


1 year, 11 months ago


Scott Keats

Nicknames Scotty (Maud)

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 22

Nationality American

Birthday November 9th 1998

Height 6'2

MM Song Little Pistol

HTML Pinky


Scott is Vincent’s half brother! They have different moms, so Scott didn’t inherit any psychic powers. He compensates for it by being the best at everything he does. Growing up, he always lived in the shadow of his younger brother. This made Scott resent Vincent. At the age of 17, his dad and stepmom got a divorce and Scott and Vincent were separated. Scott forgot about his brother and moved on with his life. Fresh out of college, at the age of 21, Scott was offered a job in the deep state. After about a year there, he was assigned the job of traveling to Dead Fish Lake and “silencing” Beatrice for what she had been posting online about the town. Thanks to Maud and Owen, his mission didn’t go as planned. To rub salt in the wound, his long lost brother that he had completely forgotten existed lived in Dead Fish Lake, too. Now that he was stuck there, Maud forced him to stay out of trouble and got him a job at the local gas station. Scott has always been a master of manipulation and mind games. His go-to victim is always Beatrice, who believes everything he says. Scott’s only real interest is magic, and he’s very good at doing tricks!


Magic tricks

He's good at mind games.

Messing with Beatrice

Beatrice believes every word that comes out his mouth, so he tricks her into believing crazy shit like flat earth theory. He thinks it's VERY funny.

Working out

His way of blowing off steam.


He collects them.


Owen and Vincent

He just can't stand the both of them for different reasons.


They're "too needy" and "keeping animals is against nature" he says.

Stupid people

He will not talk to you if he feels you're not intelligent.


She scares him.







Beatrice is the closest thing Scott has to a friend. She's blinded by the fact that he's a cool deep state agent, so she continues to stick around despite him being the worst. Scott doesn't mind keeping her around because she's gullible and easily impressed. She boosts his ego. Also, their friendship pisses Owen and Vincent off. So it's a win-win for him.



Fuck that guy

Scott just sees Owen as an emo douchebag who always gets in his way. They disliked each other from the moment they met and in just the short time they've known each other, they've gotten into many fights. Scott usually wins but has admitted that Owen puts up a good fight. Scott also shot Owen in the arm once, just cause he could.



Half Brother

Scott used to be best friends with his brother, but after Vincent became a famous psychic, Scott's life kinda fell apart. He couldn't spend time with his brother anymore and his parents were always too busy with Vincent to pay attention to him. Scott resents Vincent and blames him for most of his problems.