


1 year, 10 months ago


nothing fades like the light


Name Felix Malachai Maydove
Called Felix, or "Fee"
Age 400s?
Gender Trans male (he/him)
Race High Elf / Aasimar
Class Druid (Cowboy)
Alignment Chaotic Neutral


  • Friendly
  • Goofy
  • Mysterious
  • Strong


  • Caring for animals
  • Cinammon whiskey
  • Evening rides
  • Baking

Former choir boy and undercover rogue, present day cowboy, Felix is Feren's older brother. He's overtly friendly toward everyone, and is overall a pleasant guy to be around. He enjoys visiting the tavern near his home - a ranch outside of Lunar Crest, where he keeps and raises various animals and mythical creatures to rent out and harvest from. He became a cowboy to escape his painful past, that of which he tries to keep under wraps and push away from his current image. Felix also speaks in a southern drawl, which is, well, faked. He'd never let that slip, though.

Despite not being around when Feren was born, Felix now takes pride in his little brother who now lives with him. He loves to annoy him by being lovingly overbearing, as well as spoiling him a bit in their parents' stead. He is close to the kings of Lunar Crest, as well as the alicorns of the Isle of Equestria.



First son to Evangeline and Florence Maydove, Felix was a bright and happy elfling. Loved dearly by both his parents within the confines of the Great Goldhelm Temple. He was raised a bard, a choir boy of sorts, who sang hymns praising the Great Golden Dragon, deity of their corner of Arcadian land. Unknown to Felix, his mother Evangeline was this same deity.

Around maturity, Felix began to notice changes in his father's behavior. Once a gentle, fragile soul, now occassionally lashed out at his family unexpectedly. He appeared weaker and frailer than usual, like it was a sickness or disease. Felix took it upon himself to find some sort of answers to his father's mysterious illness by travelling to the Underdark to meet with elites of vast knowledge. He knew it was a dangerous trip, and his mother advised him not to go - but Felix had watched her endlessly struggle to heal Florence to no avail. There was no other choice, in his eyes.

The Maydoves, with a known history of rivalry with the violent Almariths, are not allowed in the Underdark. Felix takes on a rogue-like persona to infiltrate - he must find the elites headquarters without getting too close to the Almarith manor. Luckily, one of those elites (Valor), finds Felix, and leads him to their hideout. Unfortunately for Felix, he is told that there is possibly no cure for his father's "disease", and is more likely being influenced by the fallen deity, Mal. Refusing to believe such a thing would ever befall a Maydove, he thanks the elites for their time and attempts to look elsewhere for answers.

Even more unfortunately for Felix, on his way out, he is apprehended by none other than Zenra, and taken to the Labyrinth for trespassing. There, he is kept for a number of years, being treated as Zenra's personal plaything to torment and torture as he sees fit. It's here that he also meets Larken, who is suffering from a different, but similar prison-like fate.

Once Calamity strikes and Zenra is sent to Pandemonium, both Felix and Larken are able to escape their imprisonment in the chaos and aftermath of the explosion. Felix, with unfinished business, decides not to follow Larken to the Isle of Equestria, and instead opts to spend another number of years travelling in a desperate attempt to find another cure for Florence. Lonely, dirty, and in denial about the possibility that his father may be possessed by the shadow devil, he stops at a tavern where he finds unfortunate news of his mother's passing. When he makes his way back to the crumpled remains of Goldhelm, he finds his father in a state of dissaray, clutching a large golden egg.

He stays in Goldhelm for awhile to help rebuild - but his father is only getting worse. There's less and less of the man he used to know, and more and more of a violent stranger with no grasp left on reality. It isn't long before Felix, once again, leaves home.


After leaving a second time, Felix soon learns of the birth of his little brother, Feren. Until he returns, he's furious at the idea of his father having another child with someone other than Evangeline. Once arriving, however, he learns that Feren had hatched from that golden egg from years ago. How this is possible is completely unknown to Felix. The visit doesn't last long, and for a moment, Felix considers taking the elfling with him. Ultimately, he decides against it, and leaves once again.

Felix finally finds a place to call home - a ranch he established on the countryside outside of Lunar Crest. There, he trades and rents out horses and pegasi. He also has cows, chickens, and sheep for harvesting and trading. At this point, he's remade his image, entirely embracing the rancher and cowboy lifestyle and aesthetic, completely disconnected from his psuedo-royal family.

Eventually, Feren shows up at his door. By request of their father, Feren was sent to the ranch as partly disciplinary action, partly Feren's own request. So long as Feren stays with Felix, he is to attend magic study with Silas the Sage in order to better hone his power. Felix welcomes him with open arms, despite never truly meeting him as a grown person. Despite getting along relatively well, their relationship is strained, and they are still both keeping many, many secrets.


  • He has many regrets about his past that he keeps hidden from everyone in his life. This manifests into deep depression that he also attempts to hide.
  • He'll extend a helping hand to anyone in need - after a background check, of course.
  • He has a gap in his teeth where he likes to keep sweet-grass to chew on.
  • His favorite meal consists of beans, mashed potatoes, and cornbread.
  • Kind of sort of desperately in love with an alicorn.



Feren [ little brother ]

While living together, Feren and Felix have warmed up to one another, and Felix spoils him and treats him well. However, the strain from familial drama and underlying issues still drives a wedge between them, as well as Felix being dishonest about his life that Feren never knew.


Florence [ father ]

While still living with his parents, Felix noticed the changes in his father's behavior before anyone else. This jumpstarted him to travel the Underdark in search for a cure to his father's mysterious condition, only for Felix to come back post-Calamity - his mother perished and his father completely gone mad. Their relationship continues to be soured.


Larken [ partner ? ]

After meeting in the Underdark and sharing each other's pain, Felix and Larken go a long time without being able to contact one another. With Felix essentially on the run during calamity clean-up, he's unable to make it anywhere near the Isle of Equestria. He laments much during this lonely time, having convinced himself he was more or less in love. However, after acquiring the ranch, he finds Larken again, and they now have time to catch up.