blythe prions



1 year, 11 months ago


blythe prions

they're dolls, not puppets...
  •  name  blythe prions
  •  age  9.7 sweeps (21 years)

  •  gender  nb

  •  pronouns  they/them

  •  orientation  never rlly thought about it. greyrose?

  •  blood caste  bronze

  •  strife specibus  explosivekind

  •  weapon  molotov cocktails

  •  personality 
    blythe is your average bartender stereotype. stoic, relaxed, reliable, a good listener, etc. they prefer the company of their hobbies to people, but they still love their job.
  •  typing quirk

  •  design notes
  •  likes  clown dolls, mixology, coconut, blackjack

  •  dislikes  not much tbh

  •  backstory 
    still working on it! but they used to work at a casino and eventually quit to open up their own bar :)
  • kyrion best friends

    one of blythe's closest friends. they used to work at a casino together, where they were a bartender and kyrion was a croupier. although kyrion acts like she's all that (and believes it, tbh), blythe has seen her more vulnerable side and is one of the few trolls kyrion trusts.
  • lverna friends
    kyrion introduced them to each other, and they hit it off pretty fast. lverna is very rambly, but blythe doesn't mind; her stories are really entertaining, and she makes things a little less boring at the bar.
  • Name Relationship 
    Proin blandit justo augue, ac varius nunc vulputate vel. Vestibulum eu nunc id dolor ultricies placerat aliquam blandit urna. Vestibulum libero massa, pretium non ante et, tempus feugiat est. Phasellus vehicula ullamcorper ipsum in feugiat.

  •  Trivia 
    • ● collects ceramic clown dolls. just thinks they're cute and fun to repaint; they have no interest in the whole obscure purpleblood religion thing.
    • ● their trolltag is. well. ceramicClown.
    • ● quit smoking to save money
    • voiceclaim :)