


6 years, 4 months ago


Sand/RainWing - 56 years

Although at first he may seem an oddity with his mis-proportioned figure, this SandWing is nobody to laugh at. It may be hard to tell from the outside that he is 1/8th RainWing (you may assume his long tail and neck are simply defects) but this small genetic code has given him great strength.

Heatwave features a long, flexible tail that can be used to swing from trees and rooftops. The tip of this tale boasts a powerful sting with all the corrosive properties of RainWing venom. Being able to inject this venom directly into the bloodstream of his enemies makes him a formidable opponent in battle, even if his would-be fire breath is nothing more than a burst of warm air with no flame.

His scales seem to darken at night and brighten in the day to match the sands; this made him a perfect spy during the war between the SandWing sisters … but now that the war is over he’s had had to move to petty thefts to afford enough food to survive.