


6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Puffer
Gender: Female
Age: 10 years
Sexuality: Lesbian
Tribe: SeaWing
Natural SeaWing abilities
Strong mind-reader blocking
"Absolutely NO animus powers- how dare you even suggest that!"
Family: Unknown


Puffer isn’t the worst SeaWing; but she’s not the best, either. She has anxiety which she hides with aggression. It doesn’t take much to give her a panic attack; which 90% of the time will turn into a fist fight.

She’s very good at blocking out mind-readers, and is one of the few minds that Truthteller can’t force her way into. Just as well, as she has a lot of regrets that she doesn’t want anyone finding out about.


‘Shut up! I need to concentrate!’ Puffer hissed. The crackling flames and shrieks outside seemed to obey the SeaWing’s command as she cradled the dragonet close. ‘You’ll be okay, I promise.

Skyflyer wasn’t sure how she could make that promise without even trying to get him to sickbay. He wondered if she was just comforting the dragonet in his last moments— then he felt her guard drop and, for the first time in all their school years, he was able to hear Puffer’s thoughts.

I enchant you to never feel pain or sickness from venom again. I enchant you to be immune to poisons that would otherwise harm you, Puffer opened her eyes, looked at the young RainWing, who still trembled in her grip, then closed her eyes again. I enchant this venom to make you stronger, heal your wounds, and give you an extra year for each you would have lost to it.

The RainWing closed their eyes and their head dropped back. Skyflyer almost leapt forward to yank the hatchling from Puffer’s talons, but stopped when he saw his chest rise and fall slowly.

Animus,’ Skyflyer whispered.

Diamond’s head snapped to him, then to Puffer, and her jaw dropped as she realised.

‘You can never tell anyone!’ Puffer growled, a look of terror washing over her. ‘Never! I enchant you both to never tell anyone! In words or in writing or in thoughts or through interpretative dance or riddles or anything ever!’

‘But you’re an ani—‘ the words were barely out of Skyflyer’s mouth before a pain shot through his jaw, and it clamped shut involuntarily— as if someone had wrapped wire around his snout and pulled it tight.