Kitsune of Nippon



1 year, 10 months ago


This is a fictional world based on the video game Okami and Japanese myths.

Zenko - the foxes of Inari

  • Most zenko are white with red markings or more uncommonly black with silver markings. Other colors have been observed but very rarely. What kind of markings they have depends on their birth region.
  • 3 tails are the most common but up to 5 is not unusual.
  • Most zenko keep their orb inside their bodies; not doing so is considered classless and in poor taste.
  • Zenko have a very stubborn society, they like tradition and look down on those who fall outside of their ways. Despite claiming to be above such behaviour, they will harass those they feel don't fit in.
  • These foxes are mostly solitary beings, only gathering for important events. Some form family clans that stick to their shrines; though this has only been noted among large and well visited shrines.
  • While zenko can transform, they prefer to stay in their fox form.
  • Many have "manes" that often look similar to their humanoid forms hair style.
  • Some zenko will curse others for slighting them but often in ways that teaches a moral lesson to that individual. They prefer to reward users of their shrines with blessings and shun those who do not follow the kami.
  • Many zenko have a materialistic side to them, taking great pride in the appearance of their shrines. Hence why those who donate large sums of money or new items (e.g. statues) are blessed even if their actions are not of pure intentions.

Nogitsune - the wild fox spirits

  • Most have red or brown colored pelts. Markings and color are depended on genetics.
  • 2 tails are the most common amount.
  • More prideful nogitsune have flashy decorations around their orb which is mostly found secured to their tail. Young foxes also fall into this behaviour in an attempt to gain respect from their peers, however the older foxes just mock them for it. Youngsters often just throw on whatever is colorful and bright, even if the ending result is horrible to the eyes.
  • These foxes do have clothing fashions that go in and out of style, normally with whatever is popular amongst humans. It is not strange to see a fox with a nice kimono or silk fabrics wrapped around themselves. Provided they have the ability to protect these items from jealous kitsune.
  • While some are prone to mischievous acts, others are malicious and enjoy tormenting who ever they can. Their targets are mostly humans but other yokai have been known to be harassed as well. Usually it ends in death.
  • Nogitsune have a power based system, the more powerful and old a fox is the more respect they earn. The weak are mocked relentlessly and the young are considered nuisances. 
  • While some prefer to be alone, it has been known that many nogitsune form social circles or small communities, often lead by the most powerful individuals. Sometimes though, these leaders feel threatened by foxes who posses the ability to become more powerful than them and they will often have these promising foxes killed off in various ways. These nogitsune jealously guard their high status in their society and even seek high standing among humans as well to sate their egos. Not all are like this though.
  • Nogitsune often transform into various forms be it for personal gain, for some fun or even because they feel like it.
  • To slight a nogitsune is to court disaster. These foxes never forgive or forget. Just cursing the one who angered them is sometimes not enough and their vengeance can go on for generations, causing countless tragedies. Even places can be cursed often resulting in poor crops harvests, misfortune, housing falling apart and even attracting dangerous yokai to the location.

Tenko - 9 tailed foxes

  • There are few recorded instants of tenko, fewer more of nogitsune becoming tenko.
  • Tenko live in seclusion and rarely ever interact with the world.
  • These foxes are extremely powerful with some having abilities to warp reality itself. They are wise creatures and through meditation can learn almost anything. It is because they are so powerful that they stay away from others; believing that their immense power makes meddling in the world dangerous and would attract the attention of ill willed people.
  • Many tenko wear masks as a symbol of their detachment from the world.
  • Tenko no longer care for petty things such as social status and species, they become completely neutral beings who care only about learning more and being at peace with themselves and the world.


  • The number of tails a kitsune gets is determined at birth. 
  • Zenko are mostly female with males being somewhat rare while nogitsune have an even gender split. Birth rates are also very low amongst the zenko.
  • Zenko gain a tail for every 1000 years while nogitsune gain one every 100 years. Zenko also have exceedingly long life spans compared to the nogitsune.
  • These 2 types of kitsune do not get along. Nogitsune think zenko are stuck up and zenko in turn think they are savages. 
  • Nogitsune can be "raised up" into zenko by a tenko or by the kami. This is the case with Chinatsu when she died as a cub and was later found in her spirit form by a tenko. However it is beyond rare for it to occur as tenko keep to themselves and the kami do not like to interfere with the world.
  • Despite kitsune being known as spirits, they are not. They have mortal bodies. When zenko die they go to the land of the kami, becoming messengers that bridge the gap between the kami and their shrines. When Nogitsune die they pass on to the world of darkness, the afterlife. However those with powerful emotions can linger on in the living world just like any other spirit.
  • All kitsune have the ability to see and speak with spirits.
  • Zenko and nogitsune have many differences just by color alone but also have physical differences such as their tails and body type with zenko being slim and having long tails and nogitsune being bulkier and having short, bushy tails. Even their skulls are shaped differently. Since they are so different it only opens the gap between the two species further. 

Hoshi no tama

  • All kitsune have a hoshi no tama, a special jewelled orb that houses their powers. If they store the orb inside their bodies the orb is safe but the kitsune is weaker. If they keep their orb outside their body they have more power but the orb is vulnerable.
  • Those orbs can be magically manipulated into having holes for ropes to pass through, it does not damage the orb.