
1 year, 11 months ago


Kegth (Keith)
warrior of souls.

male (he/him)

exiled from his home, he finds and accompanies Aeril the elf on an epic journey to find a humanoid jackalope named Avalon, who guides them toward the dragon's eye at Avalon's Peak to save the world.

even after death, he is the spiritual guide for Aeril and the crew.

orcs are known to be gruff and unfriendly. you could say that Kegth possesses one of those traits.

Kegth was exiled for being an outsider and not being like the other orcs. he doesn't mind making friends, though he does have an independent streak most of the time. in fact, it was Aeril's charisma and persistence that made Kegth agree on the quest. on the surface, he looks like the stereotypical orc: muscular, all brawn no brain, a brute. however, when you get to know him, he is actually a fairly nice, somewhat smart guy who is just misguided. he has a very stubborn streak and doesn't like listening to others.

Battle Experience
Sword Combat
Ranged Combat
Magic Combat
Brute Strength

  • super stubborn, this trait contributing to his death.
  • headstrong to a fault.
  • hates people who are selfish.
  • is extremely protective of those he's close to, as he knows he can lose anyone at any moment.
doesn't carry much for a traveler. leaves the inventory management for the rest of the group.

Steel Broadsword

crafted by expert orc blacksmiths, his sword was passed down from generations. it possesses the dried blood of all its past enemies. Kegth wields it with the expertise of his family's swordsman skills.


a spellbook he found outside of Aeril's home. the instructions inside help him easily cast runes and spells.


he wears a loincloth around his waist, leather boots, and a brown leather mantle every once in a while (more specifically when it's cold).


  • spellbook
  • bandages
  • grass
  • twigs
  • healing salve
his spellbook is in layman's terms because he doesn't really know how to read too well.

Flame Cloak adept (destruction • 289)

Casting Time
3 seconds
60 seconds

for 60 seconds, opponents take 8 points of damage a second. severely burns anyone caught in it. standing in it for longer than 45 seconds causes death due to the high temperature. if able to escape beforehand, causes 3rd to 4th degree burns that will scar.

Firebolt apprentice (destruction • 41)

Casting Time
2 seconds
2 seconds
fire (potential dps)

a bolt of fire that inflicts 25 points of damage. argets on fire take extra 5 points per second of damage. can leave lasting scars.

Rally adept (illusion • 113)

Casting Time
3 seconds
60 seconds

for 60 seconds, targets have increased confidence and willingness to attack. it also boosts current and mazimum health and stamina. it impacts an area of 10 feet. users usually cast with teammates.

lots of traveling orcs come from a place of abuse. usually, orcs stay together.


Kegth was born in camp Grodul, located inbetween a mountainous and forested region. his life consisted of being raised in a nursery with other baby orcs. at the age of 7, he began training to become a warrior by his father, Yerug. he was never shown any love by his parents, leading to him having attachment issues. when he turned 11, he witnessed his father kill in battle; this scarred Kegth, making him dislike fighting. his dislike, alongside his lifestyle choices, turned him into an outside by the other orcs. he began having an interest in magic when he saw a high elf go against their camp warriors. although the elf fell, Kegth was enchanted by the art. orcs viewed magic users as weak and frail, naturally hating elves and the sort, so they teased Kegth and called him 'stuzor parar', or weak elf. it didn't help that Kegth was also weaker than the average orc; his peers would beat him up often.


at the age of 19, Kegth was exiled from the camp by his grandfather, who was the chief of the orc camp. he didn't look back, even when his own mother yelled for him to come back. all the orcs of every age abused him, mocking him for not being the typical orc and being interested in magic. Kegth would no longer stand for the abuse, especially from his family. he traveled for weeks, barely surviving off of wildlife by fashioning spears out of tree wood. one day, after two months of travel, he came across an elvish town. the lavish homes wowed him enough to check it out. orcs and elves are enemies, so all the townsfolk were hyperaware of him. Kegth spotted a book on the ground and picked it up. he began reading when he looked up; an elf was standing there in shock. Kegth was ready to run when the elf asked, "you're far from home, aren't you?"


Aeril was the elf that Kegth was fated to meet. the elf took Kegth in, bathing him and providing him with fresh clothing, even offering to tailor the orc with new loincloths and a mantle. at first, Kegth was skeptical, but he learned quick that not everyone is out to get you in this world. Aeril admitted that he was mainly curious, having never seen an adventurous orc. the two lived together for a week before Aeril discussed his mission to find Avalon. the myth was his only chance to save his town from an accelerating dragon. having no other friends and nowhere else to go, Kegth accepts.


the journey was a hard one, full of twists and turns. a quarter up the mountain, the pair fought against an advancing centaur. at the end of the fight, Kegth mastered the firebolt spell, blasting the centaur back. surprised, the centaur began to laugh, refreshed from a fight that was finally hard. his name was Pirades, a well seasoned warrior. he joins their quest. not too long later, a curious argonian named Kassan revealed herself to the crew, having folowed them up the mountain with interest. she was also a magic user, having used invisibility to sneak up. she admitted that she was looking for adventure and wanted to join. after lots of consideration, the crew figured that the more, the merrier, and let her officially join them. after several difficult battles and Kegth almost losing his head, they made it to the peak.


at the top, a small shrine was visible. per say the myth, Aeril set a rare carrot on the platter. a jackalope appeared out of thin air. "I am Avalon," the creature explained. "what brings you mortals here?" Aeril explained his own situation about his town. the mythical creature nodded, bringing a vial out of thin air. "this contains a special type of dragon's blood, curated to destroy the very creature it comes from. infuse this with a weapon strong enough to pierce the hardened skin of a dragon and you shall see it dead." the gang grabbed the vial, running back down as fast as possible.


as the group approached Aeril's town, their emotional high plummeted to the ground as the view came in front of them. orcs had invaded the town, clashing against the high elves. the group threw themselves into battle, defeating/killing their opponents and saving many lives. Kegth zeroed in on his next opponent when he saw Kassan fall, a huge gash wound in her chest. Kegth looked up to see a huge orc taking his sword out of her. a gasp emitted from Kegth as he realized that his former family was attacking the elves. his own father had killed Kassan. enraged, Kegth sparred against the warrior. he was losing desperately when Yerug focused on Aeril, who was distracted. Yerug tackled the elf to the ground and raised his sword to end Aeril. blinded by his rage, Kegth got in the way, being pierced by the sword himself. Yerug, though surprised with the outcome, triumphed in his success, relishing in pushing the sword further into his son. Kegth used the remainder of his strength to cast a fire cloak, severely burning both of the orcs, killing both. Aeril was able to escape the range in time. he began grieving for his friend, wishing that the orc hadn't sacrificed himself.


Kegth eyes slowly opened. his body was transparent, yet he felt the earth beneath him. he was a soul, having been burned alive by his own spell; his emotional state made him vulnerable to his flames. Kegth also learned that he can interact with the real world. he became a spiritual advisor for Aeril, helping guide his friend through the heartbreak of his town and the deaths, eventually coming to the dragon's lair. Aeril valiantly defeated the dragon, saving his town from both threats. Kegth couldn't help but think about a way of bringing his soul back to his body, as it wasn't completely charred and was easily restored, being placed in a tomb in the basement of Aeril's home. however, Kegth knew that that type of magic is forbidden and wants Aeril to practice clean magic. he watches his two remaining friends (Aeril and Pirades) part ways.

orcs don't make easy friends; that is, unless you're Kegth.


close friends

"new loincloths... for me?"

Aeril and Kegth become quick friends despite the situation they found each other in. they are emotionally dependent on one another, both being outcasts.

Kegth sacrificed himself because he felt like it was his duty to protect his friends. guiding them to the dragon to finish the quest was nothing but duty... right? he doesn't know how to love and especially doesn't know how he truly feels about Aeril. what he does know, however, is that they won't forget each other for a long time.


friendly rivals

"what are you doing this time?"

they didn't like each other at the start, but both grew on one another. Kegth only agreed to have him because Aeril wanted him. they brought each other's jokester personalities out and often had friendly competitions for everything.


"you're lucky that Aeril wanted you here."

Kassan reminds him of an annoying younger sister that he had in the orc nursery. her natural curiosity gets them into plenty of trouble, but they bond a lot over interest in magic. Aeril takes her as a pupil on the journey as well.


"I will never be scum like you."

nothing but pure hatred runs through Kegth's mind when he thinks or even sees his father. the orc died from his hands, an outcome that Kegth mostly doesn't regret; he is mostly upset that Yerug managed to take one of his friends down with them.

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