

 age adult (22-25)
 height 5'0"
 species Darkner(?)
 build small, lil belly
 gender nonbinary
 pronouns they/them
 orientation  pan, probably



Note: The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th "chapters" below still contain lorem ipsum text because I have no idea what to put there yet! xD (also no alt outfits yet) But the rest of this profile is filled out and I am still proud of it. Thanks again to Kye for this awesome layout!


Kibitzer is fairly care free and open to trying new things. They’ll ask minimal questions, but they don’t tend to demand a full understanding before they jump into something. They always have a comment or quip about stuff. They’re not exactly the picture of a hero, but they do carry a basic human care for others and an aversion to hurting people unnecessarily.

They carry a level of confidence based on their perception that their powers are relatively strong, which often drives them to push the boundaries of safety a little bit. If they feel threatened, they’ll usually show off their power to intimidate the opponent, and if that doesn’t work or they don’t have time, they’ll just throw a basic attack to put distance between themself and the opponent.

They’re mischievous, not above cheating at games or vandalization or petty theft. They may or may not have a pretty big problem following authority too. Rules are made to be broken in secret. xP









  • fruit and fish
  • summer and fall
  • swimming, bathing, etc.
  • wrestling!
  • exploring
  • bullies
  • dissociating
  • killing or witnessing death
  • things that taste bad
  • isolation/loneliness
  • playing in the river
  • doing stunts
  • sunbathing
  • sparring / play fighting
  • climbing




61qQZwf.png 61qQZwf.png 61qQZwf.png

Sprites by bright-goat.


 Freezing Stare
They can freeze/paralyze any object or living being they focus their gaze on, though they can’t hold this power forever of course. Blinking will cancel it, and it requires more energy to hold living things, things with more mass, or things powered by someone else’s magic. Their power could be rendered barely- or non-effective if they try to use it on someone with more powerful magic than them.
 Bullet Swarm
Their magic bullets are unusually tiny and weak, so to compensate for this, they create clusters that they can use to do damage with. When pushed, they can make enough to become a writhing swarm around them, which they’ve honestly used more as an intimidation tactic than an actual attack. They often use their bullets as firefly lights or as a makeshift buzzsaw. They can choose where the bullets appear, but actually controlling the location takes concentration, especially if they’re aiming too far away from themself. Generally they will just appear randomly around them, or right in their palm.
 Bullet Eruption
A much more powerful use of their magic bullets that they don’t have easy access to, usually taking the form of sudden explosions of more condensed bullet walls or spears that seem to shoot up from the ground. They’ve only surprised themself with attacks like this when pushed to their emotional limit, like the classic “adrenaline letting someone break their limits” scenario.
For now, this remains a completely instinctive ability that only seems to activate when Kibitzer is cornered and panicked. Their body will break into hundreds of tiny pieces, appearing similar to their swarm of magic bullets, but glowing a pale green instead. The pieces will maneuver around obstacles and find safety before reforming Kibitzer again. They usually have a blackout when this happens, unable to steer the swarm or remember what it was like to travel that way. Another limitation of this ability is that Kibitzer can’t seem to activate it when they’re aware of a living being touching them, possibly a mental block after discovering long ago that the initial breaking apart severely disrupts organic matter and essentially causes it to explode. The trauma that came with that ‘discovery’ was enough to keep them from doing it again unless they consciously and genuinely want to kill.










I still gotta make his character sheet, so no link for now.


Not sure what I’m gonna make “canon” to their story yet, but I intend for Kibitzer to meet Mike, probably while he’s still stuck in the void, but we’ll see. And for the two of them to share a very messy, but strong bond over their similar experiences being kicked out of their own realities. Kibitzer will become emotionally attached to Mike’s desire to escape the void because that hits too close to home, and they don’t think anyone deserves that.


childhood friend

Lancer and Kibitzer were best buddies when Kibitzer was a teenager. Because Lancer liked them so much, his dad never threatened them, though it did take a long time before they were even allowed to meet him. The King was busy and Lancer was paranoid.

I’ll improve this later tbh. Image credit is here because I’ve never drawn Lancer’s face before pfff.

 Rouxls Kaard

uncle figure(?)

Kibitzer used to think Rouxls was pretty cool until they actually met his dumb ass. Now they only kind of begrudgingly think he’s cool? Because used his abilities to save them. But he’s still a complete idiot. xD

Icon by me, from this picture.



In Purgatory, Kibitzer meets Spamton in Cyber City during the Snowgrave massacre, and becomes so attached to him that they devote their whole self to saving his life and fulfilling his dream.

Icon by me, from this picture.


 character purpose roleplay, fan fiction, original fiction, persona 
 created 2016 
 fandom Deltarune 
 trade/resell Nope! They’re my baby~ 

  • On my YouTube channel, Kibitzer is my mascot and uses the name Grem. Their design was originally created for this purpose, before they were given the diamond glasses and used for Deltarune stories.
  • Kibitzer is featured as the main character in Purgatory, a Deltarune fanfic set in a Snowgrave AU where they befriend Spamton.
  • Their backstory was originally a fanfic, but I failed to finish writing it and then became obsessed with Hero Aca for several years before coming back and repurposing the fic into their backstory and writing Purgatory.
  • Kib is my current RP main, used for adventure rps or smut.
  • The main theme that I've ended up with for this character is the meta-verse perspective type stuff about whether anything is “real” or if we’re being “written” by someone else, basically the entire philosophy of this amazing video, but with a laid back conclusion.

name meaning

From Wikipedia: “Kibitzer is a Yiddish term for a spectator, usually one who offers advice or commentary. The term can be applied to any activity, but is most commonly used to describe spectators in games such as contract bridge, chess and Schafkopf.”

Kibitzer was named for the association with games that matches the rest of Card Kingdom, and bonus points for the fact that their design was lifted from my YouTube persona, which I use for critical analysis videos of fictional stories! The “spectator" part also matches a rather frightening thing that happened to them when they were young, detailed below.

world building

Deltarune is a game created by Toby Fox, and all of Kibitzer’s current stories are based on that.

Purgatory is set in an AU where Kris and Susie never entered Card Kingdom, but instead started with the Cyber World later on after they and Lancer had both gotten older.

Most of my notes will likely pertain to that story since it is the only official one I’ve written of them so far.

important terms & definitions
 Lightner/Darkner The dichotomy of beings that live in the “Light World” or the “Dark World”, the light world being the “real” world and the dark world being a warped fantasy reflection of the light world that is created by Lightners’ dreams or something like that. 
 SOUL You know. Your SOUL, the very culmination of your being! ;P 
 Dark Fountain Every dark world has a dark fountain, which serves as the power source for basically everything in the world. If a dark fountain goes out... bad things happen. Unlike canon, no one turns to stone and the dark world doesn’t disappear, but rather, power goes out and new dangerous creatures appear out of the harsher darkness. 
 Interdimensional Dark World Train Method of travel between dark worlds that I created for my stories. A portal opens up and a massive subway train travels through them. Card Kingdom is only one of many dark worlds. 

magic system

Humans and Monsters are types of Lightners, and they don’t have magic. Not in the light world, anyway. Instead, they contain more powerful SOULs than Darkners, and humans take the cake in that regard. When in the dark world, they can summon weapons or magic based on objects they brought with them.

All Darkners have access to natural magic. Most of them have unique abilities, but every one of them can shoot magic “bullets”, which are basically clumps of (usually white) energy shaped however their SOUL sees fit.

SAVE/LOAD/RESET is a system that most characters are completely unaware of. Kris, Jevil, and Sans are aware of it. Seam is aware that something of that nature exists. And Kibitzer was subject to its whims without ever fully grasping it, but they’re aware that there’s something going on with reality, and as long as it leaves them alone, they don’t care.

“Check mate” is what happens when someone can load their “save”, but they cannot start from any point that would allow them to avoid death, thus putting them in an endless loop. Once the game recognizes this, it kills the process and continues the story with that character now permanently dead. This isn’t required for a character to die, but it may occur if said character is connected to a save at all.

social classes/government

Each dark world has a royal caste. Card Kingdom once had four kings, but now only has one. The Cyber World has one queen. There are royal guards and other higher class citizens, but overall they don't seem to hold any actual power against the king or queen. Power of influence and trust, perhaps.


CONTENT WARNING for sensory deprivation, self harm, and unreality.

When Kibitzer was 14 and living with their adopted parents, they made friends with the Prince of Spades, and the two spent all day just running around the kingdom and having fun, wrestling, eating snacks, teasing the fish in the river, and so on. One day, when Kibitzer was sleeping over at Card Castle, they woke up in the middle of the night and got heckin lost trying to find a bathroom, and on their way back to Lancer’s room, they got into the elevator and found a button with a strange label on it.

Choosing adventure and risk, they pressed the ‘??????’ button and fell—oh wait, no they didn’t—WENT down the long flight of stairs to meet the quirky prisoner at the bottom all alone. He introduced himself as Jevil, and then asked if they wanted to play a game. They played an innocent game of Uno and then Kibitzer went back up to bed.

Kibitzer continued to visit Jevil whenever they could, playing more games with him and listening to the... uncomfortable things he had to say about the world. Vague stuff about freedom—about how life was just a game—about how they had died a lot more times than they remembered.

They became paranoid and restless, unable to stop thinking about the claims he made—unable to stop noticing the way things changed at the last moment. Did they really grab that key? Did they really eat those poison berries?

Eventually, Jevil convinced them to seek out a way to open the door to his cell, and long story short, they did. They opened it, stepped inside... and fell in.

Jevil attacked them. For the first time, it wasn’t just cards or a board game. He threw scythes at them, and bullets of every shape, tearing into them. He was grinning wildly and laughing, but there was an intense frustration in his eyes. He could tell that the key hadn’t worked the way he’d hoped. He still wouldn’t be able to play with everyone else. So he played with them. And then—he hadn’t, actually. Not a scratch on them. But they remembered it that time.

They went back home, back to normal, but they started to notice something else. Gradually, things stopped tasting as good. It stopped hurting when they scraped themself up playing outside. It stopped smelling so strongly of the food they would cook with Lancer or all the stupid perfume Rouxls wore. The world was fading away—or, they were fading away. Desperate to prove to themself that they could still feel something, they started encouraging Lancer to play rougher, hit harder, scratch them even—anything. But it was no use, and eventually they lost touch with the world entirely. They could still see and hear—they could go anywhere—but no one could tell they were there. No one except Jevil.

Kibitzer was forced to contemplate the things he had told them again, now left to watch their family and friends as a spectator. It was beyond frightening. It was too much for them. If it weren’t for a mysterious someone tipping Rouxls and Seam off about their situation, they might have been “free” forever.

They never saw Jevil again.


When Kibitzer entered Jevil’s domain, they became veiled by the same spell that was keeping him locked away from the world. And when Seam dissolved the spell, their soul remained “veiled.” Their access to their full power is limited because of this.

Over time, Kibitzer and Lancer hung out less as Lancer took over his dad’s kingdom.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum interdum erat eu pretium lacinia. Donec id tortor ut metus condimentum blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed id fringilla risus, at hendrerit velit. Aliquam auctor justo id lacus pulvinar, id congue mi tristique. Ut at vulputate libero. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed tortor ligula. Proin imperdiet luctus consequat.

Morbi nec sodales tortor. Aliquam id quam risus. Phasellus ante ante, interdum ac porta sed, sagittis quis turpis. Fusce efficitur diam nunc, ac tincidunt nulla maximus ut. Quisque malesuada metus tempor malesuada mollis. Vestibulum convallis nisi eget ante sagittis egestas. Nullam leo urna, lobortis eu metus et, ullamcorper gravida ante. Aenean volutpat, nisi at lobortis lacinia, ipsum ipsum efficitur nisl, nec ultricies nisi sapien nec mauris. Etiam metus dolor, gravida et tincidunt quis, tristique nec mauris. Integer vel diam tincidunt est mollis semper. Vestibulum venenatis malesuada lacus, ac finibus nulla euismod at. Curabitur ac risus quis ante commodo consectetur id ac nulla.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum interdum erat eu pretium lacinia. Donec id tortor ut metus condimentum blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed id fringilla risus, at hendrerit velit. Aliquam auctor justo id lacus pulvinar, id congue mi tristique. Ut at vulputate libero. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed tortor ligula. Proin imperdiet luctus consequat.

header title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum interdum erat eu pretium lacinia. Donec id tortor ut metus condimentum blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed id fringilla risus, at hendrerit velit. Aliquam auctor justo id lacus pulvinar, id congue mi tristique. Ut at vulputate libero. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed tortor ligula. Proin imperdiet luctus consequat.

Morbi nec sodales tortor. Aliquam id quam risus. Phasellus ante ante, interdum ac porta sed, sagittis quis turpis. Fusce efficitur diam nunc, ac tincidunt nulla maximus ut. Quisque malesuada metus tempor malesuada mollis. Vestibulum convallis nisi eget ante sagittis egestas. Nullam leo urna, lobortis eu metus et, ullamcorper gravida ante. Aenean volutpat, nisi at lobortis lacinia, ipsum ipsum efficitur nisl, nec ultricies nisi sapien nec mauris. Etiam metus dolor, gravida et tincidunt quis, tristique nec mauris. Integer vel diam tincidunt est mollis semper. Vestibulum venenatis malesuada lacus, ac finibus nulla euismod at. Curabitur ac risus quis ante commodo consectetur id ac nulla.