Yadira Riqui



2 years, 2 months ago


my star wars - the old republic character


Yadira Riqui  


16  (maybe nearing 17, she can't remember) 



  • Jedi padawan who just wants to be in the archives why is she dealing with all this bullshit she just wants to be a Jedi librarian and organize the Jedi archives 
  • Very well-mannered so you won't hear her complaining about any of this bullshit to anyone except her friend Ptalli 
  • Poor girl has trouble speaking 2 people sometimes that's why she's always so polite and seems like a bit of a wet towel to strangers 
  • Her fighting skills leave something to be desired but she makes up for it with her strength in the force 
  • Despite this when it comes to lightsaber combat she uses form III (Soresu)
  • Genuinely enjoys training as a Jedi but has a few disagreements with how it's run.  
  • Can and will infodump about how she'd reorganize the Jedi archives if given the chance (or just start info-dumping about the Jedi archives in general)
  • Girl has adhd and likes to keep herself stimulated and this often ends up with her fiddling around with something shes holding and this has led her to accidentally turn her lightsaber on many (many) times
  • Sometimes a bit of a clutz but that's okay she always manages to catch herself before she trips (spidey senses! or like force senses... idfk....) 


ok here come the infodump leave me alone letr me have fun with this


Leaning more towards the scholarly side, Yadira always wanted to have her Jedi training be more archive-focused. Going on missions to gather intelligence and learn more about Jedi history would've been amazing, but her master keeps sending her out to deal with problems that more often than not lead to her fighting raiders or saving people. Not that she doesn't want to save people- she does! She'd like to help however she can! She's just not as proficient with a lightsaber as she'd like to be. Though, her strength in the force has saved her hind more times than a lightsaber has.  

Yadira's pretty well-mannered, so you won't see her complaining about anything to anyone unless it's her friend. She's got strong opinions though! She really does! She thinks the Jedi should be more compassionate and focus on empathy- They're the peacekeepers of the Galaxy! They have lots of resources! The Jedi should be focusing on helping those who need help, not just assisting the Republic whenever they cry wolf. She also isn't' the biggest fan of 'repressing' her emotions to be all noble and stoic- Listen, she sees why being all stoic is helpful, especially as a Jedi,  but sometimes expressing how you feel is good! Healthy, even! But for fucks sake if she's going to be repressing her emotions for the sake of The Order there better be some good fucking therapists that she can talk to on the side is all she's saying. 

While being a Jedi Knight and keeping order in the galaxy sounds tempting, Yadira's heart belonged in the archives, so she decided to train as a Consular; Where her words mattered more than a lightsaber. Her love of reading and research didn't go unnoticed, as (to her delight) she became the padawan to Yuon Par, a Jedi Consular, archeologist, and explorer. It was a perfect match, and when Yuon didn't send her out on missions to retrieve and learn about ancient Jedi history (which she enjoyed, but she would've appreciated not having to defend herself from angry droids and raiders every time she stepped foot outside of the temple), Yadira cherished the moments where she and Yuon would simply stop to talk about their experience or meditate together. The times they managed Qyzen to join them in meditations were also warm memories. 

Thankfully, while most of her time is spent absorbed in finishing the assignments Yuon gives to her or fixating on the Jedi Archives (again), her friend Ptalli drags her away from it all to go hang out (which is very much appreciated since Yadira forgets that she is a human and humans need to take breaks or go drink water or go eat and oh man she just spent the whole day reading about kyber crystals again whoops). 

Her dream? Become a Jedi Archivist or something akin to it (researcher, lore keeper, all those possibilities..). The archives, while filled with an immense amount of wisdom, can be an absolute fucking mess. And that is Yadira's life goal. Her singular purpose (not really but let the girl have fun). To organize that fucking archive. Many a night when not doing tasks for Yuon she is at her desk planning and figuring out how she would categorize that monster of an archive and Ptalli has to remind her almost every night to turn the fucking light off and go the fuck to sleep 

holy shit why did i write so much about a star wars character