
Trigger/Content Warning!

This profile contains the following:
Implied Manipulation

Thanks for your attention, and stay safe!

code by BunBox


AKA Pol, Chariot


Name Apollo Cindra
Age Young Adult
Species Incubus
Gender Cis Woman
Pronouns she/her
Height 5'5"
Occupation Keeper
Orientation Heterosexual
Playlist Apollo
Voiceclaim Yukio - Deadpool 2
Theme Song No Problems
Alignment Neutral Evil
Zodiac Gemini
Tarot The Chariot
Discipline Haze
Affinity Illness/Disease, Sound


  • Her eyes are the same color as Artemis' hair, just as their eyes are the same color as Apollo's hair!
  • Big fan of sparkles and glitter, so it's rare to see her in an outfit without either of those things
  • "sure hope this doesn't awaken anything in me"


Introvert Extrovert
Thinking Feeling
Sensing Intuition
Judging Perceiving

Apollo is loud, proud and a bit of a control freak. She's taken her role as Incubus and "rockstar heartthrob" very seriously, actively behaving like the old stereotypes for Incubi and manipulating what she needs from others; whether through seduction, flattery, intimidation, or any other method she can manage. At the end of the day, all of her efforts stem from a singular goal: Apollo wants to feel as powerful and in control as possible. Worming her way up the ladder of Solanace's organization seems to promise both of those things in spades. The schemes and dramatic showiness that all of the higher ranking members of the organization are prone to have been like slipping into an old pair of shoes for Apollo. She excels at putting on a persona and playing at the role of "member of the band who thinks she's god's gift to the world" comes naturally.. Outside of that, she really is just as charismatic and magnetic- whether that is because she's actively trying to manipulate her allies too, or simply doesn't know how to be anything else, is up for debate.




The twins were born in the Vale between Worlds and, as all children born there are, were born as a matching pair; one Succubus and one Incubus. Unlike most of these children, however, Artemis and Apollo were immediately taken to the mortal plane and spent their entire lives there. Severing their connection to the Vale at such a young age, and having no one there to really teach them how to attach it once again, has left both of them with an incredibly watered-down version of the Haze magic they can access. While her twin seemed unbothered by this fact, Apollo became more increasingly and unhappily aware of what she lacked with every day that passed by.

Artemis struggled through life from day one and Apollo realized early on that it was her job to keep them safe. So, yeah, she might have controlled a sizable portion of her twin's life up until this point...but it was for their own benefit, yeah? When Apollo set out to find people powerful enough to teach them both how to access their Haze magic, she knew that Artemis would only be weighed down by keeping in contact with their parents and the townspeople they'd grown up around. She would be able to roll with any punches it took, but her twin...they needed guidance to keep up. It might not have been the most kind way to go about it, but Apollo had no difficulties convincing Artemis that it was in their best interest to cut ties with their past, if it meant making both of their lives better.

She led the search for this goal, eventually charming her way into the Nightchildren, and Solanace's, good graces. While she knew the chances of either of them rises through the ranks enough to earn Solanace's favor, it was an organization built upon the grounds of acquiring knowledge- and the power that followed after said knowledge. Apollo knows that as soon as she can convince Solanace and her Acolytes that the two of them are the most promising damn followers in the entirety of the Nightchildren...well, it won't be hard to then convince them to provide the resources needed to unlock their Haze magic again.



Apollo's twin sibling, she spends nearly all of their time with them. She views them as two sides of the same coin and can't imagine NOT being around Artie.


Apollo's boss, of sorts. While they play at equals in the band, Nisha will always be a higher rank within the Nightchildren and it's the twins' job to do whatever she asks. She's rather good at hiding the fact that she doesn't respect Nisha's authority at all, though.


The head of their organization, Mother of the Nightchildren. While Apollo is too cocky to ever admit it- she is incredibly intimidated by the Basilisk. She desperately wants to gain the benefits of being an Acolyte, but she does worry about getting on her bad side quite a bit.