


6 years, 4 months ago



"Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems” 

Name: Grissom
Creator: Nyaadopt
Gender: Genderless (masculine)
Rules: None given
Race/Species: Deity 
Obtained: Bought from nyaadopt for 35$
Marital status: Available
Trade/sale status: NFT/S
Occupation: God of Anxiety & Regret
Total art: 7

Stories - World info - Other

Grissom is the god of anxiety and regret, and enjoys giving hardships upon mankind by warping their mind to obsess over problems they can't let go of. He seems to gain power in the self-doubt and loathing of mankind, and is the most powerful/largest threat of Asmodeus' children. He is rather power hungry, and ambitious- and could be a threat to his father if he wasn't highly reverent of his father's opinion of him and obsessed with impressing Asmodeus, who couldn't care less of his existence. Ironically- his own worst weakness and fallback is his own anxiety over his father's value of him. 

He enjoys toying with people, twisting their minds through their subconscious desires and leading them to question what they do and do not know of their own lives. He enjoys puzzles and illusions, and will often challenge his targets/victims to a game for their lives in a terrible and harrowing experience that most don't win. He has a major distrust of his sister Diamanda, as he suspects she is not as loyal to their father as she presents herself to be. 











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✔ Watching others struggle
✔ Reminding others of their mistakes
✔ Illusions/ mind games
✔ Puzzles/ riddles
✔ Cats
✘ Those able to overcome anxiety
✘ Those smarter than him
✘ His sister, Diamanda-doesnt trust her
✘ Dissapointing his father
✘ Reading and tedious activity
Positive Traits
• Proud and ambitious
• A good leader
• Decisive
• Knows how to get his way
Negative Traits
• Enjoys watching others suffer
• Unsympathetic
• A bully/very aggressive
• Selfish

Grissom is the eldest of Asmodeus' children and also the one who most frequently bosses around his siblings. They only listen to him if they feel like it- most of the time he has to bully them into submission through self doubt and forced cowardice. He sees them as inferior to himself and his father and more akin to pets than family. His warped perception of them only contributes to their aggression and suits his father's desires, so Asmodeus allows it.

✧ Grissom is the only one of Asmodeus' children who knows who their mother is. Refuses to tell them, however. 



[ Father

Grissom looks up to his father in a lot of ways, and wishes someday to take his place as his equal in causing pain and chaos in the world. He seeks power as a result of trying to impress the elder god, who is essentially indifferent to his existence. Asmodeus prefers the company of his sister Ashera- if only because she's amusing, which Grissom is extremely jealous of and bitter about. 



[ Rival/enemy

The god of crafts is Grissom's least favorite of the benevolent gods- mostly because he's so lax and slacks off from work so often, Grissom feels the need to teach him a lesson by antagonizing him with regret of things he had not done. Artisan battles this with the best of human solutions- drinking a lot and partying. 


Character Name

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