


8 years, 8 months ago



NAMEDylanAGEYoung adult




Dylan lives at the beach and loves nothing more than spending a day on the shore.  he's athletic and playful.  he enjoys roughhousing and sports like soccer and football.  exploring and just hanging out with his friends and family are a few of his favorite pastimes.  he loves things like roller coasters and zipline-ing.  dylan likes to go for a run on the beach every morning to stay in shape, and he also has a good eye for finding sharks teeth on the sand.  he's also got a bit of a nerdy side, enjoying solving his rubik's cube and trying to beat his best times, in addition to being a bit of a science geek.  he likes to read in his spare time but he's not that into technology, he only uses a flip phone.  he really doesn't like cooking but enjoys grilling out and roasting hotdogs over a fire.  he watches a little tv, mainly shows like The Flash and Psych.  he's not really into fantasy.  he has a job at a surf shop he runs with his brother, Ryder.
his fur is usually well groomed, soft, and a little salty smelling, but if he's just been in the ocean it feels a little coarse.  he takes great care of his hair and always brushes/styles it first thing in the morning. 

Dylan is a sweet and friendly kia, family and friends are of the utmost importance to him and he tends to be very protective of them.  he's also very competitive though, and can get cranky and bossy when he thinks he/his team is loosing a game.  when he's going through stuff he tends to keep it to himself instead of letting people in to help.  he can keep it up for a while but eventually it all comes out/blows up in his face.



So, what's their past like? 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer in ligula tellus. Praesent tempor bibendum nibh ut faucibus. Phasellus vehicula, nisi eget hendrerit congue, mi dolor vehicula dui, vel tincidunt sapien ex in orci. Sed tincidunt cursus ornare. Sed convallis at ante nec finibus. Phasellus egestas imperdiet odio in interdum. In magna libero, egestas eget gravida eget, rhoncus nec elit. Vestibulum dictum id nibh in vulputate. Etiam justo nibh, tempus in turpis in, scelerisque condimentum nulla. Praesent urna erat, porta ac hendrerit id, tristique malesuada felis. Etiam semper dolor id lacinia eleifend. Praesent consectetur elit sit amet venenatis congue. Praesent condimentum turpis sed aliquet rutrum.

Sed porta nunc vel lacinia elementum. Ut augue massa, sagittis eget blandit quis, eleifend a nulla. Nunc ornare pretium dapibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque fermentum accumsan convallis. Ut suscipit libero ut sem hendrerit, eget ultrices sapien suscipit. Aliquam interdum urna quis ante iaculis ultricies. Nam ultrices velit non dui volutpat facilisis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec nibh turpis, accumsan in turpis non, porta hendrerit ante.



✔ the beach

✔ competitions

✔ family


✖ being alone

✖ tight spaces

✖ talking about feelings



Waikiki | mate
Dylan shares a special bond with Waikiki and is closer to her than anyone else in his life.  He loves how thanks to her spontaneity, every day feels like an adventure!  He and Kiki are both very energetic, but they tend to wear each other out and love napping and snuggling together to recharge.  He can be a little more down to earth than she is, but her spirited nature balances him well.  They are very playful and flirty with each other, but beneath the surface they have a deep bond built on respect and love for each other.

Raina and Niall | parents
Dylan gets along with his parents well.  He enjoys his independence, but he likes to stay in touch with them often.  He definitely inherited a wild streak from Raina, but Niall's levelheadedness managed to make its way somewhere into Dylan's personality.  He and Raina share a love for the beach, and he and Niall bond over their love of sports.  Dylan thinks he is more similar to his mom, but he loves getting his dad's perspective on things and has a huge amount of love and respect for them both.

Ryder | brother
Though he wouldn't necessarily vocalize it, Dylan has a lot of trust and respect for his brother Ryder, and is very close to him.  The two run a business together and really get along well.  They share a lot of playful banter, and enjoy going on adventures together.  They have a tendency to get into trouble if they don't have a more levelheaded friend in their group.

Cyra | sister
Dylan and Cyra get along very well.  Out of all his siblings, he and Cyra are closest in age, though she is a little bit older.  Dylan loves talking to Cyra and going to her for advice, and he likes how she is the more levelheaded of the four siblings.  She is a calming influence on him, but he loves how she is also always willing to share in an adventure.

Bindi | sister
Dylan LOVES his kid sister, Bindi!  He thinks she's the cutest thing in the world..  Whether he's taking her for a day on the beach, staying in and playing video games, letting her play with his hair, or even babysitting her at his place with Waikiki, Dylan always is happy to spend time with his little sister.

Brooklyn | friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec.

Unnamed | friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec.



  • he's a real family man
  • loves to snuggle!
  • good at giving gifts

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