


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Marshmallow

Series: Tomato and Friends

Age: Exact age unknown, but somewhere between 13-17

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Arctic Fox

Favorite Food: Bittersweet candycanes

Likes: Snow, tulips, starry nights, and Tomato.

Dislikes: Warm climates, heights, people touching her anime hair, and strange locations.

Personality:  Marshmallow is very tsundere, meaning that she comes off as a bit harsh  and distant to others, often denying that she cares about anyone but herself. However, she's actually just a bit shy and bad at expressing  herself. Marshmallow can be very sweet once she warms up to someone. She  is not always open to trying new things, but does actually enjoy the  adventures Tomato brings her on (not that she'll admit it).

Home: The Arctic

History:  Marshmallow grew up in the Arctic and lived a relatively normal life. However, one day Tomato magically appeared before her from another dimension and changed her life forever. While Marshmallow was initially weirded out by Tomato and her magical nature, the two eventually became very good friends.

Current Bio: Marshmallow currently goes on adventures with Tomato, Pash, and Citrus. While she is often critical of their adventures and the least enthusiastic about them, she does enjoy them and her friends a lot deep down.

Meta-History:  Marshmallow was created not long after Tomato. I wanted another animal OC, and when I was trying to decide what animal to use I remembered how cute arctic foxes are. I'm not completely sure where the anime hair came  from, but her design hasn't changed much from her initial design (the first drawing of her was completely white with no light blue markings). There's no part of her design that shouts arctic fox, so I wouldn't be surprised if people just thought she was a cat. I've also spelled her name as "Marshmellow" a few times, but this is usually just a spelling error.

Relationships with other characters:

Tomato:  While she won't admit it, Marshmallow considers Tomato to be her best friend. However, she is not good at expressing this and sometimes comes off as cold towards her friend, but Tomato sees through this cold act.

Pash:  Marshmallow is sometimes a bit critical towards Pash's shyness, but is usually looking out for her and is a bit protective towards her.

Citrus:  Marshmallow gets annoyed by Citrus's snooty nature and likes to prove her wrong when given the chance. Despite their differences the two are good friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!