Rukia Nashon



1 year, 10 months ago



Rukia Nashon

Detective Chief Inspector in the Criminal Supernatural Investigative Division (CSID)
Rukia Nashon
Supporting Character


Rukia is The Chief Detective Inspector in the Criminal Paranormal Investigative Division (CSID). She comes from a background of very powerful and rich spellcasters who enabled her to rise through the ranks at a very young age at Scotland Yard. A lot of people say she cheated her way there - but Rukia is a very hard worker and ensures that everyone can get their job done on time and correctly. The people under her sees all the passion she has for the role and respects her for it.

Rukia approved Fletcher to work under her after Malakai handed him in. Malakai being unapproving of this at first, Rukia didn't want Fletcher to be a tool used by the Government/Royals and vowed for his identity as both a magic user without the need of materials as well as The Golden Thief to be protected and not told to by any other soul apart from Rukia, Malakai and the officers who arressted him that day. Rukia, is a kind soul. She doesn't want anyone to be used or trapped - even though maybe it does seem like trapping Fletcher to work under her which she does realise. She's cleared this up with Fletcher however in the last 2 years.

A leader that might be too kind for her own good


Rukia is a spellcaster. An advanced understanding of how to pronounce words that produce magic from ink on a page. Ink is the source of magic, and words activate it.



Spellcasters are most powerful when they know their spellbooks inside and out and can properly pronounce the ancient magic words on the pages. It said that when Wizards were around they were the ones that wrote in these spellbooks and created the words necessary for magic to be activated by ink. What makes a spellcaster stronger than others is their memory their accurate recall and the spellbook they hold.


Rukia's spellbook is past down from her family. It's a fairly ancient and rare spellbook the focus on using force (Physics) - the ability to move objects and turn reality around her. From the physical to the mental visions she can control the space that she's in. Her spellbook also has the spells of basic healing as well as other basic magic commands in a common spellbook she also carries around with her.


Kind | Brave | Leader


Rukia's kindness may be her weakness. A leader shouldn't ever show weakness - but leaders can have faults and kindness is one. She could be easily taken advantage by someone with malicious intent. She has a lot of empathy and just wants everyone to be happy and safe - even if that put her life or job on the line. She wants to prove her family proud and raise up the ranks in the supernatrual division to make real change in how supernatrual crimes are handled.


Design Notes

  • Often has her hair pulled back with a bow in her hair. She usually has her hair in her natrual state (3C Curl Type Hair)


  • Everyone on her team
  • Being in control
  • A success


  • People who obviously want the intrupt her process or ignore her ideas
  • People who do not take her seriously
  • Those who say she does not work to be where she is today


  • Rukia will always put her team first. Their safety will always be her top priorty in any situation.
  • Her family are very supportive and actively try and help her in any way possible. Feeding her division spellbooks if they are spellcasters or other items if they are not spellcasters. They can fund her division when Scotland Yard doesn't want to.
  • She's always been a massive fangirl of The Golden Thief which might have influenced her choice slightly into letting Fletcher be protected by her - but even if he wasn't, she would of done the same. But Malakai is convinced that she did it because he was the Golden Thief and admitted she has a crush on Fletcher.
  • Rukia activily wants to try and get more people to help out in the South-West division as she is lacking willing people to help out or have the skills needed.
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