chipping away at her own issues and cold exterior. It is still a mystery how they became a mated pair, considering that she still treats him the same even after some romance bloomed. There were private moments shared, but she rarely dropped that warrior demenor in front of anyone. She was a creature of battle, always at the ready, to defend and protect. The world definitely needed protecting from Ragnarok, and it was her mission to do so-- the romance came later, and at a bonus.




[ Companion]
More than a companion, Ragnarok owes a life debt to Styrlakr. If anyone or anything else would have stumbled on Ragnarok, he would either have killed or been killed. Either way, eventually he would have starved in that cage, forgotten in the bowels of the crazed D'Ambrosio's manor. Worse would have been if D'Ambrosio was not actually dead, and Ragnarok was still tortured by the man to this day. Not only for saving him, but the Ancient also shares in his desire of deconstructing things around him. Styrlakr is able to let Ragnarok be himself while also helping Eldemore with what he does, bringing balance through chaos. 


[ Mate]
Love at first battle. The Blood Rose Knight arrived out of the blue and to a great relief to Evelyn. Ragnarok follows her around like a puppy, but whenever he gets into his moods she is not far herself-- to tackle him, knock him down several pegs and into his place. She is alpha and will take not take any bad behavior from Ragnarok whenever she is around. She is the fire extinguisher to this dragon Jader. And he absolutely loves her to the bottom of his fiery shrunken heart. Does she love him back? She definitely has started to tolerate him being around and following her, though she does not show anything other than a cold exterior.


[ Daughter]
In one of those many trips away from Evelyn's cabin in the woods, Ragnarok came upon another Jader. It was a curious exchange that somehow led to puppies, which surprisingly Ragnarok was absolutely thrilled to have. As insane and hellbent on destruction as he can be, aggressive to everything around him, he is genuinely tender toward his own puppies and loves having them. He has a desire to spread the madness-- the controlled kind-- and teach his children to want to create chaos. He has found a game out of it, amusing himself in how to deconstruct things. Alara, however, finds the tasks tedious. She would much rather have /others/ destroy things for her, and have them bring her whatever she wants. A queen of the forest, for feral she stayed. Ragnarok tries not to be disappointed in her, and goes to visit often, just happy to have his spawn living comfortably. 

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