Themis Sabrae



1 year, 11 months ago


Themis Sabrae


Name Themis Sabrae
Pronouns She/Her
Age 22
Gender Cis Woman
Race Elf
Role Hero of Ferelden
Alignment Lawful Neutral


  • Silent
  • Kind
  • Just
  • Dumb with emotions


  • High places
  • Cozy campfires
  • The smell of the forest
  • Taking care of children

She's a Grey Warden with a strong sense of justice, and will fight anyone for it. Accepted her fate as one the remainings Grey Wardens of Ferelden, and proudly fought against the Archdemon.


She's usually really calm and collected. Almost nothing surprises her. She has a strong sense of justice and she will fight almost anyone because of it. If not calm, she wears a permanent frown on her face, but that doesn't mean she's mad or angry. Her face is just like that. She's a woman of little words. She's very religious and takes a lot of pride of the elven people, so don't try calling her ''knife ears'', even tho if you apologize sincerely, she will forgive you. She hates killing people, but she will do what she must.


She was a former member of the Sabrae clan, where she lived with her parents and twin brother. But after she and her mother were kidnapped, they were brought to Denerim, where her mother remarried with Cyrion Tabris a few years later. She grew up in the Alienage, surrounded by her new family, but still missing her old one. There she took care of the kids in the orphanage on her free time, meeting the girl that felt like a little sister to her, Hecate. Her mother trained her as a rogue, and she used that knowledge to steal from the rich with the name of 'The Jay'. Later, when she becomes a Gray Warden, she finds her twin brother, Theron, as a Grey Warden aswell.


Currently, she has two canon outcomes. One, its as the game canon, were she survives the final battle, and keeps working along Alistair as a Grey Warden. She survives and helps out the Inquisition. My own canon, is where she becomes the archdemon. With the final blow, the god's soul and her's mix together, making her a god-like being. She spends 10 years hiding underground, hating what she became. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, she helps the Inquisition finding Corypheus.

Goddess Pantheon

I have a pantheon in the makings, where she's the Goddess of Life and Death. She's the most powerful of them all, although the most neutral too. Themis can create a weapon capable of killing any inmortal, usually called "God's Bane".


  • She never fought with her brother, but she acted like an older sister all the time when they got reunited.
  • Alistair gave her a rose, and it's, with her step-father's dolls, one of her most important possessions.
  • Her ears are shorter than Hecate's
  • She gets really shy when someone she cares about compliments her, so whenever Alistair tells her she's beautiful or Leliana calls her pretty, she walks away claiming to have duties to attend to.
  • At first, she doesn't trust Duncan. After the Ostagar battle and learning how much Alistair loved him, she started to doubt herself.
  • Theron, her brother, belongs to my partner. I created Themis as a more femenine version of Theron without knowing, so we made them siblings.
  • Themis name is pronounced with the h silent, like "Temis". I wanted this to make a difference between her name and her brother's. Yes, I am aware that's not actually the correct pronounciation, but I dont care one bit.



Alistair [ Romantic Interest ]

She an Alistair had a long history, both being the last Grey Wardens of Ferelden and all. Fell in love slowly through an entire year, and tried to make it work even amidst war. Depending on the outcome, either they work together as Greywardens, or they stay apart for 10 years, where Alistair thinks she's dead, until they reunite at Skyhold, the Inquisition's Fortress. She then saves him from his demise in the Fade.


Theron Sabrae [ Twin Brother ]

My Friend's own Warden, who is identical to Themis. They couldn't be more different personality wise, as he's harsh and very chaotic. Themis is the only one capable to keep him in check, but that doesn't mean they hate each other. In fact, they're very close, and Theron pushes her to do new things.


Hecate [ Adoptive Little Sister ]

They met at Denerim's Allienage, where Hecate was orphaned at. Themis took care of her all she could, until she had to leave for Ostagar. After some months, they reunited at the nearby forests, where Hecate had been found by an elven clan. There, they promise to live together after the Blight. In the Archdemon Queen Outcome, Themis is not capable of fulfilling this promise, and Hecate travels along Alistair, who becames like a older brother/father to her. She later becomes the Inquisitor, and reunites with both Themis and Alistair after a long time. They both help her out with the Inquisition.