
1 year, 11 months ago


The thing about miracles, they don't grow on trees.
Full Name
The scientist
Mount Yol caves
Birth Name
Second protagonist
Ex-Royal Scientist/ Unemployed
Spoilers lol

Buddy wasn't well known until his banishment, having been comfortably overshadowed by his sister who'd always been a better (in every sense of the word) scientist. Those who did know him knew him as a sweet, quiet young man who did his work and left as quietly as he came. He had lots of love for his kingdom, and it was obvious that he was a loyal subject. He cared deeply for the gift of life, always mourning the concept of mortality.

Even after his banishment, most people realised the absence of the scientist, rather than the absence of him. He was forgotten too soon, though he didn't mind. He'd never meant to make a name. Though sorrowful of his lack of acomplishments, he continued his studies even after losing all access to his lab.

Height 176cm
Body Build Skinny
Body Shape Flat
Attractiveness 5/10 you gotta have a type to like him

Buddy looks kind of like a teenager, stuck with his dangly limbs and undefined face. He stocks up with layers and thick sweaters but not really with the intention of looking bigger.

His hair is wispy and white, with fragile ends and thin strands that go whichever way. He gets very bothered when people touch his hair, and barely touches it himself, even though it's in his face all the time. If his hair wasn't so messy, and was actully straightened, his bangs would probably reach slightly below his chin, but the rest of his hair is kind of layered so it wouldn't change much overall.

He usually has a sublte smile on his face, not really because he's happy all the time but because he looks like he's in absoloute despiar if he's frowning even slightly.

His eyelashes are also white like his hair but I don't draw lashes so it's not on his ref sheet.


His voice is not very expressive anymore, but it was back when he was still the working scientist. He usually speaks just loud enough to hear without straining and nothing more than that, unless he's trying to be bothersome. He has a sensitive voice, and thus can't yell without getting a sore throat or his voice cracking. Terrible singing voice, but maybe he could sing one of those really soft, single note ukulele songs yk? (His voice claim is Khoi cause I couldn't find anythng better BUT NOT LIKE ALBEDO.)
Voice Claim


An accent expected of someone who lived in the outskirts of town, something similar to a generic scanadanavian accent. (I don't want to specify too much because I read all dialogue in my own Brittish x American accent.)
There is no example


His notes are almost undecipherable, but anything meant for others to read is usually written in messy, tilted cursive. He can read his own writing easily, but he's horrible at deciphering others'. He usually writes small letters, with tailed letters (like y, g, p, q) going quite low if he can afford to, and especially if he is writing quickly.
Example of Handwriting


Buddy has a cottagecore-like aesthetic. His outfit usually consists of a turtleneck, a buttonup over that, an ankle-length skirt, and dress shoes. Sometimes he'll wear a coat over all of that, or a vest instead of a buttonup, or sometimes he'll wear pants under his skirt if it's too cold.

His sweaters are usually knit by himself, his adoptive mother or Mercy, though most stuff that his mother knit don't fit anymore so it's safe to say most of it was made by him. His skirts are also usually sewn by him.

His outfits consist of warm and earthly colours; mostly desaturated browns and greens, some popping oranges or reds, pale yellows, and the occasional off-black. He layers his outfits because he actually doesn't have a wide variety of stuff to wear and doesn't want to just look the same everyday. He cares about his outfits and nothing else about his appereance.

Scars & Tattoos

NONE OF HIS SCARS ARE TOO SIGNIFICANT. If you're drawing Buddy and aren't comfortable with claw marks, facial scars, burn scars etc. you absoloutely can ignore them!

That being said, Buddy's right eye was clawed out around the time of his banishment, so you can draw his eye with a claw mark over it if you'd like! For the design I use to draw him, I personally think it wouldn't have left a scar, so I don't draw him with it, but it does look cool so feel free to include it!

The burn scars are even more minor. He has some acid burns on his arms from experiments, but again, nothing significant at all.


Moths. This is specifically moths and not regular butterflies. Also, they have to be live moths!

Dandelions. Any of their growth stages, dead or alive, in pots our outside or in bouqets, but mostly the white stage.

Goats. Goat eyes and horns specifically! BUt like goats in general.

Meta Info

POKEMON TURNED HUMAN: "That's the mad scientist? My man looks like a pokemon turned human" -Emir

ALBEDO AND WILSON: Friends from a discord server said he looked like a mix of Wilson and Albedo, who he's also similar in terms of occupation.

  • His right eye was clawed out.
  • His eyelashes are white and not very visable.
  • He has a slight hunch, but he tries constantly to correct it.
  • He has a long face with a round jawline and a pointy nose.
  • Long piano fingers
  • He gets sunburnt easily but not bruised easily.
  • No hips on this guy at all, so he ties his skirts with a string and belt loops or tucks in his shirt
  • You can draw his eye any way you like. The missing eye could simply be closed, it could have a scar but it doesn't need one, you could draw the inside all gross and gorey or you could make it look like a black void. Just don't forget that his right eye is definitely missing.
  • You can fuck around with his outfit too. Just keep the general aesthetic. Desaturated greens, browns, red and oranges. Lot's of patches, long skirts over dress pants, turtlenecks or buttonups or both, no accesories or anything in his hair etc.
Enneagram 3w2
Classpect Rouge of Life
Temperament Choleric

First of all!! Idk much about these persoanlity test thing, I just read up a little bit to give a vauge description here.

Buddy went through a lot pf persoanlity changes in his life, mostly in order to adapt to those around him. He was a very shy kid, but he learned to open up in his teen years. Later however, he went back into his shell, but this time out of hatred for others rather than insecurity. In fact, Buddy is quite concieted when it comes down to it. He has a habit of making others feel dumb for even asking him questions, but it's mostly a defense mechanism. He fears that if he answers a question, his answer might make him look even dumber than the question itself.

Despite all of that, most adults or elderly used to know him as a sweet young lad, with a harsh exterior but good intentions. This was correct back when he was still the royal scientists, but his intentions have become much more questionable these days.

He eventually adapted a creepy yet mostly likable personality. Somewhat eerie in the way that you don't want to point a finger at, and just let it slide hoping it'll go away if you ignore it. Almost like an uncanny valley feeling. He's aware of this affect that he has.

Positive Traits

Creative Innovative Goal oriented Idealistic

Neutral Traits

Mysterious Off-putting

Negative Traits

Short tempered Workaholic Condecending Concieted


  • Biology
  • Dry heat
  • Firepits and campfires


  • Maxi skirts
  • Leatherbound/quality/sturdy books
  • Rainbows


  • Rain
  • Mud
  • Head accessories


  • Moss

Goals & Dreams

Buddy's first goal was to create biological armour for people. He thought he could accomplish this by playing with DNA of animals with scales and DNA of humans. His new goal is to infect the entire kingdom, as punishment for exiling him.

  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Content.

Secrets & Fears

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ea, exercitationem excepturi quo, voluptatum illum ab magnam tenetur dolores est, eaque alias rerum unde provident minima quis illo temporibus maiores pariatur.

  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Content.


  • Buddy has a slight lisp that comes out when he isn't paying attention to his speech. It was most prominent when Mercy wasn't around, since he wasn't speaking a lot at that point, and thus lost his skill to hide it, but he quickly gained it back once he got a job of his own.
  • He's constantly correcting his posture, but it isn't horrible when he's not paying attention either. He does have a slight hunch though.


  • Taking notes, even when he knows they don't need to be written. He likes the way they look.
  • Sewing
  • Knitting
  • Picking and blowing on dandelions


  • Skin picking, mosty his hands
  • Rubbing the skin around his right eye


  • He looks people up and down very obviously and pointedly
  • Smile and nod as a sign of respect
  • Makes HARSH eye contact
  • Literally stops whatever he's doing if he's actually listening to you.


  • Manipulator

    He's a good liar, and particularly good at making people believe they're at fault for things.

  • Goal oriented

    Buddy has an unbreakable determinaiton when it comes to things that he deems must be done. He's incredibly stubborn and hard to stray from his goal at all, let alone make him give up completely.

  • Problem solver

    Buddy always takes action. He always assumes that others would as well, which is why he does so. He thinks, if other people recognised this problem, surely they would fix it, and since I am the one who sees it, I fix it. He thinks every problem can and must be fixed.

  • Intelligence

    He's just very smart!!


  • Short tempered

    Easily upset to the point of yelling, Buddy has little to no tolerance for... anything, really. His patience grows thinner each day, to the point where he's almost always angry.

  • Hydrophobic

    He will go to any lengths to not get wet. It's a stupid thing that he cares a lot about. He wil literally avoid it harder than diseases.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos obcaecati, laboriosam voluptate repudiandae provident non! Quam, magni cum! Pariatur dignissimos inventore molestiae est eum dolorem rem ut itaque, sunt dolores?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos obcaecati, laboriosam voluptate repudiandae provident non! Quam, magni cum! Pariatur dignissimos inventore molestiae est eum dolorem rem ut itaque, sunt dolores?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos obcaecati, laboriosam voluptate repudiandae provident non! Quam, magni cum! Pariatur dignissimos inventore molestiae est eum dolorem rem ut itaque, sunt dolores?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos obcaecati, laboriosam voluptate repudiandae provident non! Quam, magni cum! Pariatur dignissimos inventore molestiae est eum dolorem rem ut itaque, sunt dolores?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos obcaecati, laboriosam voluptate repudiandae provident non! Quam, magni cum! Pariatur dignissimos inventore molestiae est eum dolorem rem ut itaque, sunt dolores?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos obcaecati, laboriosam voluptate repudiandae provident non! Quam, magni cum! Pariatur dignissimos inventore molestiae est eum dolorem rem ut itaque, sunt dolores?

Childhood: Mountianmoss Resident

Buddy never knew his parents. His mother died at childbirth, and his father was long gone by the time he was born- or at least that's what his stepmother told him. A young woman with a child of her own had taken him in when she'd heard of his mothers passing. She had taken care of his mother during her pregnancy, she told him, they were close. The woman had a daughter twelve years older than Buddy. Her name was Mercury, but many preffered to call her Mary. Buddy called her Mercy, due to her merciuful nature. The three of them lived in poverty, in the outskirts of the kingdom, in a villiage named mountainmoss.

Mercy and Buddy were very close, which their mother apreciated. Mercy would take care of Buddy so often that she blurred the line between sister and mother sometimes. She taught him all about the wildlife that took refuge in the walls and garden of their old worn out home. When Buddy was eight years old, Mercy took the position of royal scientist. She now had her own huge lab, which Buddy would visit often. She was offered a house as well, but she didn't accept the offer until her mothers passing 3 years later, as her mother refused to move out of their old home, saying she had to take care of the garden, and that the house held too much sentimental meaning for her. When their mother died, Mercy took Buddy to live with her. Her new home was much closer to the lab, which meant Buddy could spend all day at the lab, because returning home took only a minute walk. Mercy kept teaching him through the years. When Buddy turned nineteen, he took the job of royal scientist beside his sister.

So much to ask, so little to answer.

Occupation: Royal Scientist

Buddy started to resent the royalty the more time he spent around the queen. Mercy had adjusted easily to the formal atmosphere, despite coming from the same background as him. Growing up as a girl, Mercy had been taught to be propper from a young age, while Buddy was never punished for his rough and tough behaviour until becoming the royal scientist. The queen obviously liked Mercy better, even going as far as to treat her with affection at times. At first, Buddy wasn't jealous. He didn't care much for the queens opinion until it became obvious that he was close to being fired after his four years of service.

Buddy grew frantic in his efforts to create something so special that it would save his career. He couldn't take the idea of losing what he had. He couldn't handle the thought of going back to the house where his mother died. In his panic, he created what he would call "metamorfoz". It was a forced metamorphosis that would work only on mammals. The formula would over time turn the infected person into a lzard-like creature. His original goal was for the Metamorfoz to give humans tougher skin that was similar to scales.

He needed test subjects to perfect his mixture, but he knew no one would come willingly. Even worse, if he killed a test subject, he would be banished. So he kidnapped three people he thought no one would miss. The people he kidnapped were from his mothers villiage. The villiage had gone almost silent after his mothers death. Everyone there had seemingly been stuck in mourning. Her gravestone didn't go a single day without flowers.

Of course, the very night that Buddy kidnapped his three experimentation victims, Mercy discovered them in the lab. At first, she panicked, but Buddy quickly reassured her that they were there willingly. Over time, Buddy manipulated her into believing that the experiments were their shared project. He hated himself for it at first, but as time went on, he became used to using her. After a few months of this, Mercy decides it's enough. She begs Buddy to set them free, pleading that she will take all of the blame as long as they're safe, but by now the three test subjects are a mangled parody of their original selves. He tells her that there is no turning back, that no matter what they do, she will be blamed at least as much as he is, because she's been the scientist for longer. The same night, Mercy disappears

As soon as Mercy is reported missing by Chase, the first place they check for her is the lab, which the no one besides Mercy and Buddy had seen ever since Buddy became a royal scientist. The experiments are discovered, and Buddy is banished as he thought he would be, so in revenge he spreads the metamoırfoz before he leaves.

If only you just stopped asking.

Current Life: Ex Scientist

A month after his banishment, he returns to the kingdom one last time to infect the prince personally, hoping the queen would be infected as well. His plan doesn't go through well however, as he sees the prince outside of the kingdom only the next day. The prince tells him that he used to be the prince, but was banished for his illness. He tells Buddy that he doesn't remember much else from his past life. Buddy decides that he will call the prince "Prince". He doesn't want Prince to remember anything of his old life, so he is careful to never mention names that Prince hasn't said before. After a short while, Prince calls Buddy "Buddy" as Buddy never tells him his real name.

With his new found freedom, Buddy continues his experiments, though they can't really be called experiments anymore, since he has no subjects. Still, he continues his studies, with the help of sometimes being able to use Prince as his subject, as long as he doesn't make his intentions obvious.

Even as he'd never intended anything between himself and the prince, he can't help but adore him. The two end up as lovers. Buddy doesn't care to ever think about how he's tried to kill Prince before. It's in the past, he'd argue if you brought it up. Plus, it lead to them being together anyways.

But you just can't give it up.

Great Vacation

"Out in the garden, there's some things you hid away - But there's no where left to hide, someone's sure to find it." "Dear mister thoughtless, there's things you shouldn't say, for the judge can hear you, and it soon will be your day"

The garden is where Mercy taught Buddy everything she could have when they were just kids. He took most of his steps in that same garden. As his mentor, his teacher, and his sister, Mercy feels responsible for keeping Buddy safe, no matter what horrible crimes against morality he may commit.

"But the papers just won't print it, and the TV just won't air."

No one would listen to Buddy trying to explain himself, out of fear that his experiments might inspire others if anyone were to learn about it. While lots of the soldiers agree that his cause is understandable, they all agree that the ends wouldn't justify the means. So, again, they didn't let Buddy have public word in his trial.



Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem doloribus nesciunt commodi sequi, recusandae qui suscipit. At quidem quo odit saepe quaerat inventore nam odio alias, doloribus reiciendis eius molestias?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Illum assumenda labore totam enim, iusto soluta dolorum eveniet qui rem tenetur accusamus praesentium? Modi similique numquam fugiat nulla, in recusandae omnis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorem perspiciatis dolores, eos illum omnis nihil sint odio ullam inventore nesciunt neque? Nobis ex laudantium ut numquam doloribus pariatur qui dolores! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae nemo consectetur facilis dicta numquam! Exercitationem, reiciendis. Libero ipsam, dolorem esse neque doloribus adipisci laborum odit blanditiis distinctio quisquam perferendis iure?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis labore neque quaerat! Dolor quia fugit iste assumenda. Accusamus facere praesentium unde quaerat eligendi, commodi ex quisquam quibusdam, voluptates, ad voluptatibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim provident ad itaque necessitatibus. Accusamus nisi numquam exercitationem iste non similique deserunt tenetur voluptatem eum! Et voluptatibus iusto exercitationem aperiam commodi.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem doloribus nesciunt commodi sequi, recusandae qui suscipit. At quidem quo odit saepe quaerat inventore nam odio alias, doloribus reiciendis eius molestias?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Illum assumenda labore totam enim, iusto soluta dolorum eveniet qui rem tenetur accusamus praesentium? Modi similique numquam fugiat nulla, in recusandae omnis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorem perspiciatis dolores, eos illum omnis nihil sint odio ullam inventore nesciunt neque? Nobis ex laudantium ut numquam doloribus pariatur qui dolores! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae nemo consectetur facilis dicta numquam! Exercitationem, reiciendis. Libero ipsam, dolorem esse neque doloribus adipisci laborum odit blanditiis distinctio quisquam perferendis iure?


Or anything else you can think of. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis labore neque quaerat! Dolor quia fugit iste assumenda. Accusamus facere praesentium unde quaerat eligendi, commodi ex quisquam quibusdam, voluptates, ad voluptatibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim provident ad itaque necessitatibus. Accusamus nisi numquam exercitationem iste non similique deserunt tenetur voluptatem eum! Et voluptatibus iusto exercitationem aperiam commodi.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem doloribus nesciunt commodi sequi, recusandae qui suscipit. At quidem quo odit saepe quaerat inventore nam odio alias, doloribus reiciendis eius molestias?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Illum assumenda labore totam enim, iusto soluta dolorum eveniet qui rem tenetur accusamus praesentium? Modi similique numquam fugiat nulla, in recusandae omnis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorem perspiciatis dolores, eos illum omnis nihil sint odio ullam inventore nesciunt neque? Nobis ex laudantium ut numquam doloribus pariatur qui dolores! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae nemo consectetur facilis dicta numquam! Exercitationem, reiciendis. Libero ipsam, dolorem esse neque doloribus adipisci laborum odit blanditiis distinctio quisquam perferendis iure?

  • Buddy is autistic! No other trivia for him at the moment.

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