
     Mash is an artificial life-form made by the people of Earth as a bioweapon.

     Genetically, Mash is composed mostly of Frieza-race/frost demon DNA scavenged from the remains of the bio-android Cell: As Cell's own tissues were damaged so badly that he couldn't regrow/regenerate, most of the DNA stored within him was likely lost or heavily denatured... In this case leaving primarily frost demon and trace namekian genes behind. (Frieza and his kind have been shown to be able to survive the equivalent of being put in a food processor on an exploding planet, and namekians can also regrow body parts, so logically these seemed like the portions that would survive the longest).

     Mash's creators were likely scattered members of the Red Ribbon army who either tried to regroup and rebuild their super weapon, or who sold off what intel they had on the creation of Cell to a third party for use in bio-warfare. The resulting bio-android however had zero interest in becoming a war machine and resisted all attempts to control them. Eventually they escaped confinement, and set up an undercover home in a remote mountain town, where they have lived for the better part of fifty years- Even raising a son born through parthenogenesis (similar to the Cell Jrs). They make a living using their superhuman processing skills to handle and interpret data for online clients who will never see their face, and if pressured about their appearance will claim to be part of the 7% of the (dragon ball) Earth's population classified as 'monster type' Earthlings.



Frieza Race/ Bio-android


Nonbinary (All pronouns accepted. Lab created lifeform that reproduces asexually.)


189cm/ 6' feet

Birth Date(s)

Approx during age 800 (around 50 years old during the events of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2)

Death Date(s)


Professional Status:


Database management expert/ 'IT person'


Frieza Force (currently ruled in part by Mash's son Scaliyn)
Time Patrol (tangentially through Scaliyn's job)
Ex Red Ribbon scientists (Mash's creators/'parents')

Personal Status:


Scaliyn (Mash's son)
Paneer (Son-in-law/ Scaliyn's Romantic Partner)
Flake (adopted grandchild)
Kulfi (biological grandchild with Paneer)
Kuriza (adopted grandchild)
Frieza (something like a Son-in-law????)
Cell (Mash's parent, technically)






- Me and Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero share one brain cell. This is a coincidence but it makes Mash a bit easier to explain. XD

- Mash (and by extension their son Scaliyn) are based loosely on a 'baby's first fan character' I made as a 7 year old called Miho/Hihoshi, who was just cell but a cuter and a bit more 'anthro'. Miho has their own sprawling alternate universe/timeline story but that's probably better left for another day.

- Mash would be capable of incredible combat powers if they actually wanted to train their abilities... But they really, really don't want to.

-They do however have a nasty spike of hard shell on the end of their tail that can be used to skewer attackers in an emergency. This spike likely has energy drain powers similar to other androids and bio-androids in the series.

-Mash and Scaliyn are both named after common root vegetables (potatoes and onions) that are often cooked and served together.

-The location Mash lives in could be compared to a fantastical version of rural switzerland. Luckily Mash and Scaliyn are pretty much impervious to cold.