


2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Mallo

Series: Tomato and Friends

Age: Exact age unknown, but somewhere between 13-17

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Arctic Fox

Favorite Food: Roasted duck

Likes: Meat, helping out others, cold climates, and calming music.

Dislikes: Warm climates, seeing his friends get sad, and competition.

Personality: Mallo is a calm and friendly person who never seems to be in a bad mood. He's very down to earth and thoughtful, but also doesn't show much shock or surprise at Tomato's magical powers. He's very good at sensing and understanding the feelings and emotions of others, which is best seen with his interactions with his childhood friend Marshmallow.

Home: The Arctic

History: Mallo grew up in the Arctic and lived in a community of Arctic Foxes. He met and befriended Marshmallow at a young age, and was one of her only friends until she met the mysterious dimension-hopping Tomato.

Current Bio: Mallo currently lives in the Arctic. On rare occasions, he'll join the girls for an adventure.

Meta-History: Mallo was created back in 2012, but I have no known drawings of him from that time (sometimes I wonder if I drew him on Sketchfu and didn't save the drawings). Instead, he's mentioned once in the description of one of Citrus's first drawings Citrus but he otherwise went unused for almost a decade, or rather....I forgot about him. I only finally remembered his existence in 2021 when I was looking through my old Spore creations and found one I made of him:… I've drawn him a few times since and I'm trying to bring him back as a character! According to the description I wrote on his Spore creation, he was originally supposed to be Marshmallow's love interest, but during the time that I forgot about him TomatoXMarshmallow became the main pairing, so instead he's become her understanding childhood friend who has no romantic interest in her.

Relationships with other characters:

Marshmallow: Mallo has been friends with Marshmallow since they were children, and understands her better than anyone. He's well aware of Marshmallow's not subtle feelings for Tomato and tries to encourage her to act on them.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!