


6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

What is under Yan's tinted googles?

Amethyst, which is a shade of purple, colored eyes. They're different from most of those he's come into contact with so he keeps them hidden for safety purposes

What's under Yan's high collared shirt?

Yan has a burn scar on the left side of his face that ends in the middle of his chin. It's the result of an intense battle in which his flames got fanned back towards him and left him with the burn scar

Does Yan have any sort of relatives?

In his youngest years Yan was told that he is the result of a half human/half demom female and a male who was completely a demon. They were used as lab rats until eventually their bodies gave out. The last thing they were used for before dying was to create Yan. So Yan does have relatives but he has no idea who they are and feels that it's important he stay away from them as they might be the ones that caused his parents to suffer so much for so long.


Yan-gant-y-tan allows those he's closer with to call him Yan. His name dervies from a demon of the same name. "Yan-gant-y-tan is a demon from Brittany who wanders the streets of  Finistere at night holding five candles in hand – one on each of his  five fingers – spinning them like a flaming wheel. Yan-gant-y-tan is  cautious not to make abrupt or sudden turns, less he accidentally extinguish his flames." Information in quotes is taken from this page. Yan is quit adept at fire magic and has used it to keep himself safe from any possible captors or those that are a threat to him in general. Yan was created in the same research lab where Xander Snow became a cyborg. He and Xander quickly became friends due to Xander looking out for Yan. Once Yan learned that Xander had escaped he know it was his time to escape no matter what. Three months after Xander escaped Yan had gotten his hands on a fire magic tome and used it to escape from the research lab even though it meant killing lab workers on the way out. He's spent many years searching for Xander in hopes that Xander still remembers him after all this time. Yan has aged a lot more slowly than a human would so despite his youthful appearance he's actually 249 years old. In his travels Yan has seen Xander's father figure and protector Alfred Rhodes. Yan eventually managed to follow Alfred back to his isolated home and was nearly shot down on the spot by Alfred and his shotgun. Xander rushed outside and quickly recognized Yan after he lowered his face covering and removed his tinted goggles that help him blend in. In the past Yan has always been able to fool regular people by saying that he's a wandering performer and that he always keeps his stage makeup on just in case he needs to perform. He's been able to use his fire magic skills in productive manners that have been getting him enough money and then some to survive. After Xander reassured Alfred that he knows Yan and that he can be trusted Yan has moved in with them. When Alfred has to leave the house he makes sure Yan is awake and leaves him in charge of guarding Xander.