
2 years, 2 months ago



May 18

$9 USD

named after mother being a sky god
origin from a family of singers
Patient Easy going Impulsive

From soundful and humble beginnings, Aether fits well into her family of musicians and performers, able to meld naturally into seemingly any situation.
Even with her mother abandoning her, Aether has found she feels no missing void in her life. Demigods like her have been neglected by their godly parents many times, but Aether's large family has always made her feel like she belongs. Her confidence and easy going nature make it hard to truly get under her skin.

This character follows themes of child abandonment and mortality which may be distressing for some viewers. ᅳ Viewer discretion is advised

I'm done waiting for rainbows

able to tolerate problems without becoming shaken

To lose patience is to lose the battle

From birth, Aether has been surrounded by a family who hardly takes anything personally. Her father taught her that all things happen in their own time and stressing over things you can't control is pointless.


  • Despite being patient, Aether can still lose her temper if pushed, though this would require someone of a high intelligence to do so
  • Her fiddle randomly untuning itself is the main source of her impatience
Easy going

relaxed and not easily upset or worried

I feel like I have lost all control. I am going to roll with it

Due to her more go with the flow attitude towards life, Aether finds it hard to feel urgency about most things. Her family and her do most things in their own time. Anything that is worth worrying about, Aether takes seriously but for the most part, she has found things work out on their own.


  • In her family, the main exception to this is being on time for their shows
  • Responsibility comes naturally to her even with the lack of urgency

acting on desires, whims, or inclination without forethought

Will you regret the results or rejoice in them?

Aether has always been encouraged to explore her interests. She's grown used to just doing something whenever the whim comes to her. Getting derailed from long tasks is not uncommon and when on the way to do one thing, she usually finds 10 more to add.


  • Aether can focus and complete tasks but enjoys the feeling of multitasking
  • She has picked up many hobbies and instruments from doing this so often


  • Creating connections
  • Studying
  • Playing instruments
  • Rainbows
  • Gardening flowers
  • Constellations
  • Her family
  • Tutoring other demi gods
  • Jewelry
  • Rain


  • Yelling
  • Proof reading
  • Thunder
  • Fireworks
  • Cemetaries
  • Cleaning
  • Self Care


  • Singing
  • Writing
  • Gardening
  • Magic
  • Guitar
  • Dancing


  • Weather Magic
  • Playing the fiddle
  • Singing


  • Arguing
  • Flying
  • Feather grooming

Weather Manipulation

Aether is able to clear away clouds or bring light rains for her village. She's still studying how to bring about stronger weather events since she is mostly self taught. What she does know, she can do very confidently though.


The fiddle has been Aether's favorite instrument since childhood. The way it sounds with her father's singing twang is magical to her. Her family have been teaching her the best melodies to play and she can often be found in a meadow practicing.

Basic Magic

Since she is half weather god, weather magic comes naturally to her. Basic spells that most magic users know though is something she is still learning. There are a few things she can do, but the closer related they are to weather, the easier they are.

Ink; rain; subtle soap


shorter than average; lean; slouches


soft; slightly staticy; fluffy on cheeks


eyes so bright they seem to glow


mature; slight twang; modulated


tactful; matter of fact; quiet


  • Eyes are the some color on both sides
  • Hair matches the hair in her icon
  • Sun on blue side, moon on dark side
  • Has hooves on feet but has pawed hands
  • Earring is on one side


  • She doesn't actually know which sky god is her mother since there are so many. Her only hint is that it must be some kind of rainbow sky god based on her own coat. Her father was quite drunk when he met her mother and so doesn't remember either.
  • She doesn't take the best care of her wings since she is the only winged one in her family. They often look unkempt even when the rest of her is well groomed. Her family did try their best to take care of them while she was growing up though.
  • She almost always performs in her father's singing shows. Rarely does she take the spotlight though.
  • Always willing to make birthday parties more fun with her weather magic.
  • Has near constant upper back aches from the weight of her wings.


  • Master the fiddle
  • To always perform with her family
  • Learning more magic


  • Tight spaces
  • Not knowing how long her actual lifespan is
  • Swimming in deep areas/drowning


  • Can come across as aloof sometimes
  • Struggles with a sense of urgency
  • Gives vague and sometimes unhelpful advice


The sky meets the soul

Living with eyes wide open Swimming into the light
Aether was born into a large family of performers. Whether it be singing, dancing, or theatrics, someone in the family could do it. Aether's father, Haven, in particular was a solo singer, equipped with a banjo and a lovely deep southern twang that sent most girls, and some guys, swooning.
On one very successful performance in a coastal town, Haven met a disguised rainbow goddess and the two hooked up. Haven hardly remembered the event until a baby was delivered to his door several months later. A note gave a few sentences of context, but Haven was smitten with his new daughter immediately.


  • They are a travelling family though they always return to their home village several times in the year.


Lost and found

I'll follow the path I've chosen Out where there are dreams alive
Aether fit into her artful family very easy. Her family, as with all her cousins, had her try a little bit of everything until she showed more interest in something. She spent the first few years of her life only interacting with her family while she was learning. This gave her a lot of confidence as her family taught her to not fear new people.
Her father married his wife, Honeysuckle, when she was still very young, though she had already been told of her status as a demigod. Honeysuckle was an excellent fill in for the mother she didn't have. Their union also gave her her younger sister, Beverly.
Her love for her family made every day a joy for her. Staying with them all the time though gave her their bad habits, such as their lack of urgency. She found it hard to really worry about most things and was less prone to complaining about things than other children. This had a side effect of making her a little fearless.


  • This is the era where she learned to fly. She was around 7 when she first started getting her feet off the ground in a hover.
  • Some villages where demigods were rare tried to make a big deal about honoring Aether, but Haven and Honeysuckle shut that down before she ever knew about it.


Thunder rolling

I know I can't fix what's broken If I just pretend to try
In her preteens, Aether began to ask her father more and more where her birth mother was. While she loved Honeysuckle, knowing that a god was her birth mother was very exciting and she wanted to know more about her. Haven had wanted to keep the truth from her as long as he could but he was never one to lie. At 12 years old, her father informed her that her mother abandoned her and no one knew who she actually was.
For a while she was crushed that her mother had never tried to visit or her or know her. They were traveling a few towns over when she made a shocking realization though. She met another demigod. After asking them some questions, she realized their godly parent hadn't showed their face around either. Thus began her pursuit to find and contact her mother, which quickly shifted to contacting any gods to discuss this issue.


  • Honeysuckle had wanted to break the news more gently than Haven did.


Lightining striking

I'll follow the path I've chosen Searching in the endless night
During her teens, she really honed her writing skills, making frequent trips to the libraries in the cities and towns they passed through. She'd been warned that contacting gods was difficult, dangerous, and usually reserved for priests and the like, so she knew her work had to be excellent.
To everyone's, including her, shock, she made contact with a minor god named Beaumont. He was younger than most other gods and way more laid back than she'd been expecting. He liked mortals though and liked what she was trying to do, so he elected to help her by giving her a hint on how to get an audience with a god who might care more deeply and have a greater influence than him.
With this gift, Aether's life work began. She would do whatever it took to make the gods understand that their actions hurt the mortals who loved and respected them so dearly.


  • Her family actually does research on the favorite gods of the towns they go to so they can perform songs and dances specifc to them.


Rainbows shining through

I will not let the shadows in me Trap me alive. I'm bringing my dark to the light
At 18, Aether stopped going on each journey most of the family took. She'd already decided performance was not the life for her. They basically gave her their house since she would be home more often than them. Her parents helped get her writing skills advertised to towns further away as well. Though she had no formal education, she had read almost every book about writing and had sought the critique of any librarian or writer she could find. She felt a little like her family didn't fully understand the weight of what she wanted to change about the relationship between mortals and gods. They didn't find it as urgent as she did since in their eyes, everything worked out.
She began to make friends in town as she took over most of the upkeep of the house. Wish, a girl she knew in childhood, became much closer to her. She'd let Aether bounce her writing ideas off her and suggest additions that would sometimes fly over Aether's head. Wish was smart and able to keep up with Aether's ramblings which led to Aether respecting her more. She felt that Wish understood her.
Slowly Wish's other friend, Ranger, made his way into their little group as well. He didn't really get the writing stuff, but he did excell at making both go outside to explore the surroundings.


  • Wish was an assistant at the library and so didn't get out much like Aether.


Rain on my parade

If I fall asleep Tell me that you'll wake me
In her 20s, Aether began to become more outgoing as Wish and Ranger encouraged her to get to know the village she lived in. Aether had only ever really befriended her family and so was a little surprised at how well the village people knew her family.
Seeing these people she lived amongst made her more motivated than ever. Her well prepared speech was finally ready in her eyes and so she waited until her father came home to ask him to be there when she presented it. He really didn't want to get involved with the gods more than he already had, but he did want to support his daughter.
The meeting went poorly though. The god she met was a god of childhood, Amicus. He was kind, letting her have her say. Her speech was well written, well spoken, and covered all the concerns the mortals had. Unfortunatly, it didn't cover the gods point of view. Life passes by differently for an immortal being and while Amicus may value her words, others would struggle to. She left the meeting discouraged, even when Amicus offered to hear future speeches if his concerns were addressed. How could she hope to understand the view of an immortal god as a mortal?


  • Being a god of childhood, Amicus understands mortal lives better than most gods. Many others would not care to hold this care for them though.


The end of the rainbow

I won't run again. With you there's no worry
Discouraged, Aether spent several months not writing. She went traveling with her family and practiced her guitar to try and rebalance herself. Her parents gave her space before reminding her that she had gotten further in her quest than most people would ever get. They encouraged her to tap into this more relaxed nature she'd fallen into but to not completely abandon the progress she had made.
While out with the family again, her dad found some magic users who began to teach her some basics at his request. This helped her gain a much better control over the powers she'd tentively learned on her own.
Upon returning home, Aether talked things over with Wish and Ranger and decided to really delve into studying the gods. This meant needing to travel to new places with knew books and people to learn more about them. This process is slow though since they are still needed in their village for their respective jobs. Having tried so many new things involving her magic and her family's passion, Aether is alright with taking things a little slower than she had been.


  • As she talks with more demigods and learns about them, she realizes that her lifespan is not set in stone. Some demigods live far longer than their families while some don't. This thought terrifies her but she has yet to broach the topic with anyone.
mostly a homebody seeks out libraries and bookshops enjoys shady groves and park benches

Bayberry Hollow

home / small village / near the coast
Bayberry Hollow is a small village with a population of around 200 people. Between it and the ocean is a forest. They thrive on farm land, paper and book making, and tourism. There is only one school in the village with a handful of teachers. Most kids are taught their parents trades though.


  • Most of the population are not magical.
  • There are many jewellry makers who use seashells and fishbones in their crafts.
  • There are many walking paths through the forest.

Bayberry Books

quiet / favorite shop
The only store in town that sells books and stationary. It is attached to the general store. They also offer book binding services that are usually fulfilled by Wish.


  • Despite offering so many services, they don't get a ton of buisness.
  • They get the most buisness when new almanacs come in.

Time together; acts of service

no prospects
  • Intelligence
  • Love of family
  • Maturity
father teacher close
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Haven took to suddenly having a daughter like a fish to water. He loved Aether from the moment he realized she was his. The rest of the Silversongs helped him learn her needs in the early days. He did everything he could to be a good father.
Aether appreciates her dad for supporting her through everything she's wanted to do. He's always been straight forward and honest with her and that's what she needed in the absence of her mother.


  • Haven came to Aether already named but he made it her middle name since he felt her mother hadn't earned the right to name her.
  • He's written and performed a couple songs about how Aether changed his life.
Best Friend confidant co writer
Say whatever you feel, be wherever you are
They knew each other briefly in the village school in the few early years Aether spent there. They reconnected as Aether began to frequent Bayberry Books. Wish gaver her some writing pointers since Aether was mumbling aloud. The rest is history.
Through their friendship, Wish learned that she had a small amount of magical ability. They love doing things together after this discovery. While Aether writes her essays and accounts though, Wish is more of a non-fiction writer.


  • Wish loves that she can talk books with Aether.
  • Wish taught her how to trim her hooves properly and Aether taught her some very basic magic.
friend distraction
Ranger works to get Wish and Aether to go outside and breathe some fresh air. He knows all the best hiking trails and secret hideaways. Wish loves to use them for her stories. Aether finds these places relaxing to visit.
Though he can be distracting to her work, Aether does enjoy his company. They playfully argue more than most though.
Honeysuckle has always been kind to Aether. She may have not given birth to her, but she treated Aether just like her own daughter. She was gentle about tough topics where Haven might have been more blunt.
She supports Aether just as much as Haven does and hopes she succeeds in her goal. Aether couldn't ask for a better stepmother.