

6 years, 5 months ago




Age26 y/o
BirthdayJune 30th
homeWyllt, Coddwig


+ Caring | Colorful | Creative | Daring | Enthusiastic | Observant | Spontaneous +
~ Curious | Romantic | Dreamy | Emotional | Surprising ~
- Dependent | Naive | Obvious -

「 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 」
「 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 」
「 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Painting and drawing
 Tall men
 Candies and pastries
 Love stories
 Pretty clothes and shopping 


Cat calling
Windy days
People who don't knock first
Sleeping on his own
Being cold
Bloody meat
Spicy food


「 He coos when he's happy, which almost sounds like short purr. 」
「 He hides a lot of spicy romantic books in his bedroom and bag. 」
「 After he has painted something, he's always covered in paint. 」
「 He got into clay sculpting recently and absolutely loves it, even though it can get very messy. 」
「 Like most "pure" fairies, he has the ability to become very small, like a pixie. 」

「 He always sleeps holding the biggest pillow available, as he doesn't like sleeping on his own, when he's not home. 」
「 He has a little sketchbook in which he draws lots of hot scenes from books he reads... 」


TW: Kidnapping, Death.

「 Félix was only a baby when he was found by slavers, in the street, in Coddwig. His mother had died trying to protect him from these kind of people ever since she had been chased by them to be sold and separated from her baby. The poor woman was homeless and after days without eating anything, she passed away holding her crying baby.
The two slavers brought the little fairy to their boss, leaving the body to be found later on by guards.
But before they could get to their ship with the baby and leave for Al Momona, they were arrested by guards who had discovered their trickery.
The fairy was brought to an orphanage where he received good care for about a year before a very kind woman adopted him.
Her name was Anna. A dryad.
The very first time she got to hold him, he laughed and smiled at her. Which is why he's named Félix.
She was very sweet and took good care of this child.
Thanks to her, Félix had a very great childhood. No paternal figure, but Anna had a lot of good friends in her village. So the little one sort of grew with a very big family, since everyone was so fond of him. He quickly showed interest in art and Anna encouraged him.
The kid was very creative and his mother very proud of his creations. Proofs are the drawings and paintings still hanging on the walls in their home.

Age 13, Félix experienced his very first relationship with a little elf of their village who was his age. The two boys loved each other very much, but as many kid's love story, it didn't last long. Anna was still very supportive and encouraged him.
Yes, love was hard to find, but he had plenty of time...

Age 15, another relationship with a guy 2 years older than him. It was very nice, until he got his very first heat.
He fled the boy as soon as he realized it and Anna took good care of him, giving him medicines.
They broke up shortly after that, as the other was only interested in a physical relation.

Age 17, another one of those boars who was only after the pretty boy's body.
When he realized that, Félix told him he wanted to break up and almost got slapped. But hopefully, the guy's big brother was there and stopped him.

Age 18... that same guy's brother confessed to the little guy.
He was very different than his younger brother and was very patient.
During his heat, he remained calm and supportive.
They stayed together for about 4 years before they broke up.
Because the other guy realized he was more into girls in the end and grew bored to wait for him to give him his virginity... to Félix's misfortune.

The poor boy was left heartbroken after that event.
Anna was there for him the whole time. Helped him move on and get back on his feet.
So after months of cries and sadness, he was finally able to go out again.

22 years old and it was about time he became independant.
He had hard time leaving Anna, but he knew it was needed. And if he wanted to really move on, he had to leave the small village he's always been living in since Anna brought him home.
He started to travel around Coddwig a little. He was able to defend himself with magic and thanks to his ability to turn into a pixie, as some bad guys tried to capture him or hurt him on his way...

Age 26, he finally decided to settle in the capital, Wyllt. He had been able to sell enough artworks during his journey to be able to buy himself a little sweet home. Near the marketplace, Félix sells his pieces here every other day, making friends in the meantime.
And hoping he'd find "The One", as in many books he's read, over and over again... 」

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